Saturday 17 February 2024

Back from CNY

 First day back to work after the CNY break and I hardly did any work.

The day started off normally, but this time, with my ex-colleague from my last job joining us as the new Project Manager. She was busy doing her onboarding by my boss when I arrived, so I greeted them both and went on with my regular routine of turning on the laptop and then just sitting there and wondering what I am suppose to be doing.

I don't really have any outstanding projects that I had to work on, had already rushed out most of them before the CNY break, so I am currently in a "waiting for feedback from the customer" phase.

Decided that since I didn't have much to do, I would just open my CNY hamper that I had left in the office and distribute it to anyone who wanted anything from it, no one did except for my friend, after her briefing with my boss was over. She took a box of White Fungus and a bottle of Bird's Nest, we then started chatting and about 30 minutes later, all of us gathered for a meeting to discuss about all our on-gong projects, that meeting lasted about an hour. I always found these meetings to be quite boring but it is what it is.

Once the meeting was over, we headed out to have our "Start Work again" Lunch or whatever is is called in english at Kallang Wave. My boss likes to go there because it's a pretty large and quiet mall, so that's where we went and had our meal. Not bad for my friend's first day at work.

After lunch, we had Karaoke, everyone sang some songs including myself. I have been listening to quite a bit of Miley Cyrus recently, so I decided to sing Midnight Sky, but then I completely forgot that the MV is quite raunchy, which was really uncomfortable because majority of my colleagues are in their 50s to 60s, the MV is probably like softcore porn to people of their generation. I still sang the song anyway because it has been my jam for the past month. I have really started to grow fond of Miley Cyrus's voice, was not a fan of hers during her Hannah Montana era because she had such a nasal sound as a kid, but that nasal quality has now grown into a huskier as she got older, so I do find myself listening to her a lot more of her recent offerings nowadays.

The karaoke session was much better than the one I had last year , felt like I was in a better condition to sing, although hearing myself on the speaker was still a very humbling experience. 

Our day ended at 3.30pm and my friend and I headed over to Orchard, she went to take a bus from there and I went to smell some perfumes at Escentials, but not before heading over to the furniture store to just say hi to my ex-colleague. 

Whilst we were on the train towards Orchard, we got to talking about her new job and the initial concerns I had about her future with the company. She was quite motivated to do her best for the company, which was comforting to hear and then we started to talk about our old company a little because that is kind of inevitable.

It's mainly the same old rants that I would have with any of my ex-colleagues from there, but then she shared with me how much our ex-boss draws for his monthly salary and that was completely eye opening. I guess it is normal considering his position as the director in the company, but to draw a salary of $50,000 every month is still nuts to me. I barely have half that amount in my bank account right now after years of working, and that is his 1 month salary. 

Before I left, our monthly sales in the store averages about $500,000 every month.

-$300,000 is set aside for furniture orders. (Since the mark up is about 40% give or take)

-$160,000 for rental (This was the amount my ex-boss shared with us during one of our training sessions)

-$30,000 for staff salary (This is already being very generous)

Profit Margin $10,000

My ex-boss did say that in order for the company to breakeven, the store needs to be generating at least $600,000 in sales, and after doing the calculations, I came up to a $50,000 profit after subtracting all the overhead cost. 

That's how much he draws every month for his own salary. The figure had been there the entire time for us to calculate. 

The company is really just barely hanging on.

Anyways, when I finally reach the Showroom, the state of it is very much same same but not really, no major changes were made, the new items that they have introduced since I left aren't a lot, there were still a lot of repeated sofas and armchairs designs scattered all over the different zones. The company really doesn't see the point in investing money and introducing more varieties, so even though the layout had some changes, the overall feel of the space is still the same. I do like that it's not as cluttered anymore, there are a lot more walking space, which is also a problem I guess because that means there isn't enough items to properly to fill up the showroom. 

Headed over to Escentials after I had a quick catch up with my ex-colleague, mainly wanted to smell one fragrance, which is Creed Aventus, a $320 perfume, I am glad I didn't buy the decants from Shopee because it smells just like MontBlanc Explorer, that was what I wore whilst I was in Bangkok last year, so it brings back memories of my 3 days there.

The dry down for both scent is suppose to be different, but the general scent profile is MontBlanc Explorer, which makes sense since Explorer is supposed to be a dupe of Aventus. I do like the smell, but I wouldn't pay $320 for it.  

Didn't really know what else I wanted to smell, so I left the store and got myself a large Cinnabon before heading home. 

Overall, it was a pretty fun day with very minimal work.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Catch Up and stuff...

Went for a haircut earlier this morning and I knew the store was only going to open at 11am, so I headed out and walked over to the mall from my home about 15 minutes before they were slated to open, reaching there with about 2 minutes to spare.

Upon reaching the location, I notice there wasn't a queue, however, there was a lone boy sitting at one of the public benches a few meters away from the store and as I was making my way to the store front, there was another middle aged guy who was also headed towards it in the opposite direction. I stood on the left side of the door and the middle aged guy stood on the right, fiddling with his phone. As the hairdresser begins to unlock the door to open it for us, the lone boy got up from the bench and started walking over, but since I was closest to the entrance, I ended up stepping into the door first and became first in line, followed by the middle aged uncle and then the lone boy.

As I was about to make payment to get a ticket, I looked over at the lone boy who was behind the middle aged uncle and said to him ...

"Do you want to go first?"

... since it was obvious he was technically first in the non-existent line. Sadly, he wasn't paying much attention and this was when the middle aged uncle looked up from his phone and replied...

"Yes, I have other places to get to."

... and proceeded to buy the first ticket. He had a bit of an accent and that was when my xenophobia kicked in and in my head, I just immediately thought to myself...

"Typical Chinese immigrant."

... of course he would shamelessly take the first spot when I had never intended it to be for him. I wouldn't mind letting him go before me to be honest, it's just the immediate assumption that I was giving the first spot to him instead of the boy behind him that irked me, because I am pretty sure he is also aware the boy had been waiting way before the both of us arrived. 

I guess this is also something that the older generation of Singaporeans will do, the whole kiasu-ness of it all, I see it all the time when I am at the bus interchange waiting for a bus, there will always be a small handful of old folks completely ignoring the snaking queue that has formed and just park themselves right beside the automatic glass doors, and the moment the bus driver gives us the green light for us to board, these old folks will just shamelessly cut the line and join the people at the front of the queue into the bus. Sometimes you want to say something, but then it's old folks, it's not very nice to ask them to fuck off to the back of the line like everyone else, so we end up just letting them get away with it and they just get more and more brazen about it.

I digress. 

The haircut took me a total of 40 minutes because I had allowed 2 people to go ahead of me, and after the haircut, I suddenly realized how much older I am starting to look, my sideburns are now 40% white hair, so it really enhances the middle age uncle vibes I was not going for. Honestly, it was a bit depressing because I wasn't expecting to look even older after the haircut.

Sigh. Mid thirties is when I star to show my age, gone are the days when people would mistake me for a 20 year old and call me Ah Boy.

Anyways, today was a relatively busy day because right after my haircut, I had a 2.30pm dental appointment. I really don't like scheduling my appointments at such late timings, would have rather gotten it over and done with in the morning, but alas, I hadn't thought too far because the timing today was made due to a last minute reschedule last week. I didn't feel like going during work then and letting the appointment eat into my lunch hour, thus the switch to today when I actually have my CNY off.

The appointment itself was pretty fast, it was only for the regular check up and cleaning, which is rare because most of the time, the dentist would always find a new decay somewhere and I would have to do fillings, but today, everything as great. Just a quick clean and I was done within 15-20 minutes.

After my dental appointment, I had a pretty long catch-up session with my ex-Manager and a few ex-colleagues from my last job. The meet-up was at 4.00pm and we were meeting up at Minds Cafe for dinner and board games. 

I was done with my dental at around 3.10pm, so I headed over to Dhoby Ghuat since the cafe was within walking distance from Plaza Singapura and took a walk around the mall to kill some time. Got a facial serum from Innisfree and then loitered in Sephora for a while to just smell the perfumes they had available.  I was mainly smelling the Jo Malone range because there wasn't any Tom Ford in the Plaza Singapura outlet, which was disappointing. 

The Jo Malone scents were all alright, wasn't particularly drawn to any of the scents I had sprayed on the tester, they were nice but not nice enough for me to want to get one, that was until I decided to pump a bit of the tester handcream because who am I to deny a free pump of a $120 handcream. I walked out of the store after lotion-ing my hand and as I was on the escalator to the upper levels, I gave my hands a whiff and it smelled really good. 

Headed over to Hooga and I couldn't stop smelling my hands. 

Over at Hooga, I started smelling more stuff again and honestly, my goal at Hooga was to smell a bunch of their diffusers and then leave without getting anything, but then I smelled one particular scent and I was suddenly reminded of hotel lobbies, it was really random but I was immediately attracted to it.

The scent is called Earl Grey and Angelica.

It's such an unassuming scent based on it's name because those 2 are fragrance notes that I really don't care too much about, but after smelling it, it is really something else. 

I saw the price of the room spray because they had it in that scent and it was only $13. That is cheap compared to the room spray that I had gotten from a Tik Tok Shop small business that was $26, and is probably half the size. I ended up getting the room spray and after a surprise discount, it ended up being only $9. I have paid $40 for 5ml of perfume so this room spray feels like a really good deal.

But now that I have it, the longevity of the scent is really quite shit, it barely last a minute before the scent completely disappears, I need to spray about 10 sprays of it in my room to smell anything. The $26 one I got from the Tik Tok shop performs like a beast compared to the Hooga one. I guess you do get what you pay for at the end of the day.

It was about 3.50pm when I was done at Hooga, so I decided to make my way over to Minds Cafe, but not before dropping by Sephora again to check out what the scent of the Jo Malone hand cream. 

It's called Peony and Blush Suede. It's a fragrance for women, but I am very tempted to get it. Didn't actually get one from Sephora, but I might consider getting a small decant from Shopee just to test it out.

Headed over to Minds Cafe after I got the name of the Jo Malone scent and turns out, there are 2 Minds Cafe located in Prinsep Street, one on the street level and another that is tucked away on the second storey in one of the shophouses. I was at the street level one, which was huge, but my ex-Manager had booked the smaller one.

Ran into her as I was headed over to the smaller one and we went up together. We ordered our dinner set, which was $35, the set came with free flow of snacks, drinks and unlimited play time with any of the board games and card games they had available, it was a really good deal, especially with a bigger group of friends.

Since it was only the 2 of us at the start, we started with a very advanced version of tic-tac-toe game, towards the end of the first round, that was when 2 others arrived, so we moved on to Cards Against Humanity, which would have been really fun had all 4 of us understood how the game worked. One of my ex-colleague was so blur he didn't really know what was going on, so my ex-Manager and I had to ask the staff there for a game that was much simpler to grasp, we found one, played a few rounds of that, and even then, that ex-colleague of mine would occasionally still fuck up the game rules.

By around 7pm, the last one of us arrived and when all 5 of us were there, the focus started to shift towards  gossiping about the current happenings with the store. None of us had anything good to say about the company, we just kept talking about how bad the bosses there are, how inadequate Upper Management is because you literally have a group of incompetent individuals sitting at the top making uninformed decisions based on assumptions and not based on experience, and when those decisions ends up turning to shit like they always do, Upper Management will suddenly disappear when the angry customers start to appear, and those angry customers will be left to the people below to placate, this involves becoming a punching bag for the customer to hurl their displeasure at, which is so unfair because the ones who should be getting scolded are the inept individuals who created the whole issue in the first place, but they are always hiding in their office not recognizing their fuck ups. The bosses surrounds themselves with people like those, so it just becomes an echo chamber of them essentially patting themselves on the back for making a bunch of very "good" decisions that is clearly causing a lot of mental distress for everyone else who are actually customer fronting.

It was also brought to my attention that the company didn't even give the employees any Red Packet this year for CNY, and I thought them only giving $10 last year was bad enough. The more I take part in that conversation, the more comfort I found in knowing that I am no longer part of the company.


We also ended up talking about that colleague of mine who will be joining my current company soon as a Project Manager and after listening to what my ex-colleague had to say about her, that was when I suddenly realized I may have really fucked up by introducing her to my boss.

My ex-colleagues were still jokingly telling me that I have made a mistake getting her onboard my current company, and that she will now be my problem to deal with.


They were half joking.

Honestly, she wasn't my first choice when my boss had thought of getting a new designer on board, if there was anyone I would have liked to work with again from my old company, it would be my ex-Manager, but unfortunately, she didn't have the qualifications my boss required, and most importantly, she is not interested as well. 

The main reason why I introduced my colleague to my boss is because she has the same background as me in Interior Design and I figured she would be able to utilize her skills and knowledge as an Interior Designer to help the company grow, skills and knowledge that I know she has. I only forgot about the most important aspect, her character and working attitude.

She is by no means an unpleasant individual, but she is some who needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility for her job and that is very important as a Project Manager. I really don't know how she will performs as a Project Manager, so I do hope she can prove me wrong and become a very valuable asset to the company. I had my doubts about her longevity with the company, and those doubts came from my prediction that my company will not be able to meet her salary requirements in the future once she becomes accustomed to the whole construction industry again, but now, my new doubt comes from her inability to perform well due to her lack of discipline and responsibility, and that is even worst because if she messes up, it will look bad because I would be indirectly sabotaging my boss's company, which is the last thing I want to do.

Sigh. I guess for I can only wait and see and hope for the best but expect the worst.


My meeting with all my ex-colleague lasted till 11pm. We kept chatting until we were the last group of customers in the café. I would never have expected that we would be able to have such a long catch up session, I spend a total of 7 hours in the café, that's nuts, it's longer than a single round of Guard Duty during my reservist, and the 7 hours felt like it passed quite quickly... and for only $35, with unlimited snacks and drinks refill, it's a steal. 

Who knew the most eventful thing that would happen during my CNY break is something that is not related to CNY at all.

Thursday 8 February 2024

1 Week CNY Closure

Today marks my company's official closure for CNY and my boss had arranged for all of us to have a buffet lunch at Concorde Hotel to commemorate the day. It was still half day work, so I went to the office as per usual in the morning to do whatever I could, and by about 11.30am, everyone who was going for the buffet finally arrived, and when I say everyone, I mean only 4 of us, including my boss, because our company is really really small and one of out PM had recently resigned.

Before we headed out, my boss sat all of us down at the meeting table and hands out our red packets, it was a really really thick red packet, but I didn't think too much of it, I thanked my boss and kept it away, after which, he also informed us that he had already bank transferred our bonuses, which I was very surprised by because I thought the red packet was more than sufficient.

The last time I got a bonus was when I was still working at the furniture store, they had only given me a 1 week salary bonus, which I have heard from a few people that it is considered quite a stingy amount, especially because I had worked at the furniture store for over a year and that was the first time they ever gave us any sort of bonus, so my expectations for bonuses in general were not very high just due to that sole experience.

Anyways, after that, we were made to draw lots and each of us were entitled to 1 out of the 8 hampers that the different suppliers had given to us, I got a medium sized one, but since I didn't have a car, I really had no plans to actually bring it home and just left it at the office. It was a Hamper from Eu Yan Sang, so there were abalones, white fungus, bird nest etc, it was a healthy hamper, but alas, too big for me to be lugging around via public transport.

By 12.10pm, we headed out in our boss's car for our lunch, the trip over took slightly longer than expected because my boss took a wrong turn at the Expressway, and then missed also the hotel car park entrance. 

We finally reached at about 12.35pm.

As we entered into the buffet restaurant, I immediately noticed how crowded the place was, the tables were pretty much all filled up and there was already a huge crowd of people encircling around the buffet spread. We were ushered to our seats by the waiter and proceeded to join the crowd to get our food.. 

Buffets are a waste of money on me because of how small my appetite is, I was pretty much full after I finished my first plate of food, but to be fair, I did take a bit of almost every dish that was being offered. so I did have a sample size of almost every dish there.

We were there for about 1.5 hours total, it was about an hour of eating and than 30 minutes of talking, mainly them and not so much me, I just kinda sat there and listened to them chit chat about their own stuff. Honestly got a bit bored and wanted to leave quickly because the PM started talking about himself for quite a bit there, but he of the older generation so they do tendency to be a bit more longwinded.

Total bill came up to about $170, fully paid for by my boss because that is how he is. I may have my issues with the way he works sometimes, but I cannot deny that he is one of the most generous boss I have ever worked under, excluding my Dad of course.

Right after the lunch, we split up and headed towards our own direction, I decided to visit Haji Lane because my ex-Manager from the furniture store was having a pop up event at the area, I didn't tell her beforehand that I was going to pop by because I didn't really want to commit incase I felt lazy and suddenly didn't feel like going, so it was pretty much a surprise visit.

As I was waiting for the bus, I decided to check the thick Ang Bao my boss had given me at the start of the day, I was honestly expecting a bunch of $2 notes and $10 notes just stacked together and at most get like $188, which I would have been very happy with because he had already given me a 1 month bonus, but when I took a peek at the inside, I was fucking shock, it was a huge stack of blues, and I mean a huge stack, it's not like 3 or 4 pieces that I could easily identity at one look, there was so much it looked like it was meant to be split into at least a dozen different red packets.

Just as a reference. 

My boss at ID4 gave all of his workers a $50 Ang Bao every CNY. 

My boss at the furniture store gave everyone a $10 Ang Bao every CNY

I didn't actually count how many notes there were inside the red packet because I was at a bus stop, it would be a bit weird for me to just pull out a bunch of notes and started flicking through them, so I quickly zipped up my bag and waited for the bus to arrive, the entire time I was in the bus, I kept trying to guesstimate how much would be in there, the thought that maybe my boss had given me the wrong packet by mistake did cross my mind, but then everyone else also had an equally thick stack so it couldn't be.

The ride to the pop up event took about 20 minutes, so it wasn't as near as I had initially thought, and the walk to the pop up event took maybe 5 minutes, I got a little lost because I don't go there often, but when I finally reached the place and saw my ex-Manager, she was shocked.

I hadn't seen her since her farewell party at the club that was way to loud and I had actually done an Irish goodbye then because I did not want to go back into the club after I had stepped out to take a break, so I didn't actually had a proper goodbye with her. I was very happy to see her and she happened to be manning the pop up store on her own today.

The walk-in for the event wasn't great because it was a weekday, and we pretty much had an uninterrupted conversation for the entire 1.5 hours I was there, and we also calculated the Ang Bao that my boss gave me together, the both of us were shocked when she helped me count the bills.....




... I could hear the crescendo towards the end as she was flipping through the bills because both of us couldn't believe what we were seeing. 

There were a total of 30 $50 bills shoved in that Ang Bao....


My boss gave me an Ang Bao worth $1,500! 


....this is on top of the bonus that I had also received! The last time I got such a big Ang Bao was when I won first price at ID4's D&D back in 2020. That was $1,888.00, and that wasn't guaranteed, this $1,500 Ang Bao is guaranteed because he gave each of us equally thick Ang Baos, maybe the others had more than me, but that still doesn't change the fact that I got a $1,500 Ang Bao from my boss! 

It's nuts! I am actually still reeling in from the shock of it all. I immediately starting thinking of what new tech I could buy, couldn't think of anything, but I could definitely get another MFK perfume if I wanted to.

Oh, and I also don't have to go to an ATM to withdraw any money for the Ang Baos I am planning to pack for my parents anymore because my boss has essentially done that for me..... and then some.

So yeah, I shoved that big fat Ang Bao right back in my bag after the counting, my ex-Manager jokingly told me since I now have access to all that money, I should getting something from her pop up store, which I did, then did more catching up with my ex-Manager, and it was really nice to see her again after such a long time. I then decided to drop by Fluff Bakery because it was a walking distance away from the Pop Up Event, so I headed over, got 2 for myself and 2 for my ex-Manager, *cue her shock and gratefulness for getting her cupcakes as well* , then I booked a Grab because I had money to splurge.

It was a pretty good day. 

And now I have a full week of break from work to enjoy! I did miss being able to enjoy the CNY Closure when I was working at the furniture store. Working retail hours sucks because retail stores have to be open throughout the public holidays. I had a lot of Off-in Lieu then, but sometimes, I just want to enjoy my holiday on the same day as everyone else without having to specially apply leave for it.

Will be going back to work next Thursday and I am not really sure how that will go. An ex-colleague of mine from the furniture store will officially be joining us on Thursday, she will coming in as a Project Manager. So from ex-colleague to colleague again.

I will be honest, even though I was the one who had recommended her to join, I have told my boss and our accountant not to put too much hope into that colleague of mine committing to the company for long. 

She is a very money driven individual and was a Sales Designer in the past like me, the main difference between the both of us is that she exceled in doing Sales, and the furniture store would have been the perfect place for her had it not been for my ex-boss's stinginess when it comes to the commission.

I had originally introduced her come in as Designer, because it's office bound and generally less stressful than Project Management, or at least to me, but she told me she preferred Project Management, so we shall see how long she can last here and if my boss may need to find a new Project Manager soon to replace her when she decides she could do better elsewhere. 

The difference between being a successful Sales Designer and being a Project Manager who will be drawing a fixed monthly salary is the income difference. Her earning power as a Sales Designer is much higher, of course it was also a lot more stressful and unstable because of the nature of the commission based job, thus her decision to join the furniture store to take a break from it all, but I do feel like once she finally re-familiarize herself to Project Managing a renovation, she will definitely start to make comparisons and either ask for a salary increment, which my boss may not be agreeable with and I am very concerned that she might make a big fuss about, or resign and return to her Sales Designer roots.

I am predicting that she won't actually last till the end of the year, but who knows, I do hope she proves me wrong and end up becoming a valuable member of the team because my boss will definitely need a bigger team. 

I will also have to deal with Terence with 1 R once the CNY break is over and I am not looking forward to messaging that prick again, I really wish we can drop his project, but my accountant told me that Terence is one of the projects that my boss has very high hopes for because of how much spending power he potentially has, it's just unfortunate that he is not going to be a pleasant customer to deal with.

For now, all I will think about is how to spend that bonus and red packet money that I have received from my boss.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Hello February

First day of the month of February and I am already getting a moron of a customer trying to correct a spelling error I had made of his name.

I didn't save his number, so his messages appears in the chat with his self written username, which he spells with 2 "r" , and I wrote it as such because I had wanted to respect his spelling version, and I get this as a reply. 

That condescending response "This is a very simple spelling" and this fucking idiot doesn't even realize he had spelt his own name wrong the entire time he's been using Whatsapp.The guy is a retiree, so he is too old to be trying to be cute with his spelling 2 "r" spelling.


"Ownself check ownself"

.... with a screenshot of his fucking username is what I would have liked to reply, but because he is a customer, I had to "apologize" for spelling his name wrong. I did however point out to him that I had only spelt it that way because he spelt it that way, he read it and didn't reply for maybe an hour, and after which, his response was....

"No problem, let's move on."

... shouldn't that be MY line? 

Move on from you being a condescending fuck face? At least have the decency to apologize for wrongfully calling someone out for a spelling error that YOU MADE! Or acknowledge that you had made a blunder, stupid old fuck.

To have to deal with the ridiculousness of the Bacons last week and then now this Terrence fuck face, 2024 has, so far, been really shitty work wise. 

Terrence Fuck Face's project will be starting in April and we haven't even finalized any design yet because that's how much fuck this fuck face and his wife gives about the upcoming renovation, none, I have been messaging them to arrange for a date to meet, and to let me know their thoughts on the proposals that I have prepared thus far and all Terrence Fuck Face has feedback to me about is his fucking name being spelled with an additional "R".



