Monday 8 November 2021

2 Shit Stains, Back to Back, in 1 Day

 Today was not a good day at work.

An hour before I was about to close the store with my colleague, this  middle aged guy came into the shop, walked up to the counter where me and my colleague were, took out his phone and showed us a photo of a floor lamp he had gotten from us which was still in the box, unassembled.

The particular model is a very big floor lamp and he was essentially asking my colleague to arrange for someone on our side to go down to his place to assemble the lamp for him, and because my colleague was actually busy with his work, I decided to assist the customer, so I took a quick look at the photos and asked the customer...

"Did you get the lights delivered to your place?...."

... because if it was delivered, it would have been assembled by the delivery team, and that was going to be what I was going to say next, but before I could actually say it, the customer goes...

"Common sense lah, the lights are so big, of course I got it delivered, use your brains!"

.... which surprised me because he didn't sound annoyed or upset during the initial exchange, but the way he said "use your brains" was extremely condescending and it was clear this guy was not very happy and is now resorting to speaking down to me in an attempt to release his pent up frustration.

I am not here for you to vent your frustration on, I am here TRYING to help you, so if you think I am actually going to just stand there and let you talk to me like that, you are fucking wrong.

I was already pissed off when he said it to me the first time, so when he repeated that a second time, I was fucking livid and told him very angrily...


... and this was when my colleague stepped in and repeatedly told the customer...

"He is just trying to help."

....because he could tell I was obviously pissed off at the fuck face. It is fucking ridiculous for you to be taking a piss at someone who is trying to offer assistant, and this piece of shit customer decided to repeat himself again for the third time...

"Please use your brain."

... I could feel my whole face getting hot and my hands started shaking because I was getting really really really fucking angry, so I glared at the customer and then proceeded to roll my eyes at him and turned away, I am not going to help you if you are going to be ending every sentence with "use your brains", plus if I actually continue to engage with this shit stain, I am pretty sure I will start hurling vulgarities at him.

As I turned my back to him and return to do what I was doing, which was basically nothing important, I can hear the customer exclaim to my colleague...

"This kind of attitude how to help people?"

... I can't express how much I wanted to turn back to the guy and just tell him to go fuck off, the fucking audacity of this piece of shit had, you used such a condescending tone to speak to someone who is genuinely trying to help you, and you expect the person to still talk to you nicely? Dumb fuck. I was in no way coming across as rude when I asked him the initial question, so there was ABSOLUTELY no reason for him to be so fucking rude to me at all. 

This fuck face then continued using this condescending tone when my colleague took over and OH MY GAWD, I just really want to punch this fucker in the face, my colleague was so patient and kept attempting to get his name and contact number and he just said extremely annoyed and impatiently for him to...

"Just go find my invoice number, Just get my Invoice Number and get your customer service to arrange for me."

... Yeah sure, because my colleague would automatically know what the fuck your invoice number is based on the item you got, I mean for fuck sake, the company has thousands of invoices, maybe you should use your brain and some common sense instead, stupid fuck. As my colleague was writing down his particular, dumb fuck decided to walk the showroom floor and I would have loved to chase him out and ask him to fuck off, but thankfully, he eventually does fuck off and I expressed amazement at my colleague's ability to keep his cool, to which he tells me he almost wanted to scold the customer as well because of how unreasonable he was being the entire time.

You can be rich, have all the money in the world, but if have you zero class, no amount of cash can cover up the fact that you are still just a piece of shit that has just been covered in gold foil.

Anyways, after this fucker left, a family came into the store, and because I was still feeling very angry from the last exchange, I really didn't have the mood to go entertain them until the wife came up to request for some help, she directs me to a print we had and asked me how much it was, so I told her I had to double check, couldn't actually find the price, and asked my colleague if that print was even for sales, to which he said it was and helped me check our price list as well.

We took a bit longer and the wife got really impatient, so she very annoyingly told me...

"Can you just text me the price, I can't be waiting for you, I have to go for dinner."

THEN GO FOR YOUR FUCKING DINNER YOU FUCKING CUNT! Just my fucking luck to get one unpleasant customer after another, this bitch was really pissing me off as well, but at least she wasn't as out-rightly unpleasant as the other guy, she is just being a paggro bitch. 

So I took down PaggroBitch's number, managed to finally find the price and decided to text her with the customer service handphone because I didn't want to save her number in my own company's phone and most importantly, I didn't want her to have my number as well. She can be someone else's problem. She did reply to the text with an "Ok", so I will give her points of actually having the decency to reply to the message, a "Thanks" would be nice, but one cannot expect too much from a cunt. 

Anyways, I truly felt the "downgrade" of my job as I was being berated by the customer today, the joys of being in retail, what a fucking fantastic way to end my Monday, add this to the list of reason for me to quit the job

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