Saturday 23 January 2021

2 Interviews, only interested in 1

I had 2 job interviews lined up yesterday.

One was through a recruitment agency and the other through a job portal, the former was a traditional interview at the office while the latter was a video interview which I did at home.

The first interview went pretty well, it was actually not a position I was interested in at the start, so my expectations were honestly pretty low. I have very little faith in recruitment agencies actually being able to find decent jobs for me  because of a relatively unpleasant past experience, so during the interview, I was quite surprise that the position was an appealing one.

The 2 interviewers I met were very friendly, the main one who was doing the talking even told me to relax and treat the interview like a chit chat session because he could see I was a little flustered, which was a result of almost being late for the interview because Google maps gave me the wrong directions. I did end up reaching right on time though, so there's that. 

The interviewer shared the job with me, I shared my current experience with them, everything went quite well I will say, only thing is the monthly salary was not made clear to me, so that is the only question mark I have about the position.


Just saw the company's job listing online and the pay is pretty shit. It seems like they are only offering between $2200 - $2500 per month. I mean it is still definitely better than my current job, but I am hoping to draw at least $3000 per month for a 5 days work week, 9am to 6pm job.

After the interview, I went to Shake Shack nearby for a $16 lunch which only consisted of a burger and a milkshake, it was good, but like Five Guys, too expensive for what it is, and the waiting time was so long, it took a whopping 20 minutes after I ordered to get my food, and the place wasn't even packed. This is my second time having Shake Shack, the first time was in New York, waiting time was definitely much shorter there but I think I might have ordered the same items there as well and the damage then was $13USD.


Anyways, after lunch, I headed back home and prepared for my second interview in the evening.

This company that I had applied for is a company that is known for operating co-living spaces, the position is for an Interior Designer, so when I applied for the job, I had assumed that it was to design the co-living space, maybe spruce up the apartments that they are renting out every few months and give the spaces a fresh look.

Well, turns out it isn't what I thought it was.

The interviewer who spoke to me was very friendly as well, but when she shared with me the job scope, that was when my interest in the position just plummeted to zero.  

Turns out the company had recently opened a new department that was focusing on Interior Renovation works and the scope is exactly the same as my current job, the only difference is they offer a monthly salary instead of a commission scheme and they are not as well known in the market as my current company.

As appealing as having a stable salary is to me at this moment, the job scope for the position is just not beneficial because it is still a sales position, I still have to meet clients to clinch new projects and then run the project from start to finish.

There is literally no "pros" and only "cons" when I compare that to my current job because I don't get rewarded for clinching huge projects, instead,I will only get punished for not clinching enough projects. 

If a target has to be met every month in order for the company to think I am worth the monthly salary and not be fired, then I might as well stay at my current company and set a monthly target for myself where I will potentially earn a lot more than what this other company offers me as a monthly salary.

I agreed to meet the Manager next week in person at the end of the interview, but I think I will be dropping the interviewer an email soon to withdraw my application instead of wasting everybody's time.

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