Wednesday 22 December 2021

8th Cycle - It's Over

My reservist is over, nothing much to report for this cycle to be honest, it's pretty much just a rinse and repeat of what I have been doing for the past few high keys, except this time, I actually rented a car for the 2 weeks.

Doing the 6 hour sentry duty almost everyday for the past 2 weeks have not been fun, reporting to camp at odd hours of the night or way to early in the morning has not been fun, renting a car for the past 2 weeks and being able to drive to camp and back from camp however is probably the best decision I made, travelling takes half the time and I actually get to drive. 

One of my ICT mates who got thrown into the ulu camp didn't actually drive a car, and he shared with me on the last day when we were doing our out-pro that he actually had difficulty finding a cab after the end of one of his duty. When I was in the same situation as him back in March, it took me about 20 minutes to look for a Grab, but because this time round, we were also made to do the graveyard shift, which is when I assumed he had difficulty finding the Grab, he was actually stranded right outside the camp for 45 minutes, and no one could drive him out because there was no one else in camp who were on their way out, everyone who can leave had already left in the evening.


I can't emphasis how happy I rented the car, even though the total damage was about $1000 including the petrol top ups, it was worth it and definitely something I will do again for my remaining 2 cycles. I have since returned the car, didn't manage to fully utilize it on the 2nd last day because I just didn't need to go anywhere with it after I had outpro-ed in the morning, I attempted to take it for a spin at 4.30pm, but then at about 4.45pm, the roads started getting crowded and I just didn't want to be stuck in the peak hour traffic, so I just drove back home.

The goal of the drive was to use up the petrol because I only had to return it at 70% and mine was full, I also topped up the cashcard that the rental company had loaned me because their cashcard machine was the old one that could only read the cards with the chip, so my credit card couldn't work with it. When they pass the card to me, it only had 65 cents, when I returned the car however, there was about $6 in it, so you're welcome.

Overall, this cycle had it's ups and downs, but the only thing I am going to remember this cycle for is the fact that I rented a car for it. 

Song of the Moment

Eleven - Ive

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