Monday 4 July 2022

More cancellations...

So that customer who cancelled a bunch of stuff that she ordered from the store AFTER they have been fabricated and are at the Warehouse awaiting delivery has decided that she wants to cancel another item, and this time, it's a $10,000 armchair that she got. 

 I told her I can't let her cancel because we have no space for it in our store, it's not an item that sells particularly well because that particular piece she got is a larger version of an armchair that we already have surplus stock of and our customers usually tend to gravitate towards the regular sized one.

 Her response to that was...

"I have absolutely no need for the armchair because I simply do not have any space in my house for it."

... and that's suppose to be our problem? 

When she requested to cancel the first batch of items that amounted to $3,000.00 because they were "delayed", I figured I would just let her because it's a small amount compared to her overall invoice, which amounted to $90,000.

And technically, her item wasn't delayed, she ordered them from us in the second week of February, we had already informed her it will take 4 to 5 months to arrive, that makes July the 5th month, so she had absolutely no right to cancel her items, it was a gesture of goodwill on my end to allow her to do that. 

Then when she requested to cancel another $12,000 worth of coffee and side tables because of "delay" I allowed her to do it because the coffee table she had ordered was in fact going to be delayed due to production problem, the side table wasn't, but the reason she cancelled that was because she had already gotten another side table, which is once again, not our problem, that just sounds like poor planning on your part.

In total, she had already cancelled $15,000 worth of item, this is not only AFTER they have been ordered, but this is after they have been fabricated and are days away from reaching our Warehouse.

And now she wants to cancel another $10,000 worth of item. So her total sales went from $90,000 to $65,000 within a span of a week, she had months before that to bring this up, but only brought up all this cancellation on the 5th month when the items are already on the way. 

She claimed that she will get more items from us when her other house is ready next year, so when I brought this up to my boss, he agreed to take the armchair from her, but the condition is that instead of giving her a cash refund, we will convert it to store credit, that means she will be able to take that $10,000 that she can spend with us for the armchair and use it for other items from out store. 

If you are planning to get more items from us in the future, then this shouldn't be an issue for you, but when I tell her about the store credit requirement, she tells me she didn't see the point. But that's the whole fucking point of us even allowing you to cancel the chair, so you will use that money you paid for the chair to get something else from us you dumb bitch! 

I was really trying to be nice when I was texting her earlier because I didn't want to make her upset and potentially lose s huge sales when her next house is ready next year, but if she is able to pull this last minute cancellation crap on us right now, who's to say she won't do the same shit for her next house, which then begs the question, do we really want this type of person as a repeat customer. 

Right now, I am trying to convince her to get something else from our store because I don't really want to give her a cash refund, but I'm not exactly feeling very optimistic about it.

The most annoying thing about this whole annoyance is SHE IS NOT EVEN MY FUCKING CUSTOMER! She is my ex-colleague's customer who was simply thrown to me even though my official role in the store is Visual Merchandiser / Interior Stylist. I'm really trying to move away from the Sales aspect of the job but my company just keeps forcing that on me, even though it was something I have been telling them I am not comfortable with from the very beginning. 

I actually had an interview with Forty Two a few months ago for a similar position, a stylist role, but there is no focus on sales at all, it's mainly maintaining the Showroom and approaching the customer, even though the pay is lower, the jobscope was a bit more towards what I was looking for, the only issue I had then was the approaching customer part, but looking at the way things are at my current company, I shouldn't have express my disdain towards approaching customers during my Forty Two interview, because they might have given me chance to join them.

My current job had been falsely advertised to me from the start and I was made to work in a position that I had no interest in, which is sales, but now that I am finally given the job scope of the position I had originally applied for, which is a creative role, it is stacked on top of the sales role, so even though my responsibilities have increased, I still haven't gotten a pay increment, despite my boss telling me it is something that will be discussed during my KPI after he offered me the VM role, a KPI that has been delayed indefinitely until who knows when. 

The KPI was suppose to be done in May, the month whereby I had the highest sales out of everyone, which would have given me leverage to ask for a higher pay increment, but for some reason, the KPI kept getting postponed, and by the looks of it, I doubt I will be getting any sort of increment anytime soon. I will say though, my May sales performance was just a fluke because I ended up performing extremely poorly in sales for the month of June, so I kinda lost my leverage. 

Whilst I am grateful for having a job with a fixed salary, I am now wishing to look for another company that is offering a fixed salary. I have completely given up on the idea of going back to doing Interior Design, after breaking down how much I was earning in the last post as an ID, it's just not worth it, especially after reading my old blog post about how stressful I was when I had projects.

Like this... 

And this...

And this...

Among a few others that I have rant-blogged about sporadically...

The anxiety and stress of having to deal with a Renovation project back then is 10 to 20 times worst than the gnawing feeling of annoyance I have from having to deal with this dumb bitch of a customer right now who suddenly got "woke" and decided to embrace cancel culture, the stress I had from doing ID was so bad that I would break out in acne because of the stress, that I wouldn't be able to sleep, that I would sometimes lose appetite over because of how amazing I was at just overthinking things, and I was only earning an paltry $700.00  $1000.00 per month on average for it. (I had very little projects, so I could roughly remember how much each project made and I was actually earning on average of about $1000 per month, which is about $54,000, still extremely measly, but at least it's 4 digits per month) 

Whilst I am proud of how much I was able to learn when I was part of the industry and do miss the design aspect of it, it is just not worth it, period. But I do really want to find a new job though because this current one is really starting to stink, just not really sure there are currently any other furniture store looking to hire an Interior Stylist, I am almost hitting my 1 year mark with my current company, if I leave soon it probably won't look so bad on my resume.

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