Wednesday 12 June 2024

Psychotic Security Guards @ Cuscaden Reserve

I had the unfortunate privilege of coming across 2 of the most unhinged Security Guards today during a site visit with my boss at one of our new project located in Cuscaden Reserve, but in order to ensure that my colleague Yan won't have a hard time during the Project Management phase of the project, I shall abstain from leaving a scathing review on their Google Reviews until we are have completed the project. 

To say the Security Guards were unfriendly would be a huge understatement because in my line of work, I have met my fair share of Condo Security Guards, they are all generally quite cordial, and you do get some unfriendly ones once in a while, but this 2 Security Guards at Cuscaden Reserve were fucking mental.

So my boss had actually parked his car at a nearby mall and we decided that we would walk to the Condo on foot, we headed to the Guard House when we arrived and my boss just says to them...


... we were expecting the guards to then simply ask us which Unit No, confirm our identities, and then  let us in since our clients had told us that they had already informed whoever they needed to inform in advance that we were visiting.  

The first Security Guard, upon hearing what my boss said, then responded in a very unfriendly tone with...


... to which my boss then elaborated...

"We are here to meet our homeowners for a discussion."

...which was what we were here for, that Security Guard was not happy with that answer, so he asks the same question again, which was what our purpose was, and my boss responded the same thing, that we were here for a discussion with the homeowner. 

The first Security Guard lost his shit after that and shouted at us....


... and my boss very calmy respond back, telling him that we are, but that we are only here for a discussion meeting with the homeowners, and we are not here to do any actual contractor work yet. This reply triggered the second Security Guard in the Guard House, who then popped his head out from the guard house and started shouting at my boss...

"CONTRACTOR THEN SAY YOU ARE A CONTRACTOR! We have all sorts of people coming in saying they are this and that! YOU ARE A CONTRACTOR, SAY CONTRACTOR!"

 ....and he proceeds to go on this tirade that lasted way too long, and at one point he went...


...and I guess the point of him sharing that information is just to tell us that not any Tom Dick and Harry can simply enter the Condo Complex, even if said Tom Dick and Harry has a PHD. I mean I get what he is trying to say contextually, but the level of hostility that him and his fellow Security Guard colleague was showing us was completely unwarranted. 

He was just going on and on while my boss was filling up the visitor logbook, and he was just shouting at him the entire time, it was fucking insane. I was just standing beside my boss, seriously contemplating if I should raise my voice back at him and ask him to calm the fuck down because there is no need for that level of hostility, but then I saw my boss, just remaining completely calm, so I also kept my cool and went to fill up my name in the visitor logbook. 

The Second Security Guard did eventually calm down a little when he realize we were not really retaliating, so he did eventually apologized, but still in a very uncouth tone, and said something along the line of...

"Sorry, it's not that I want to target you but a lot of people have been coming into the complex and telling us they are all sort of things.."

... and my boss was just completely calm about the whole thing, he reiterated once again that he was just there for a meeting with the homeowners, and that he wasn't coming in to do any contractor work, that's why he didn't say he was a contractor at the start. 

The Second Security Guard definitely felt really horrible for losing his temper, so he attempted to be helpful and gave us very clear directions about how to get to where we wanted to go to make sure we wouldn't get lost, the first one who lost his temper just kept quiet when the second one lost his shit, so he didn't say anything after that and just had the second guy do all the talking, or screaming. 

After that, as we were walking towards the carpark to get  to the lift lobby, I just laughed about it with my boss and told him how insane the guards were. 

I have heard of Security Guards at Condos in Orchard area being quite arrogant and unfriendly, but holy shit, I was not expecting one of them to start projecting their insecurity about their Security Guard position at us.  

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