Monday 17 October 2022

Covid Positive all the way....

It's day 7 of being Covid Positive, the first few days of being room bound sounded great if it weren't for the fact that it completely messed up all the plans I had made beforehand for my reservist.

The first 3 days were probably the worst, my symptoms got better, only for it to get worst, I was having chills, I kept coughing because I wanted to clear out the phlegm in my throat, and because of the excessive coughing I was doing, I ended up getting a sore throat, I literally coughed out a tiny bit of blood at one point. My appetite wasn't really there, I would be hungry for food, but when the food is actually in front of me, I would suddenly loose my appetite after taking 3 to 4 bites, kinda curious if I actually lost any weight during this few days.

The medication that I was on also kept me groggy throughout the day, the panadol and cough medicine made me drowsy, so I found myself just taking a nap after every meal, not intentionally because I would always doze off in the middle of watching Tik Tok, it was really unproductive, not that I was trying to be productive, but falling asleep every few hours while the Sun is up just makes me feel like I am wasting away. 

Looking at the car I rented just sitting in the Visitor Lot from my bedroom window is honestly very very upsetting.

On the first day of the Reservist, I learnt from my Reservist Buddy that unlike the last 6 high key ICTs that we had gone through together, this is the very first time the commanders actually have other plans for us besides just making us do Guard Duty, when I say "us", I mean just my Reservist Buddy because my Covid infested self is stuck at home doing fuck all and our mutual friend decided to take MC on the second day and left my Reservist Buddy on his own.

Honestly, what are the fucking odds, I had wanted to go through a High Key cycle where I don't actually have to do Guard Duty, and the one fucking time the commanders decide to do that, I can't make it because of fucking Covid. If I had fallen sick the week before my Reservist, that would have been fan-fucking-tastic, I could have taken a proper break from work, and I would probably be all excited to finally be able to get out and go for my reservist when I am recovered because being trap at home for the past 6 days has not been fun.

Anyways, I think that my reservist has been cancelled? There wasn't any proper instructions given to me aside from the person on the phone telling me..."I think this cycle will not be happening for you lah."

All this went wrong because of Hai Di Lao. If only I hadn't suggested Hai Di Lao, I could be sitting in an air-conditioned room right now, waiting for my turn to fire a rifle for Range. Nothing that I have learnt so far about this current Reservist Cycle makes it feel like one that is worth missing. 

I feel like I am going to be very upset about this whole situation for a while, especially whilst the car is still sitting in the visitor lot not doing it's intended purpose of ferrying me to and from camp.

I will be going back to work tomorrow, it sucks. Work has not been great lately, I feel like looking for a new job again, but within a few months, my insurance is going to be taking out $3000 from my bank account as part of the yearly deduction, so that is probably going to convince me to stay at my current job for a little while longer.

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