Sunday 23 June 2019

Celebrity Run-In At Work

A mini celebrity came to the showroom today to request for a quotation and I was presented with the opportunity to serve her because I happen to be the nearest to the entrance.

So what happen was this afternoon, as I was busy doing my work in the Showroom, I heard the main door of the Showroom open and close and initially, I thought it was maybe one of my colleagues who had entered, but when no one walked past, I realized it was actually a customer, I didn't really want to get up and greet the customer who had walked in at first, but because no one else was around to greet them and I assumed the customer who walked in had prior arrangements with another designer, I begrudgingly got up and went up to the husband, fully expecting him to go...

"Yeah, we have an appointment with so and so..."

... at this point, I was only focusing on the husband when I was walking towards them, it was only when I actually started asking them if they had made an appointment did I find the wife very familiar looking and it took me a split second to realize who she was.

She isn't a household name and she isn't someone that everyone would immediately recognize, or even recognize at all, literally no one else in the Showroom recognize her or knew who she was, but I knew who she was because I watch a lot of Youtube videos and she happens to be a host of one of those shows that I watch. Honestly, aside from that Youtube show that she host, I have never really seen her anywhere else, I heard she does act on Channel 5 shows, but no one really watches Local Television anymore, so once again, not a huge celebrity, but she was famous enough to get me flustered and when she told me they didn't make any appointment, instead of asking someone to take over like I normally would, because I was legitimately busy, I actually told her and her husband that I would serve them and brought them to the table I was seated at.

I quickly ran over to my locker to grab a name card, passed it to her and we began the consultation. Throughout the session, I felt like she had a friendly but distant vibe, we didn't really click at all during the consultation session and when I get this kind of vibe from a regular client, my immediate action is to not bother following up. I just felt uncomfortable around her and not because she is unpleasant, I mean she was as pleasant as a regular person would be when we were talking, but I guess because she is "famous" in my eyes, I wasn't treating her like a regular client, I was treating her like a famous person, and it just got me really flustered and I really did not like feeling, I felt like I was walking on egg shells around her because I really wanted her to like me but I also didn't want to come on too strong and try too hard to make her like me.

I was comfortable around the husband though, but I just can't with the wife. I'm too socially awkward for this working relationship to work, not like I had any chance to clinch their project to begin with, I mean I did give her a lot of misinformation, shared with her all the wrong pricing, gave her the wrong ball park figure for the overall renovation cost. She told me I was their first Interior Designer, I must have set the ball really low for the other Interior Designers, now I am just contemplating whether I should even bother preparing the quotation for her or not, there is no doubt that the other Interior Designers she visited after me enlightened her on my many pricing errors, if she visited other Design Firms after me that is.

To prepare or not to prepare, that is the question, I am just afraid that if I don't prepare a quotation, she might talk about it on social media or maybe down the road, might bring it up as a passing remark about her renovation experience in some random interview or maybe even on her show, it's highly unlikely but not impossible, maybe one day when her internet show runs out of content and they make her do a house tour, she might bring it up. I don't follow her on Instagram because I am not really a huge fan of hers to want to do that, but now maybe I will just stalk her on Social Media a little to see if she has any updates on her Interior Renovation journey.

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