Friday 24 September 2021

Dead as a fish...

I am quite an introverted person, so when I first engage with a customer, I try to be more extroverted to make the customers feel more comfortable, but if you not going to be returning the same energy that I am putting out,  then you can fuck off because I really cannot put the same level of energy out every time we meet and only be getting the bare minimum response from your side. 

I finally ran into a customer that I really connect with at work a few days back and it just brought me back to the days when I was doing Interior Design and would meet clients that I just cannot click with. 

The customers in question were a couple, at first, it was just the husband who came in, he sat at the sofas we had displayed at the front of the showroom and then started walking around a little, a few minutes later, his wife enters the showroom and joins him, they then walk back to the front of the showroom to test out the fabric sofa together and usually when I see them actually testing out the sofa and discussing amongst themselves, it usually means they are likely not just window shopping, so I decided to approach them to ask them if they needed help.

The husband was quite receptive, so I asked him if he had any furniture he was looking for and he told me he wanted to get a few sofas to fill up his space, along with a dining table, I decided to walk with them through the entire showroom to see if anything catches their fancy and I started the tour by bringing them towards a leather version of the sofa they had been seating on earlier for them to compare the difference, I suggested for them to sit on the sofa to test out the difference and this was when it got really uncomfortable for me.

Only the husband decided to try out the sofa, the wife on the other hand just stood beside the sofa, completely expressionless and I honestly didn't know what the fuck I was suppose to do with her, but I figured since the wife wasn't going to sit down, I will just talk to the husband and ask him about the comfort level of the sofa, usually, a normal customer will express that the leather is more comfortable and then I can start sharing the brands array of leather selection, but sadly, this customer wasn't normal because he didn't have much to say, and when I brought up about the array of leathers he could select from, the flow of the conversation just started to feel a bit forced, because it was like I was just dumping information that he didn't care for on him. 

This awkwardness lasted pretty much throughout the entire walkthrough, me asking them to test the sofas, the wife not actually sitting down to test them, but looking distracted and staring into space while the husband sits down for a while, barely shares any sort of feedback to me. I felt like I was talking to myself the entire time, at one point, the wife just decides to wander off on her own and just sits down on an armchair that was towards the back of the showroom, so the husband quickly walks through the first half of the showroom, pats on the sofas that he was passing by and I just tagged along behind him, once in while sharing with him the name of the sofa and what not, but also hoping he would start asking me questions because me spewing out information he probably doesn't care or wasn't reacting to was starting to get really awkward.

He eventually catches up with his wife and sits on the armchair across her, when the wife was around, I just didn't feel comfortable saying anything because I knew she was not going to respond, so I backed away a little and just observed them quietly, which was really fucking weird, the husband then decides to get up and walks further into the Showroom, I followed the husband because I ain't going to be entertaining the dead fish of a wife and watch her meld into the sofa as she stared into space, she was ignoring me the entire time I was doing the walkthrough, so she can rot on the armchair for all I care. 

Usually when a couple comes in, even if one of them is not speaking, they will at least show some sort of reaction by nodding their head or smiling, but this dead fish of a wife literally didn't do any of that, she was like one of those MMO Pets you can get that other people cannot interact with, like it's there but you can't do anything more than seeing it follow it's master around at the back.

Anyways, things didn't improve from there because it started to get very difficult to maintain a conversation with the husband, so I just stopped trying and walked through the remaining Showroom areas with him quietly, he didn't ask anything, just sat on the different sofas for 5 seconds, get up and then move into the next area. 

After his brisk walking session, he decides to walk the showroom another round, and this time, I maintained a wider distance from him, he catches up with his wife and they start talking amongst themselves, at this point, I got a little annoyed at the whole situation because I honestly can't stand the wife anymore, and since the husband wasn't asking any questions and they clearly were not interested in a guided tour, I decided to just fuck all and went back to my laptop and do my work, because why fucking bother?  

After a few minutes, I could see from my peripheral vision that they were heading out and I just couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge them. I would usually say goodbye to customers that I have attended to, but with them, I just didn't want to purely out of spite for the wife. 

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