Friday 23 July 2010


I decided to actually give myself a break today from school work because for the past week or so I've been busy cutting my cardboard, which I am actually really surprised, at how hardworking I am.

My fingers are actually in pain and it feels a little sore to bend, my pinky is essentially screwed up because its been going through this molting process since my attachment, the fingerprints there are all gone and I am worried that the police might think that I have done something bad and thus leading me to decide burning off my fingerprints, which I don't really see the point because burning away your fingerprints only make you more suspicious.

Played a little Aion, like a few hours during each interval. Total of 4 intervals I think, the only thing that is stopping me now is the maintenance, which is actually a good thing for us gaming addicts, but like how a kid treats a parent who scolded them for their own good, we get pissed off when you stop us from playing too much. If I were to be born in China I would probably die because they limit everyone from excessive gaming.

I am probably going to start cutting again tomorrow and start saying goodbye to my currently functioning index finger that might cease to function in 3 days time. I mean the cardboard, not my wrist.... yet.

Monday 19 July 2010


I guess today is probably the only day I will be so free for the following weeks to come, before the onslaught of projects that will be throwned at me. Technically it's only 1 project, but I like to exaggerate things to make myself look like a hardworking and pitiful design student.

My weekend was spend cutting cardboards, I was literally cutting cardboards from morning to night on Saturday and Sunday, I have never felt more hardworking, I am not even kidding. I wasn't really proud of the work because after 1 am, you just start to lose interest in cutting cardboards, you start thinking that your nails and the cardboards is the same thing, I actually cut my nails by accident with the cardboard, let's just say that at the end of the cardboard cutting mania, my left hand was begging to be spared and my right hand was asking for a swift death.

Here's a clearer explanation of what I was suppose to do, the objective of the excercise was to create a cardbaord model that measures 400mm x 400mm x 400mm created via stacking method, a single cardboard is 1mm thick, I only managed to make two 100mm high models.

Went to school with my cardboard model thinking it was a pretty good effort, even though I was extremely embarassed by it, it was chucked in my little paper bag that I brought along to hide my embarassment that had a pinch of effort in it, like a huge pinch, one that will make you gasp in pain. People were initially pretty amazed at the model because of the it's insane to cut and stack 100 pieces of white cardboard on each other, but one person decided to diss my model, which I do not appreciate one bit. I was a little upset and extremely pissed off.

How would you feel if someone decided to call your model one that has no effort put into it, despite having actually spend the entire week doing it?
I actually told people that I did a slipshot work as a joke because I am not exactly known to do very beautiful models, and people who use my own jokes against me are instantly blacklisted. You have no idea how blacklisted that person is right now in my notepad in my mind, he's so blacklisted crossing his fucking name has caused the whole notepad in my mind to tear into half.

So Fuck You Very Much!

After which I went to Carls Jr with a friend, like a real friend who wouldn't diss me just to make himself feel better. Carl's Jr is a burger joint that you go to if you feel like experiencing heaven for the first few minutes and then jump straight down to fast food hell.

After going halfway into the burger, I was pretty much struggling to even open my mouth to put the remaining burger in, there were tears in those moments of cheeseburger anguish. Looked at some phones after that because I lost mine, not as fun as I had imagined it would be. I did wished I would lose my phone once a long time ago so I would have a fantastic excuse to get a new one, and now that the dream has comed true, not so fun when you realise you are actually broke.

Oh well, I am guessing tomorrow is not going to be good at all thus I am going to enter Aion to escape from real life. It's like my real life is in Aion now, as a girl with super powers and no boobies. I forgot to adjust the boobs when I was creating her and yes, you can adjust the chest size. It was created for perverts like me, alright, get over it, even perverts needs to have their dreams realised once in a while, they're only human.

Saturday 10 July 2010


I thought I should share with the world something that happen to me a few days ago because I feel that it's time to tell people this.

I lost my cellphone on Thursday.

Feels so much better after letting that out, phew!

I feels like such an irresponsible father, to loose my cellphone without even realising it a day later because that's how often I use my phone, it can be ignored for days and even after days of ignoring it, the number of messages or miss calls I will recieved is very high up in the zeros.

What's worse is that the phone is pretty huge, in both size and price, so all the time I was thinking the chances of actually having the phone slip out of my pocket and not realising it, that is just not possible, in fact, that was just what I was thinking of Thursday in the bus where I dropped my phone, that it would be impossible for me to loose my phone without realising it dropped from my pocket.

It did....starting to hate you Murphy's Law. Well, I have hated Mr Murphy for a while now, so the hatred just got a lil deeper.

Chances of having someone in the bus giving the cellphone to the Bus Driver is also very unlikely, as someone who only purchase gorgeous phones, it's impossible not to have someone see the phone and not keep it, it's so precious it can only be destroyed in Mount Doom. 70% of the kids in the bus were primary school kids and I don't trust them I remember one stupid kick who was seated behind me was so busy jumping up and down on his chair I thought he was dry humping my seat.

I tried calling the damn phone a few times because I thought I might have misplaced it at home, which till now I am still thinking it might be somewhere in this house, hiding in a place where only hamsters will hide, before getting squashed by their owner's butt, but the stupid phone's battery only last for a day or 2 tops. Stupid battery life... so annoying. Worse thing is my Twitter and Facebook account is synced with that damn phone, so if anyone were to their hands on it, buy a charger and charge up my phone, they will have access to my Twitter and Facebook account, and my email too. As if getting my Aion account hacked didn't make me feel dirty enough, now I am going to feel like a geeky whore, feel so dirty.

When a person looses their cellphone in let's say the United States, they are actually able to call their service provider like AT&T and send an activation to their phone to completely disable their phone via the IMEI code, but in Singapore, all you can do is make a police report and hope that the person who took your phone sells it to a shop, have the shop alert the police and have the police catch the guy who sold your phone to pay a fine to the police and probably write you a 100 word long apology letter.

It's like a win win situation isn't it, the police gets money on your expense and you get a crappy apology letter of sorts. *thumbs up*

I am probably gonna get a new phone to feed my hunger of getting new phones, and this is an extremely good excuse to get a new phone, so thumbs up on that.

Thursday 8 July 2010


Today was kind of a piss day for me because today I found a lecturer in my class that I can really resent.

For every year there will be this lecturer in class that will act like a complete bag of shit during the examination period, previously it was guys, both of whom were part timers, this year it's no different, except this time, it's a female part time lecturer.

For today's lesson, it was mainly a consultation period, which is simply a way of showing the lecturers the work we have done so far, for them to check our progression and to give us advice on how to move forward, it's like a very light discussion in a way.

For the past 2 years, consultations have always been very straightforward and very relax, even the tough lecturers soften up to actually give proper advice, but this year, this part timer decided to go into bitch mode all the way, even though it's just a consultation. I was actually feeling pretty positive about my work, so I got to the consultation table pretty relax, thinking everything will be alright....I couldn't be more wrong.

Number 1 response I got from one of the full time lecturer was...

"I am not going to be a part of this."

after loooking at my graphs....whilst laughing to not appear too rude, due to my lack of graphs and research stuff, which I understand.... understand that she's feeling tired and can't be bothered with me. That response apparently triggered the part-timer to switch on Bitch mode and she started asking me some really fucked up questions....

"Why is your graph like that? Why is your model like that? I can't see the connection? What's the connection?" a single sentence, she was able to squeeze in multiple questions, and so I explained what the whole thing was about, stuttering a little bit here and there because when you shoot so many questions at me, it's hard to remember what the hell you want from me. After answering the questions, she starts blabbering some crap which I couldn't absorb because at that point I was actually starting to feel really really pissed off, and then she starts asking again...

"I can't see the connection, what does this represent? Whay is it like that?"

...and I answer her questions yet again., only to have her shoot back the same questions, it started to become this vicious cycle of "Why? Why? Why?".... and no matter what I answered back she just replied with a "Why?" question.


If you have nothing positive or contructive to say, just shut the fuck up for pete sake. That lecturer got me so pissed off I was not able to absorb anything from the other lecturers. It's a consultation not a critique period, I don't need to hear any useless negative stuff that will just keep me daunted for the next few hours, like seriously, rather than giving proper encouragement she just sits there are points at this and that and breaks the student's ego.

It's so much easier if she just flips me off in the beginning and then shut the hell up for the entire consultation.

Wednesday 7 July 2010


Recently my Aion account got hacked and I was extremely sad thus the lack of updates.

I was kidding about the sad part, getting my account hacked was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me since I stopped having a life.

The only fun thing that happen was the cyber-bullying that took place yesterday on Facebook among my Polymates, it wasn't so much of a case of bullying, sometimes people do stupid things and they just get what they deserved and in this case, the victim's extremely unreasonable comment got him into that mess, not going to say much because it was a very very long story, that single status post recieved over 160 comments within 4 hours, it was nuts. I didn't join in of course because it's not really my place to say anything.

I originally wanted to post something like...

Today, I found out half the class hates me...FML.

0 People Agrees that your Life Sucks : 160 People Thinks You Deserve It