Friday 1 January 2010


There's a saying that goes.... "The souffle doesn't wait for the customer, the customer waits for the souffle."

Well fuck my life because all I have been doing in the pastry kitchen is make souffles for customers, pancakes are suppose to be the main item but for some reason the souffles are selling out even faster... and what's worse is that everyone always orders the chocolate souffle, the one that's the most time consuming to make because for some reason, rather than using cocoa powder or have a chocolate premix prepared before hand, I have to melt the chocolate in the microwave in burst mode, which essentially means I am stuck at the microwave for a minute, taking out the chocolate every 10 seconds to stir it up so it melts properly before popping it back into the microwave.

We have 3 different flavours of souffles to make, vanilla, matcha and chocolate, arranged from easiest to make to "fuck you for ordering this".

It sounds easy at first, when I was first briefed on the items to make, since all I really have to do is incorporate a portion meringue into the premix base.  The only problem is the pastry kitchen is SEVERELY low on manpower, so all they have in the pastry kitchen is me, on a weekend, serving the weekend dinner crowd. It's so bad that the kitchen management had to send one culinary cook from the hot kitchen into the pastry kitchen to help me out.

Having one and a half pastry cooks in a kitchen preparing 3 different types of souffles, handling 3 different type of pancake orders and preparing a mix of other desserts under half an hour per customer that were flowing in like the hoover dam just broke is fucking impossible, the boss doesn't think so, because he kept rushing me like some fucking loan shark.

Boss:"Is souffle for table 3 ready?"

Me: "No, that's still going to take a while. I'm still preparing orders for the other tables before.... I will start on his.....(gets interrupted midway)"

Boss: "How long? can you hurry up, customer has been waiting for a very long time."  *annoyed and extremely impatient tone*

Hurry up? Hurry what up? The baking time? Are you dense? I'm already in the kitchen working my ass off, the last thing I need is someone coming in to rush me to "hurry up" , what do you think I've been doing this whole time? Sitting on the floor and drinking Tequila? I don't even have time to stop and drink a cup of water and you want me to "Hurry Up".

So what do you want me to do?  Prioritize his order so the customers before him can stay in the restaurant and await their orders for an extra hour, because the last few orders were literally served an hour after they were ordered.

Fuck off, if you want the customer to not wait so long, maybe you should step up your game and come in to help out the pastry side like the managers do instead of standing outside acting all high and mighty just because you are the boss. Fucked up, don't want the customers to wait then hire more fucking pastry cook instead of pushing the only one you have to the limit, or limit the number of customers entering the shop to accommodate your current lack of kitchen workers. And he kept coming in and interrupting my work flow, asking me to prepare this while I am in the middle of preparing something else.

You may be the boss of the restaurant but you are not the head chef of the kitchen, so unless you have some constructive criticism... you should just keep quiet and let me do my shit while you go apologize to the customer and just ask them to wait or cancel the order because it's overwhelming the shit out of me.

Even the chef trainer isn't pushing me to churn out orders faster, instead she is telling me to relax, do my orders as per normal and let the waiters tell the customers to wait a while longer. That's the difference between someone who knows how the kitchen works and someone who thinks he knows how the kitchen works....fucking ignorant,  even the waiters themselves can feel the tension in the pastry kitchen so I don't know how the boss can be so oblivious to the stress level I am at that he keeps adding it on. I almost had an anxiety attack, my hands were literally shaking and I didn't even realize how bad it was until one of the waiters pointed it out to me.

The thought of quitting has officially entered my mind yesterday after the attitude I received from the boss. I know kitchen work is tough, but this is not just tough, this is severely low on manpower, my initial schedule was to only work in the mornings and not on weekends, but because the chef trainer was having a hard time with the scheduling, I decided to just agree to her putting me on 3 consecutive shift that will have the highest number of customers dining in since she has been generally quite nice to me, and this is the thanks I get from the boss.

This is the last time I am going to work on a weekend, at this point I wouldn't even care if they fire me. All it takes is one person to ruin my whole work experience and today it was from the boss himself. I can now understand why the other full time pastry cook left.... not only under staff but also under appreciated by the boss.

One other reason I don't really respect the boss was because I have found out recently all the menu items served in his restaurants is a direct copy of the menu items served in another restaurant located in Plaza Singapura. The one in Plaza Singapura opened in 2012 and the one I am working in opened it's first branch in Malaysia in 2013.

I was actually trying to convince myself that it is just a coincidence in the beginning, but if you have to try so hard and convince yourself that is is, it probably isn't. I didn't want to point it out at first because the people I have been working with have been nice... to a certain extent, but I really didn't appreciate the boss attitude today so fuck it. There's definitely a case of plagiarism going on here.

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