Saturday 10 October 2020

Damn Tooth Again!

I had to pay a visit to the dentist a few days back because the fillings for my molar dropped off while I was enjoying a box of Pocky the night before.

This is the same tooth that gave me a lot of discomfort about a year back during my company trip that cost me about $400 to "repair", well, the repair didn't last very long. Back then, the dentist told me the damage to the molar was pretty severe and that I may require a root canal during to how deep the decay has gone, thankfully we didn't need to resort to a root canal then and the dentist simply drilled the decay out and then patched it back up with composite filling.

I have since learn that composite filling does not last long and I should have gone for an amalgam filling instead, especially for my molars because I use that to chew food, so composite being non-metal like amalgam, it started to wear off pretty fast, which eventually led to the filling falling off.

When I actually visited the dentist a few days back, I had to go to a different one and this dentist essentially told me that my molar was very close to cracking because of how much damage it has been through and how little tooth I actually have left, according to him, about 70% of my tooth is just filling, so if I actually needed a root canal and did said root canal, there is a very high chance the tooth might just break and I might end up needing to extract it, and then doing an implant.

That means I will potentially be needing 2 fucking implants! One for my front tooth and one for the molar, total damage to have those 2 implants is $8000! Fuck My Life!

But then during the visit, the dentist recommended for me to crown the tooth first to hopefully delay the extraction as long as possible, according to my research, it could potentially delay the ordeal by a decade, so that should be enough to save for the implant because I am currently already stressing out about the fact that I might potentially have to do the implant for my front tooth next year when it eventually breaks.

So much fucking money because I did not brush my teeth when I was young, my laziness really knows no bound, and when I think about how my insurance agent had essentially made me sign a new savings plan late last year, I just want to pull my fucking hair out because that would be another $3000 taken out from my savings account, granted I will eventually get them back so I should just see it as me investing in my molar implant 10 years down the road. 

Anyway, the crowning will be done in about 2 weeks time, that shit is gonna cost me $850, for someone who is not really earning much every month, I am not a huge fan of spending such a large amount so suddenly.

If these isn't a sign that I need a job with a stable income, then I don't know what is. I can either find a new job with a stable income or I can try to make this current one work, but with my personality, I honestly find trying to make this current one work to be a little bit difficult because that would mean not being picky with the customers I choose to work with anymore.

I just cannot not be picky, it is extremely difficult, the signs that a difficult customer shows during the first meeting is sometimes very hard to ignore

If a potential customer is a piece of shit before they officially engage me for my services, chances are they will evolve into the personification of a full blown explosive diarrhea once the renovation actually starts.

If I see a piece of shit, I want to avoid the piece of shit, I do not want to step on the piece of shit, and then proceed to smear what I had stepped on all over my body, I do not believe in the concept of...

"Sign the contract first, deal with the problem later" 

... the logic is so stupid and it was what was practiced by a few of my colleagues in the past, the problem ended becoming a 2 to 4 months long constant headache. 

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