Thursday 8 July 2010


Today was kind of a piss day for me because today I found a lecturer in my class that I can really resent.

For every year there will be this lecturer in class that will act like a complete bag of shit during the examination period, previously it was guys, both of whom were part timers, this year it's no different, except this time, it's a female part time lecturer.

For today's lesson, it was mainly a consultation period, which is simply a way of showing the lecturers the work we have done so far, for them to check our progression and to give us advice on how to move forward, it's like a very light discussion in a way.

For the past 2 years, consultations have always been very straightforward and very relax, even the tough lecturers soften up to actually give proper advice, but this year, this part timer decided to go into bitch mode all the way, even though it's just a consultation. I was actually feeling pretty positive about my work, so I got to the consultation table pretty relax, thinking everything will be alright....I couldn't be more wrong.

Number 1 response I got from one of the full time lecturer was...

"I am not going to be a part of this."

after loooking at my graphs....whilst laughing to not appear too rude, due to my lack of graphs and research stuff, which I understand.... understand that she's feeling tired and can't be bothered with me. That response apparently triggered the part-timer to switch on Bitch mode and she started asking me some really fucked up questions....

"Why is your graph like that? Why is your model like that? I can't see the connection? What's the connection?" a single sentence, she was able to squeeze in multiple questions, and so I explained what the whole thing was about, stuttering a little bit here and there because when you shoot so many questions at me, it's hard to remember what the hell you want from me. After answering the questions, she starts blabbering some crap which I couldn't absorb because at that point I was actually starting to feel really really pissed off, and then she starts asking again...

"I can't see the connection, what does this represent? Whay is it like that?"

...and I answer her questions yet again., only to have her shoot back the same questions, it started to become this vicious cycle of "Why? Why? Why?".... and no matter what I answered back she just replied with a "Why?" question.


If you have nothing positive or contructive to say, just shut the fuck up for pete sake. That lecturer got me so pissed off I was not able to absorb anything from the other lecturers. It's a consultation not a critique period, I don't need to hear any useless negative stuff that will just keep me daunted for the next few hours, like seriously, rather than giving proper encouragement she just sits there are points at this and that and breaks the student's ego.

It's so much easier if she just flips me off in the beginning and then shut the hell up for the entire consultation.

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