Saturday 7 July 2012

Cupcakes again

It has been a while since I've read any books.

The last one I read was pretty bad. I didn't like it personally

Rant on the book... feel free to skip through.
Metro 2033.

It's a Russian book that's been translated into English, and it's set in this post apocalyptic world in which humans have been forced to live in the Underground Subway station, and since it's a Russian book, the story takes place in Russia. And the problem with the book for me starts here.

The Metro system in Russia is pretty big, so at the front of the book there's this subway map, the problem with this is that the stations are in their original Russian name, and they all look the same and sound the same, every time I read the main character going from one station to another, I can't keep track which station he's at, which is a real issue for me because I keep getting more confused when they refer back to the other stations he's been at.

Another thing I really dislike about the book is how all the other characters other than the main characters are so quickly written off, like they will be introduced in maybe chapter 10 and at chapter 12 they will be written off, initially I was keeping track of the characters and thinking they might reappear at later chapters, but as I progress along I realize new characters keep popping up and kept getting written off afterwards.

I couldn't stand reading that book after the middle portion I decided to download the game to get a better understanding visually of how the environment would look like and the game actually changed the subway names to English names instead of sticking to their Russian names so it was easier to keep track.... and that was a little problematic again because that would mean when I go back to the book the subways names that I've remembered in the game will be a different name in the book.

Terrible experience reading it, just extremely confusing, plus they had this one chapter discussing about the new political system in the subway and the history of how the power came about, I felt I was reading a history textbook.

So now I've stopped reading for a while because of that terrible experience.

Baked cupcakes again because I was bored. I don't like baking anything else until I've perfected what I'm currently baking, first was Macaron and now it's cupcake. It's really annoying because I end up wasting a lot of money buying the ingredients. Chocolate isn't a cheap baking ingredient... and I'm not going to settle for Phoon Huat.

Made Chocolate Cupcakes with my favorite Chocolate Cupcake Recipe.

"This batter is so good I could just lick the bowl clean."
Or grab a spoon and eat it like a bowl of melted ice cream... Yums.

Probably one of the best cupcake recipe I've found online because the batter is really chocolatey which means it's a huge pain in the ass to clean up afterwards because the batter is so thick and I have no intention of licking the batter off the bowls because that's what the sponge is suppose to be doing and I don't want to deny it the pleasure. Plus it's uncooked batter.

I love frosting. To frost not to eat the frosting.

I actually used Betty Crocker's frosting for this cupcake because I don't really like buttercream, the oiliness is very uncomfortable, as if there isn't enough oil secreting from my face, I need to smear more on my lips. I also don't really like the butter smell.

Twelve Cupcakes.

That being said, I do love the buttercream on Twelve Cupcakes. I'm guessing they use Crisco because they don't really have that buttery smell, or maybe Swss Meringue Buttercream.

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