Saturday 29 September 2012

Bye $99 Earphones

Well there goes my Marshall earphones. $99 and only lasted my four months, so maybe I was a little rough with it, but I am rough with all my earphones, my Audio Technica ones probably survived the longest and the shortest being Sony.

Got myself a pair of earphones from a brand I've never heard of. The only reason I bought it was because it came in a metal box. Cost me $41. Not cheap but one of the less expensive quality looking earphones... once again I'm assuming that because of the packaging.
Gavio Gruuve Gazz. Groove Gas?

I've learnt my lesson and avoided getting a white one because everything I buy white will turn off white because the dirt and oil I produce from my body will create a protective layer on the product. So I got a brown one, the protective layer created by my dirt and oil won't even be noticeable ten years down the line.

Did quite a bit of baking over the last 2 days, it was terrible. Tried altering the recipe for a white cake that I actually found online that's actually really good, makes really soft and fluffy cake, but I don't know what the hell happen in the process of combining all the ingredients together, everything started curdling and I thought baking it would fix everything but it didn't. So depressing and as if one failure wasn't enough, I tried making cookies before that and it also failed.

Toll House cookie recipe suck balls, the cookie dough is bloody wet unlike Ina Garten's cookie recipe. Of course being the moron that I am, I decided to take a leap of faith and chuck the wet cookie dough inside the oven, thinking that everything will be fine, but this isn't a Disney Movie and I didn't get my happy ending, that's why I chuck the cookies in the bin as a fuck you... but it's really a fuck me because baking isn't a cheap hobby.

I hate recipes that don't work, give me false hope with the pretty pictures and also waste my money, whenever I see shitty recipes that have positive response, I get a bit annoyed, out of like 10 response complaining about the dryness of the cake, suddenly one pops up saying how it's the best cupcake recipe ever, how it came out fluffy and moist. 90% are complaining about dryness and suddenly got 10% telling us it's the best recipe ever, I'm pretty sure that person's just typing it for the sake of typing, It's like trolling, reverse psychology style. Or maybe it's the person who created the recipe who wrote that. Like how I click my own Nuffnang ads in the past to earn some money.

It's weird how when I can't seem to bake a successful batch of cupcakes and cookies, I can't create a proper batch of brownies. My last few attempts at making brownies failed, so that meant a lot of baking chocolate were wasted, which was pretty painful because baking chocolates are never cheap, the Cadbury Chocolate Block are like 1/2 the price of a baking chocolate, same size and those are the average tasting ones, the really good ones like Valrhona cost like 60 bucks for a bag, which I almost got but luckily was too cheap to actually go through with it.

Now I have a small batch of brownies sitting in the cake stand....

I like Instagram for giving me the ability to make my baked goods actually look decent.

I am blogging way too much about baking. Guess not having much of a life is the main reason.

 I actually heard this from someone a few days ago, that not going clubbing is akin to living a meaningless life. Well the reason he said that was because apparently some famous DJ that I've never heard before was apparently making a guest appearance. After hearing that, I don't know who to feel sorry for, us non clubbers or for him, who thinks clubbing makes life meaningful. 

He also found baking to be very "gay", which kinda offended me. I don't think he said it to offend me but it just rubbed me the wrong way. There are so many male bakers in the world, Pierre Hermes for example, the baker who opened Tiong Bahru Bakery is a male baker,  and PAUL Bakery because PAUL's a dude name and I'm trying to prove a point even if it makes me sound ignorant. 

I don't think any of them likes anal. 

*After some research, Paul Bakery really was open by a dude like a hundred years ago so I guess my level of ignorance isn't that high. 

Oh and I have corrected my blog banner. Yay!

Before~ Because I didn't bother to check....

After~ Because I can photoshop....

In fact I actually photoshopped the crumbs out from the cupcake. There were actually crumbs on the Swiss meringue butter cream that I made without a stand mixer, but I photoshopped it out. 

Like A Skilled Photoshop Noob.

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