Wednesday 12 October 2022

9th Cycle - Covid

 I forked out $900 to rent a car 2 weeks before my Reservist started, I got my Condo to approve my Temporary Vehicle Pass a week before my Reservist started so I can park that rental car in the visitor lot for the entire two weeks. I was looking forward to going to my reservist that is meant to be happening tomorrow but then I decided to go have Hai Di Lao a few days ago with some friends and ended up getting Covid.

I have always believed myself to be very lucky when it came to my NS commitments, when I was in BMT, I was placed in a Company that offered great Welfare, when I got assigned to my Vocation, it didn't require me to do Outfield Training and I am able to book out 50% of the time as compared to most other vocations who are only able to book out on the weekends. When I ORD-ed and had to go back for my Reservist, it was also simply doing Guard Duty, so imagine my surprise when I got so royally fucked by the Covid Positive test result this morning.

The symptoms started showing yesterday night, I had a fever, I was having chills, my whole body was aching, especially my lower back  and when I first took a test in the morning, I was negative, in fact I took 4 ART test over the span of the entire day, 3 times at work, and they were all negative, I honestly thought I had some sort of immunity towards Covid because my entire family had it before all at the same time and I was able to come out unscathed.

If it wasn't Covid, if it had been a simple fever, I was definitely still going back for my Reservist just because of how much planning I had already done with the Rental Car and the fact that this is my 9th Cycle, the second last cycle left before I officially MR, plus I always had a reservist buddy with me throughout all my cycles, someone I had known since 2011, and if I were to defer this cycle, that meant that he will no longer be with me for my future cycles anymore.

I went to collect my car, the Honda Fit, first before I actually did the Covid Test this morning, I was semi-confident that if the results were still negative, because if the results are negative whilst I was in the worst of it last night, then it probably wasn't Covid, it was probably just a simple fever. And if it's a simple fever, I can just report to the medical officer tomorrow in camp, get slap with a 2 day MC, and probably still be able serve out the remainder of my reservist.

That is until one of my friend that I had met for Hai Di Lao on Friday told me she was Covid Positive, that was when I started getting worried, I tried to tell myself that my fever isn't due to Covid, that it had to be something else because I was already feeling slightly better, but then she persuaded me to just get myself tested again because it takes a while for the Covid symptoms to show on the ART Test, so I decided to do it right after I collect my car.

I reach the car workshop and did all the paper work, the car itself was great, it is a white model and not a black model that I had originally thought it would be , but I didn't care too much about it, as long as it could drive me from Point A to Point B, it's all good for me, the internal looks old for sure, but it was much better than the KIA Picanto I had loaned last year, the head room was sufficient, the car felt like it had more power than the Picanto and the good thing is that it still feels small enough for me to be comfortable driving it. It did take some time for me to probably get used to all the knobs and what not of the car, I mean it has almost been a year since I last drove a car, but after that initial drive home, everything sort of came back and driving felt natural again. 

I drove to the shopping mall near my home to get lunch for my sister, and I had planned to visit the clinic in the mall as well, but the queue was so long I decided to give up on the latter and just went straight home right after, parked my car at the visitor lot, and happily headed home with food in hand. 

I really didn't want to take another ART Test, I wanted to remain oblivious to the results because I had already gotten my car, it usage needed to be maximized by my Reservist, but then a part of me felt like I needed to make doubly sure, and if I am still negative, then it's all good. So I did, I took the test kit out that the government had given us a few months back and I really stuck that swap right up my nasal passage, to get all that nasal goodness, I did both nasal passage, swirled the swap in the liquid and then proceeded to finally drip that foamy goodness on the Test Kit.

I have never seen a second line appear of all my ART Test kits before, so when both lines appeared, I was so disappointed because now I have no choice, now that I know I have covid, I am not going to be able to report to camp, I am not going to potentially infect the rest of the ICTs there because that is the right thing to do.

I shared the news with my friend who was also positive and she was apologetic about potentially passing it to me and I can't blame her, getting Covid is something everyone will get eventually at some point, the only issue I have with getting Covid right now is the timing of it all, if I had gotten Covid a week before, that would have been fantastic, I could have taken a 7 day MC from work and then report to camp completely recovered, but I had to get Covid literally the day before.

My reservist friend was very bumped out about it and told me he wouldn't have anyone to talk to, I was also really bumped out, I then messaged another friend and asked him when his Reservist would happen, that maybe I can end up joining him for his cycle, this friend is a mutual friend of my reservist buddy and I, we were pretty close with each other when we were active, and I had always hoped the 3 of us could actually do 1 cycle together, and then he responded with...

"Tomorrow lol."

... like what the actual fuck! What the fuck?!?!?! The timing of everything could not be any fucking worst!

I am so angry at the entire situation. 


I ended up calling my Reservist Unit to alert them of my situation and since they needed an MC to verify, I had no choice but to go back to the clinic, I drove there and it was closed, turns out they close in the afternoon and will only reopen in the evening, so that was a waste of time. I did ended up going back in the evening and got my MC, I tried to ask the doctor if there was any possibility I could just attend my reservist and he was not very optimistic about it.

In the end, I ended up forking $70 for everything, I would have gone to a Polyclinic, but the waiting time for that is going to be insane since I hadn't make any appointment beforehand.

The only good thing that came out of this whole Covid shit is that my boss no longer has to talk to my Commander about giving me one day off to attend a brand training in the store. He wanted me to make sure I took time off from my Reservist to attend the training and he was very insistent on me making it happen and well, now it has happened, just not in the way either of us expected.

My MC is from 12th Oct - 18th Oct

The Brand Training is on 19th Oct.

Like what the actual fuck, the sheer fucking coincidence of everything just falling into place is scary.

I am secretly and selfishly hoping that my Covid result is maybe the Universe way of protecting me by making me miss this Reservist Cycle because it is going to be a really really really shitty cycle. 

And my Mum now has full access to the rental car to be used at her disposal since I will no longer be using it as often as I 'd like. I will definitely still take it for some joy rides but yeah, renting it and not being able to use it for it's main purpose is extremely extremely disappointing. Who knows? Maybe I will end up going to Phoon Huat one of this days to get ingredients for baking again, I mean I have 7 days MC and I am predicting that my results will be negative on the third day, so 4 days of doing fuck all is a great time to start baking again, or maybe I can download a story rich RPG and spend my time just being a fucking nerd.

Funny thing is I believe most people would be happy that they can get to defer their ICTs, so to many I believe my situation is one that would make most envious, but I hate it. 

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