Sunday 5 June 2022

Not the smartest...

So the competency level of the sales team in my store is somehow going from bad to worst over the last few months.

Almost all the sales staff there lacks a sense of urgency or responsibility when it comes to getting things done, the moment they have clinch the sales, they just have a hands off approach to everything that happens after.

Earlier this afternoon, one of my colleague's client had a last minute request to have the delivery timing for one of his customers' item be pushed back, but instead of calling the delivery team to personally check and get confirmation if the reschedule is possible, my colleague just drops a text to one of the delivery guy without even bothering to make sure the delivery guy read the message. 

The delivery team ended up making a wasted trip to the client's house when they are not home, and when the delivery team ask my colleague what happened, his response was... 

"I already messaged one of your guys to let him know!"

... well, the problem with that is not just the fact that my colleague didn't make sure the delivery guy he had messaged had acknowledge the reschedule, the problem is that the delivery guy he message is not even in Singapore anymore, he has gone back him to India! 

This isn't the first time this kind of issue has happened with this colleague of mine, previously he sold a sofa that was actually meant to be put up for a Warehouse Sales event, what he should have done after closing the sales was to immediately tell the Warehouse team to reserve that piece for his client. Anyone with even a semblance of responsibility would call the person in charge of the warehouse to verbally disseminate the information and then follow it up with an email or a written message of what had been discussed with the details of the sofa along with all the product code, just so there is a black and white record.

What my colleague did however is simply send an email with a message that simply reads...

"I have sold this sofa, please take note."


...and then attaches the invoice to the email. Didn't bother to double check if the email had been read and action had been taken to ensure that the sofa had been reserved for his client. Not surprisingly, that sofa ended up getting sold during the Warehouse Sales and he got reprimanded by the customer for it, even got into an argument with the Warehouse Manager because of it.

You'd think after that, he would actually get his shit together and wise up, but nope. 

I honestly didn't have any problems with this particular colleague of mine until something he did to me a few days back.

Background of what happened.

He was attending to a customer who had entered the store to take a look at the furniture pieces we had, and during the conversation, the customer told him that she was a developer and wanted to furnish a landed property Showroom. Since my colleague isn't able to handle projects that requires Space Planning because he is a purely just a Salesman through and through, he decided to enlist me for my help. 

I have made it very clear to everyone in the team that I wasn't going to take do Design Proposals for their projects as it is not part of my jobscope, but because this colleague of mine had been very helpful to me in the past, I decided to just do him a favor and prepare a quick proposal for his client.

The proposal was completed within 3 days and I pretty much did EVERYTHING for him, this included furniture selection, space planning proposal, furniture detail down to the measurements and even the price break-down, this meant that he didn't even have to do any quotation because all the details are already in my proposal. He thanks me for the document and sends it to the client, that's all he had to do, forward my proposal to the client.

About 2 days later, the client get backs to him and request for some changes to be made, she wanted to change a few furniture pieces and so he was asking me if the new furniture the client was requesting would fit in the space, since I hadn't seen the updated floorplan yet, I told him I wasn't sure. He then asks me if I needed to update the floorplan for him or if he could just send the information of the new furniture to his client.

I told him I will update the floorplan for him just to be sure that the new pieces will fit. He forwards me the new drawings and then leaves me to do my work. On that very same day, my boss also suddenly bombards me with a new project that was quite extensive and also had a very tight deadline, so I decided to prioritize that first and  put my colleague's proposal on hold since that project didn't have any deadline that I was aware of.

I was so busy that entire day that I actually ended up working OT for 30 minutes, I wasn't able to complete my boss's project proposal but I knew I wasn't going to stay back any longer, so as I said my goodbyes to my everyone in the store, and as I was leaving, that colleague of mine suddenly asks me...

"You leaving already? Where is my drawing?"

... and I got a bit surprised, I thought he was joking with me at first, so I told him I was rushing the boss's proposal the entire day and didn't have any time to do his, to which he replies...

"The boss's proposal? That one can do later!"

...  I told him that our boss's proposal has a deadline and his didn't because he didn't give me any, and at this point, I still thought he was just saying all that in jest until he goes..

"But you told me you will do my drawings for me, I was waiting for your drawings, that's why I haven't reach out to my client yet! "

... I was shocked. He was showing a bit of annoyance at me because I didn't do his proposal that very day and I just couldn't properly process what was happening, I told him to give me a few days and he then respond to that with...

"By Wednesday possible?" *which is about 2 days later because I am off the next day.*

... so I ask him to give me until Thursday because even though I know I can do it within an hour, I wasn't going to let you give me a deadline for a proposal I am helping you to do. He then told me he wasn't working on Thursday, so I just gave like a playful *tsk* at him, I didn't really want to express my annoyance fully even though I believe I have every right to, and my supervisor steps in told my colleague that I will be able to do it quickly before asking me how long I need.

I decided after that to just agree to the Wednesday deadline begrudgingly and left the store. 

I completed the proposal on Wednesday, pass it to my colleague, he was grateful for it, sends it to the developer and when I followed up with him a few days later to ask if the developer got back to him, his reply was...

"They never reply, but I will follow up again with them soon."

... fucking irritating. 

Anyways, he messaged me earlier asking if he can a coffee table that is currently on the Showroom floor, I told him I can't release any of the coffee tables because we are low in stock, that if he sells that table then it will ruin the showroom settings.

He then replies to me with a picture of another coffee table and asks me if that applies to that coffee table as well.

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