Thursday 5 January 2023

Kio Sai.

Woke up feeling like absolute shit today, had a very bad night sleep after I decided to slap a copious amount of body butter on myself to "moisturize" and "soften" my skin. 

The problem with putting too much body butter on your arms and legs before you sleep is that your skin won't be able to absorb the excess, and what ended up happening was my legs and arms just felt really sticky the whole night from it, it was really gross. I actually really liked the smell of the body butter, but after last night's fisaco, I have come to associate that feeling of stickiness with it, and it doesn't help that the body butter smells really sweet, which adds on to that feeling of stickiness even more.

I got the body butter from a local business on TikTok, the creator actually sells sugar scrub balls, which I was really fascinated with, so I got one bottle of her sugar scrub balls and added in the body butter as well since I figured why not. Been using the body butter daily ever since, but I just went a bit overboard last night.

Anyways, sleep was horrible last night, kept waking up because my legs felt so sticky when they were rubbing against one another, and so did my hands, I had to get up multiple times to go wash my arms and legs and then towel dry them after just to get rid of the stickiness, which was really surprising to me because of how long the body butter just lingered on my skin the entire night without being absorbed.

I went to work feeling like crap, it wasn't really feeling crap because I was tired, but I just felt like crap in general and I can't really pin point why.

First thing I had to do at work today was prepare an Accessory List for that condo delivery project I was thrown into, which is a fucking joke because I was placed into that project to help with the delivery, not as a stylist to shortlist accessories for the space, but I did it anyway, and when I send it over, the response from the condo management side is...

"Could you propose other options for the vases, flowers and scents again?"

... Vases, Flowers and Scents is pretty much 95% of the list, that means they wanted me to redo the entire proposal, but because my company doesn't work with any accessory brands, aside from the ones that I had already prepared for the Condo Management, I had nothing else to present to them as an alternative. I then replied to the email to tell them that I have already given them the full selection from our store's catalogue, that if they don't think it's what they are looking for, they should go and source on their own. This isn't the first proposal our side has send to them, my ex-colleague who was originally in-charge of the project had already proposed to them 4 times, and all 4 times they were rejected. Naturally, when they rejected my proposal, I figured that there is no point, if what we were proposing isn't what they are looking for, then it would just be a waste of everyone's time to continue with this pointless endeavor.  

The condo's upper management called me up afterwards, really frustrated with the situation and we essentially had this back and forth whereby I was telling him I had nothing else to offer in terms of accessory selection and him responding back...

"We got your furniture from you because we were planning to get the accessories from your side as well, now you are telling me you don't have any other options for us? That's not the way this should work., you know we have spend a huge sum on your furniture, we could have easily gotten furniture from other places, but we invested in your brand and this is very disappointing."

... and I was just as frustrated as him because once again, I was attached to this project to assist with the delivery, I did not come in as a stylist. I then tried to explain to him that we had very limited options but it just wouldn't get through.

It was so frustrating, but I wasn't necessarily frustrated at him because I understand he is just doing his job, that him being placed in his position is really unfair for him as a consumer because the project kept changing hands. This project was originally handled by my ex-colleague, after he left, another colleague from an entirely different department took over, but then that colleague also quit soon after, and it's only after that did my manager and I get dragged into this mess by our upper management to deal with this shit.

It's a fucking mess.


Like this is the way my company works, very very messily, upper management will just leave their employees to drown after throwing them into the deep end of the pool. I'm so thankful that my Manager is reliable enough to deal with all that shit, but of course, her reliability is also at the expense of her mental health because she is very much at her breaking point with this project.

A few companies have been reaching out to me to go for job interviews, maybe it's time I start actually setting aside some time to go attend a few of them.

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