Wednesday 8 December 2021

8th Cycle - Day 2

Reporting time today was slightly later than yesterday, so I had a bit more time at home to watch some Youtube before I drove to camp.

I was actually worried that I might be late, because we were suppose to report at 8.45am but I was still on the road at 8.30am, but when I finally reach the camp at 8.43am, there were only 2 other guys there, my friend being one of them. 

We only had a full attendance an hour later.

Today was the same as yesterday, but with some practical training, so we had a few familiarization lessons and one of the active sergeant today was way too "up there", the way he was acting all firm towards us Reservist Personnel was a bit unnecessary. My friend surmised that he probably just graduated from Command School, that's why he is so serious because everyone in camp knows that Reservist Personnel's are usually treated with very very little regimentation when we go back. 

We still behave ourselves and adhere to the standard rules and regulations of the army, but the way we are being spoken to by the commanders has always been very cordial, akin to talking to an equal as opposed to a superior talking to his underlings. Unless we really fuck up, they will never show us their intimidating "commander" side, that side is usually saved for BMT recruits or when we are going through our Vocational trainings as privates.

Anyways, after that familiarization training, we did more waiting before lunch was served and after lunch, more waiting before the next training started, by which time it was already getting a bit late, so the final round of training was more like a very quick run through, and once everything was done, we were released.

Nothing too significant happened today, the only thing that was sort of a bummer is that one of our manpower got relocated to the main camp, so now everyone in the remote camp has more duty to cover, it sucks that that one guy got moved to the main camp but at the same time, I also understand why he would prefer to be at the main camp, because he doesn't drive. 

Oh well, the main event will start tomorrow, not looking forward to my sentry duties that I will have to do for the next 1.5 weeks, luckily I have a car now, so I don't have to worry about not being able to Grab to and fro from camp.

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