Friday 24 September 2021

Le' Ingrate

 A few weeks ago, I had the "joy" of serving a walk in customer. I wasn't really interested to serve her at first because she just looked really unfriendly, unfortunately for me, because my boss happened to be around that day, I really had no choice but to put on a show, so I went to talk to her.

True to my first judgement of her, she was a very haughty individual, I asked her what she was looking for and she told me she was trying to get some inspiration for her new place but was unsure what exactly she was looking for, I then introduced her to the different brands we carry and showed her one of our more affordable brands, she asks about the price for the sofa that we had on display and upon learning the price, tells me...

"That is so cheap."

...  not really sure how to feel about that, but alright, no viewing of the cheap stuff I guess, so I bring her to our main brand and to be very honest, I had nothing much to say because I didn't know what exactly she was looking for and the furniture we had on display were a lot of repeated pieces in different colors. In an attempt to keep the conversation going, I then ask her about her renovation for her place and she shares with me that it is still at the early stages and she hasn't actually found a contractor yet, and for some stupid fucking reason, I go...

"Oh, I use to be an Interior Designer, maybe you can share your floorplan with me and I can work out a space planning proposal for you!"

... the moment I said that, I instantly regretted it because I really do not want to go the extra mile for her. I requested for her phone number and was going to send her a text straightaway to give her my number, but then realized I had saved it in my personal phone instead of my work phone, so I excused myself to get my work phone to re-save her number and as was walking back with the phone to save her number, she just walks away from me, I thought maybe she just wanted to go and look at the other furniture, so I keyed her number in, wrote her name and as I was going to find her, I see her just walking out of the store.

Didn't say any goodbye, not a single word of thanks, she just walked out the store. I was so bloody confused, so I went to double check with my colleague if the customer who just left the store was the one I was talking to and they all told me that she is.

Like what the fuck? We haven't even completed our conversation yet and you just walk out.

I really did not want to drop her a text after that, but figured since I already told her I would, and she is the customer and knows where I work, I should in case she decides to complaint about me, so I did and she sends her floorplan over to me, she did drop a thanks in the message so there is that.

The floorplan she send was one of those shitty as fuck, low resolution type that she got off those property websites with the huge ass watermark, so it was pretty much useless and I had to go to the official developer website to get a better quality one. One of the many floorplans that I hated getting as an Interior Designer.

The amount of time I spend drawing out the plan in Autocad and then planning out the space was about a week, whilst it was nice to be doing space planning again, when I think about who I am doing it for, it just felt like such a waste of time because I was very sure this customer was probably going to take the proposal and never return again, she just looked like that type.

I send her the proposal a week after we met, she actually thanks me once again, which surprised me and then ask me to also collate the photos of the furniture I am proposing for her, I told her I will do it by the end of the day, no response to that. Prepare the images and actually send it to her 5 hours later, no word of thanks for that as well.

It really doesn't kill you to say "Thanks" multiple times a day, especially if it is a complimentary service you are not paying anything for. Show some gratitude!

Anyway, this ingrate doesn't bother to get back to me at all for an entire week, no updates of any kind, so I decided to drop her a text today and ask if she has any feedback, not because I actually wanted any actual feedback, I just wanted to remind her that I exist. She simply replies back about an hour later with...

"The scale doesn't look right"

... no you freeloading ingrate, you should have started the message with...


... and then highlight the issue you have with the proposal I prepared for you FOR FREE! I know I was the one who offered to do the proposal, but any decent human would show some form of gratitude first before they point out the issues, holy fuck when I read her reply, I was so irritated I left her at read for probably an hour. 


I eventually replied back and told her the scale is correct, and then question her about why she thinks it's off, she doesn't respond because of her qualities as an ingrate, but I think she thinks the scale is off  because the furniture looks too big in her space, but what the ingrate doesn't realize is that the furniture isn't the problem, the problem is the size of her house, it's too small for the furniture we sell.

This haughty ingrate came into the store flaunting her wealth and then it turns out she can't fit the furniture we sell in her house.

Anyways, if she doesn't bother to reply, I also won't be bothering to follow up anymore since I have never wanted to engage with her in the first place. If my boss ask me about it, at least I can share with him that I did my part and in fact even went above and beyond by preparing a proposal for her, I highly doubt he will take the customer's side.

I hope her renovation goes to shit, her pipes burst, her marble crack and everything that she buys ends up being defective, since she is so rich but can't fit any of our furniture in her house, she should have no problem paying to get those items fixed or just buy a new house altogether. This really isn't about her being rich or not, majority of the people of her race are just like that in general, super entitled, usually like to request for the most expensive things but don't actually have the budget, (as far as my experience as an ID goes), a lot of my ex-colleagues agrees with me, my past clients who work in the service line agrees with me, even my current boss has shared with me of the horrible experiences he has had with them and even told me they are not worth the sales because of how difficult they can get once the delivery has been made, like complaining about the smallest imperfections and than demanding an exchange or a refund.

Not going to indicate the race, iykyk. 

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