Thursday 6 April 2023

Only a matter of time...

Now that the new Operations Manager has joined the company for about half a month now, I honestly still have no idea what his job responsibilities are. 

A lot of my colleagues don't have a good impression of him, my Store Manager pretty much despises him at this point but my Supervisor keeps telling me that he thinks the Operations Manager is a good person. Based on my personal interaction with him, he has been quite pleasant but you can sense he puts up a barrier between himself and the staff under him so he doesn't really feel approachable, which is why everyone gets bad vibes from him, especially my Store Manager, and I guess a lot of that has to do with the fact that even though she is suppose to be guiding him, he likes to pull rank and remind her that his position is higher that hers whenever she tries to delegate tasks to him.

The whole point of the company hiring the Operations Manager is so that my Store Manager can have someone step in and take some of the burden off her shoulders, because the full weight of the burden she had to carry was one of the key reason she had to her throw in her resignation letter in the first place, and now that my Supervisor is also currently serving out his 2 months notice and will be gone in May, there will be more responsibilities that will be floating around with no one to take charge of, responsibilities that I think the Operations Manager won't be taking over because "it's not part of his job scope".

Literally one knows what his job scope is because he is pretty much at the back office the entire day on his laptop, doesn't really seem to be doing much, and my Store Manager is now heavily regretting the decision of rescinding her resignation because what was promised to her by Upper Management isn't being delivered and not only is she required to continue doing the same shit she has been doing, now there is someone that is supposedly above her in rank who will be constantly in the store, breathing down her neck and pretty much everyone's neck in the store team whilst not really contributing to really lessen anyone's burden.

He feels like a really useless hire, but I guess Upper Management likes him so much that they are now treating the Store Manager like shit, which really goes to show what kind of company I am working in. When she threw in her letter, you were begging for her to stay, offering her increments and making promises to lessen her work load, telling her the company has learnt from their mistakes and won't commit them again, but then the moment she agrees to stay, you terminate our Supervisor, who has been a very vital player in the store since the day I join, hire an Operations Manager who is doing fuck all at this point, and then proceed to treat the Store Manager worst than before, the only thing that was promised and delivered was the better salary, everything else is still the same, if not worst than before.

My Customer Service colleague has also thrown in her resignation letter last night as well and she has also been a very important key player in the store, extremely reliable and works very well with the Supervisor, I asked her if the Supervisor's termination had anything to do with her decision to leave, she denied it but I believe it definitely played a part, but the bigger reason for her is due to the company's lack of appreciation for her. 

When she had her appraisal done 6 months ago, my boss only spoke to her for barely 10 minutes before he had to end it abruptly because he had another meeting to attend, she was told that he will continue it another time, but then that never happened, and the only reason why her appraisal overlapped with his meeting is because he was late for her appraisal. This is the kind of "appreciation" she gets from the main boss for actually doing a good job, since her appraisal was delayed indefinitely, she didn't get any increment, there was also no bonuses, and I learned from my Store Manager that my Customer Service colleague's pay is actually one of the lowest among everyone in the store, even though she is one of the most capable individual here.  

I had my own appraisal done 6 months ago because my Store Manager really fought for it and I was only given a $200 increment, an increment I should have received at least 4 months prior to that after I got promoted to the Visual Merchandiser. There was no discussion about any back pay during the appraisal, instead, I was told that my performance will be monitored for the next 6 months as if to say they are gonna observe and see if I am worth that $200 increment. 

My customer service colleague is just done with the company, she even told me she felt so much more free after she threw in her notice letter.  

My Store Manager really wishes to leave as well and she is actually hoping to get terminated like my Supervisor because it would look bad if she were to submit her resignation letter not even 2 months after taking it back.

Looking at my colleagues, the key players in the store, leaving one after another, and then have the company hire incompetent individuals to take their place, it just really makes me question like what the actual fuck is Upper Management thinking, it's just bad decisions after bad decisions, they don't think beyond the present and now, the bleak future that they have caused is catching up to everyone. 

I told myself I wanted to stay until after my last ICT cycle is over before I move on, but looking at the way things are progressing, I am not sure if I want to actually stay that long because I have a feeling things are really going to go to shit when I am back from my Taiwan trip in mid-May because that's when all the important players in the store will be gone. 

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