Thursday 29 December 2011

Oreo Cupcake

After so long, I have finally made my first successful batch of Buttercream Frosting and it's actually good. I hate the smell of butter, I think it smells like sweaty socks, so I didn't really thought about frosting all the cupcakes, just a few because frosting is fun. 

But it was actually yummy, so I slap it on all the cupcake. And really, frosting 2 cupcakes isn't as much fun as frosting 6. And I also decided to be biased and slap one giant Oreo on one cupcake and make her the Poster Cupcake.

Cookies and Cream Oreo Cupcakes with Cookie and Cream Buttercream Frosting. 

I thought it was a nice picture, the outcome looked great, the Poster Cupcake looked like she was owning the shot, so I decided to Tweet it and also upload the picture on Facebook hoping someone will praise her. 

Poster Cupcake and her obnoxiously big Oreo Cookie

Nope, no one commented on her. It was a sad day for her and now while all her lesser cupcakes have been stripped and eaten up, she's in the fridge alone waiting for her frosting to harden.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Pretending to care.

Made more cupcakes over the week, more successful than the one I followed from the stupid cookbook.

Work's been pretty repetitive, standing at the gate for 6 hours straight, go back bunk rest for 6 hours and then standing at another gate for 6 hours again. I guess it's better than going to the jungle and getting mud and soil all over your uniform which has been drenched in not only your sweat but also the rainwater. Well that made me feel better, typing out that entire sentence of what would've been had I not been showing so much potential as a security guard.

Well the 6 hours aren't really that bad depending on where you are situated though. It's only bad if you are placed in an emplacement that has 2 people, and you get stuck with a person you don't really have any common topic to talk about.

Usually when I am talking to a friend, I can last pretty long, I mean my concentration level because it's probably that of a goldfish, or maybe several dozen of em. The amount of dry wit and sarcasm I can dish out in a conversation with friends can only last so long, after which I will just become really disinterested in the conversation, even if the topic is something I am interested in because all I want to do is to rest my mouth and stop talking.

But of course rather than being an ass and just look away and pretend the person is talking to some ghost standing behind me, I look interested, smile and repeat the last few words that person just said with a "No Way~ I didn't know that!" expression.

Just a few days ago I was stuck guarding the gate with some guy, and initially we were talking about games which I am a fan of, but for some reason the conversation became about Cars, which I honestly don't give a fuck about AT ALL. I mean I didn't even bother to download Pixar Cars even though I am a fan of Pixar.

He went on and on about racing in Malaysia, how bad ass of a driver his Uncle is and something about driving on some lane and making some tight turns, which in my head I'm already picturing of some really A list blockbuster scene with sparks and shit, he didn't exaggerated anything, I had to make my mind do the exaggeration for my mental images otherwise I think I will die of boredom.

GuardBuddy : "And he made a tight turn, like super tight turns at the last lane, he squeezed between 2 cars."


It was a very long night. 

Luckily I only had to do 3 hours with him and not the normal 6 hours. I mean he's a nice guy, but the moment you start talking about cars is the moment my mind switches off. I don't care if you have a million horsepower in your trunk or you have bass stereo speakers built into your car wheels or whatever diamond encrustation  you have on your passenger seats, God bless their buttocks. The only thing I know about a car is that it drives you from point A to point B and I would like to own one so I don't have to take 2 hours to get home every 2 days from camp. 

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Welcome to the new blog

Well I've decided to change my blog address to something more fitting. This is a blog with more words than pictures and thus the name, it's also partly because I can't take my old blog name back.

Too lazy to do it.

Anyhow, let me introduce you to....
Exhibit A

Cupcake. Failed Miserably

As pretty as the cupcake would look with frosting, it's bad news for you tastebud. What's suppose to be a sweet moist and rich chocolate cupcake is really just a flat brown baked "treat" with a grey gooey center of undercooked batter that leaves your taste palette begging for a scrub down of Listerine.  It's pretty bad, I know I am not apt at making macarons but this failed creation is not my fault.

I tried out making Martha Stewart's cupcake, they came out edible. I made Red Velvet Cupcake from some internet recipe online, that one was actually nice to eat. So it's not my fault, it's the damn recipe from the cookbook my Sis bought for my Mum.

I'm not even blaming the oven, that's how bad the recipe is.

Okay there's no Exhibit B, A already came out like that, who knows what will happen if I were to follow another recipe from the book. Oh gawd imagine the consequences. People will see the pictures online, their eyes will get so fouled by the image it will retract back into their socket, their tongue will curl up in objection. Their nose won't be affected because the cupcake smells decent, but they will become so distraught they might end up becoming suicidal and what the mayans predicted will come true.


My second PSP, thinner, brighter and lighter, just like me before NS.

It's a good buy because the Army actually makes reading a book fun, imagine what playing a already fun entertainment device like the PSP would be like in camp, it would be like taking drugs and going high. And would you imagine what it would be like to take drugs in camp and go high? You'd get charged and get send to a Detention Barrack.