Friday 1 January 2010

Another rant...

First it was my Pastry Kitchen Assistant who was pissing me off, once that was over and done with, with her quitting her job, it was my boss who kept barking at me to be faster, like his saliva was some kind of speed potion, which didn't work because it made me even more flustered , followed by my chef trainer and her anal standards... in a non-sexual way because I really can't be fuck about her sex life.... right now it's the hot kitchen cook who's ruining my work experience.

The problem I have with the hot kitchen cook is that I can't tell if he's joking or if he's being serious. One minute he will be joking with me telling me I have burnt something and asking me why while smiling, and the next he will be genuinely pissed off at me because I did not clean up my work space... and 5 minutes later he will become all friendly again.  Or he might mask his annoyance in a joking manner.


The alarm for the oven goes off and I was zoning out... but then suddenly I hear someone go...

"Act blur live longer right.... ACT BLUR LIVE LONGER! EH, ACT BLUR LIVE LONGER RIGHT!"

Turned out his baked rice was done and since I was nearby and did not respond to the ringing alarm, he decided to crescendo what he was saying so the entire kitchen could hear... and this was also during lunch time so there was a crowd of people out front as well. We are working in an open concept kitchen.... open concept sounds good for a house kitchen, a restaurant kitchen... not so much. When I have nothing to do and am just standing around,  the customers are going to see me just standing around which is why after that....

"Eh you got nothing to do right, help the hot kitchen cut onions."

......the sous chef decided to ask me to help the hot kitchen cook cut onions for the day and initially he was very friendly and telling me to be careful not to cut my thumbs, it's so fucking weird because he can be angry at you one minute and then be totally fine the next, so he leaves me to cut the onions while he went to the back of the restaurant to do some stuff.

When it was time to knock off from work, the sous chef decided to tell me to go back home and just leave the onions on the table for the next person to cut... and as I was about to leave, the hot kitchen cook enters the kitchen so I decided to just ask him if I should leave the onions here as instructed by the sous chef just to double confirm...

"So what do I do with this? Should I just leave it here?"

"Keep the onions, you put here for who? You do things can don't do halfway..."  and he was really pissed off..

"So where do I keep the chopped onions?"... it was my first time in the hot kitchen and I did not know how everything worked.

"Put in the fridge lah! Cover the bag and put it in the fridge"... and he sounded really annoyed when he told me that, like it was something I was suppose to know and I just wasted his precious time by asking such a stupid question.

Me asking him where to put the chopped onions is like a non-gamer asking a gamer which came first, the XBOX or the Dreamcast. They are genuinely clueless!... Don't get pissed off because I am asking you something that might potentially make your job harder in the not too distant future if I hadn't.

I am not actually pissed off at him for his attitude because I feel guilty that he has to cover my pastry kitchen when I am not around... which is a lot, but I am definitely glad that after this month, I won't be working in the same kitchen as him anymore.  Time to quit this restaurant and start looking for a job in an actual pastry shop.

The manager did beg for me to stay for a while longer, which is a completely different tune from when I first started.  The first few weeks I was there, all I heard from my chef trainer was them firing workers who couldn't commit, and now they are begging for people to stay because they are severely low on manpower. I said I would but would probably have to take that back soon since my working life there hasn't really gotten any better ever since my first weekend shift. Would really love to NOT have to go back there to work, but I will probably go back there as a customer one day.

First official job I had I left in less than 3 weeks, second one I am gonna leave in 2 months time, hopefully the third time's the charm.

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