Saturday 11 July 2020

Rise of the SJW

I find the whole Xiaxue being racist issue to be quite interesting because as someone who is also a little bit bothered by how sensitive the whole world is getting, it is very refreshing to see an influencer who is just not bothered about being peacey and speaks her mind.

The previous controversy that she got herself into was the whole "fatphobic" series of post she shared on her Instagram and as offended as everyone else was getting, I actually agreed with her points and knew where she was coming from because every time I see people like Tess Holliday getting celebrated for embracing their size, it always boggles my mind how so so many people are being "supportive" instead of calling her out for promoting an unhealthy lifestyle, I mean there are medical findings that proves being that size is clearly not healthy, but for some reason, protecting their feelings and making them feel "accepted and love" is more important than trying to save their life.

Maybe her tone was not the nicest, but she was speaking the truth and it is sad that the world has now gotten so sensitive that calling a spade a spade, as loud and as rude as it might have come across, is considered a hateful act.

Anyway, with her recent saga, it now has to do with "racism" and this all happened after she called out one of the General Election Candidate, Raeesah Khan for being "racist" because of a past tweet that Candidate made, Raeesah did end up apologizing for the tweet but she also got a lot of support from Singaporeans who said she had nothing to apologize for because she was simply pointing out unfair treatment towards the minority races in Singapore and the #IStandwithRaeesah hashtag started trending on Twitter.

Xiaxue then made a few Instagram stories sharing her opposing point of view and of course got an onslaught of hate for it.

Another influencer/ singer Narelle did not support Xiaxue's view, so she shared a few photos of Xiaxue being a Trump Supporter with the caption "Just Leaving This Here." to highlight how Xiaxue supported a President who is a racist and an overall not great person, Xiaxue got angry and replied in that Tweet calling her a fake bitch because she thought they were friends and the singer could've just reached out privately to talk instead of blasting her online for everyone to see.

They did end up talking privately and Narelle shared a few snippets of the Whatsapp conversations they had on her Twitter, said she finally got through to Xiaxue, even if it's a little bit, and it sounded like they had agreed to disagree in the end, but there were no hard feelings because the tone of their conversation was very cordial and they exchanged "hearts" and "butterflies" emoji, but then right after that, Narelle retweets a petition that was calling for Xiaxue to be punished for Seditious Act, which of course pissed Xiaxue off.

People who were against Xiaxue praised Narelle for standing up to racism, for being patient in the conversation she had with Xiaxue, I tried to read the whole conversation but it was too long so I didn't bother to but from what I understand, they both ended things on a positive note and people are not focusing on the problem after, which is that Narelle had pretty much backstabbed someone who considered her a friend, someone who was willing to have a private and cordial conversation with her despite having been thrown under the bus by that "friend". She essentially threw Xiaxue under the bus a second time and this was AFTER they had a cordial, albeit really long, exchange via Whatsapp.

When she first tweeted the Trump photos, one could reason...

"They weren't close so Narelle didn't really have the obligation to reach out to Xiaxue first."

... but the second time she did it, that girl knew what she was doing. She did clarify in one Tweet after her exchange with Xiaxue that she feels Xiaxue should get demonetized, that way Xiaxue will learn the hard way that her views on racism is wrong, but the petition she shared with her followers is one that is calling for Punishing Xiaxue for Seditious Act, it is not demonetizing her platform, it is something that could potentially land her in jail if she is found guilty, there is a huge difference.

Narelle then tweeted saying that if Xiaxue is so afraid of going to jail and using her son for sympathy, then that means she knows she did something wrong.

No Narelle, she is not afraid of going to jail because she did something wrong, she is a smart woman, I highly doubt she would post something that will land her in jail, what she is pissed off about is that someone she viewed as a friend actually went to sign a petition requesting for punishment that could lead to jail time, that is what she is upset about and her using her son as a sympathy card is her trying to highlight what you are indirectly supporting, which is for her son to grow up motherless when you are also urging your own followers to sign them.

After that, Narelle retweeted a tweet Xiaxue had shared a while back that read....

"I signed it too. Love it"

... saying Xiaxue had signed her own petition, and she is "180-ing her own narrative". Xiaxue claiming to have signed it was obviously either done ironically or it was a sarcastic tweet, it really doesn't take a genius to read between the lines. 

I mean at this point, people are just so angry at Xiaxue that they can't see how two face this Narelle person actually is, so many are out to vilify Xiaxue that they are blindly supporting anyone who is bashing her as well.


After seeing Narelle's latest instagram post, it seems like the SJWs and Virtue Signalers are slowly starting to recede now that the election is over because her post is currently being flooded by comments calling her out for being fake, which she is. I mean looking back at the last controversy Xiaxue had with Oon Shu An, the latter did not publicly bash Xiaxue, she simply shared her own opposing view on the topic, Xiaxue got angry but they had a conversation in private and that was it, Shu An did not share the conversation they had publicly, she just said they were cool and left it at that.


Now that Narelle has addressed the issue, it seems like she has never considered Xiaxue as a friend, which I can see, they were more like friendly towards one another but they weren't really friends, or at least Narelle has never seen her as one.

I still find this whole thing very against Xiaxue to be virtue signalling THAN people actually really caring about the topic on hand about racism. The only one here who is truly passionate about such issues is Raeesah because she was the one who got the conversation going.


It seems clicknetwork has also decided to drop Xiaxue as a host for their new show via a Facebook post, but they didn't say she was dropped from the company so I guess she is still a part of it, just not going to be part of the new show. 

Looking at the comments, a lot are supportive of clicknetwork actually "dropping" her, but there are quite a handful also disagreeing with how they are turning their back on her since she was the one who pretty much gave clicknetwork it's following. People are tuning in to watch Xiaxue, or at least that is what I watch clicknetwork for, so if they actually drop her from the company, then there is very little reason for the followers to stay because the other shows that they have aren't exactly doing all that well.

I find it funny how there are people leaving comments on the Facebook post like...

"Good job dropping Xiaxue, you have a new fan in me!"

... the thing is people like these will only stay as long as the scandal is relevant, the moment everyone moves on from this issue, the new "fan" will disappear and clicknetwork will start to feel the consequences of not having Xiaxue's back. 

Like Xiaxue herself has said before, a lot of this keyboard warriors who are sending DMs to company saying things like...

"If you continue to work with Xiaxue, I will stop supporting your business!" 

... are individuals who have never actually bought the products of the business they are threatening, they are just a very loud minority who have nothing better to do, so they Virtue Signal by sending those messages to companies in a bid to make themselves feel like they are morally better.



I just watched a video about Racism in Singapore on a Youtube channel called Zula and initially I was a bit close minded about how the conversation was flowing, so I had to take a step back, re-watch the video with a bit more open-mindedness and my main issue with the video is this.

The term racist is now being used so freely that it is beginning to lose it's meaning, it's like anyone can be labelled a racist nowadays as long as the minority race feel like what you have done is inappropriate and insensitive to their race.

What was considered acceptable in the past, like having racial preferences when it comes to dating, can now be considered racist, or simply identifying someone by their race in a crowd of people can be considered racist because in the video, the reasoning for the latter is that...

We don't identify a Chinese student in a class by calling the person the Chinese kid, but we identity the Indian or Malay kid by their race when we point them out because they are the minority and that is one way for us to identity them. the hell is that racist, we are identifying them by an easily identifiable trait, their race, it's like calling out someone with long hair in a group of people with short hair, we are not discriminating, we are simply pointing out the most identifiable trait of the person that everyone else will notice. There is no malicious intent behind it.

If I, a Chinese guy, was in a class full of Malay and Indian students, the immediate way for the teacher or whoever who might not know my name to point me out from the group of students is to refer to me as...

"The Chinese boy"

I mean looking at the way society is progressing, next time when someone has a photo of their naked newborn infant on their phone, they are going to be labelled a pedophile because the kid is naked and vulnerable and then some stupid organisation is going to form to force mothers to have their unborn infants be fully dressed before they are born otherwise the mother will be labelled as supporting the pedophiles.

Even in the comments section, there are so many people, both from the minority and majority race, not really supporting the direction the discussion is going because there is almost no opposing views.

One comment thread actually caught my attention.

It started with the OP commenting about how the video was mainly the minority voicing out their displeasure and treating the Chinese as an inherently bigoted racist

It goes on and on and I am too lazy to screenshot everything, but this hilmir guy responds to the comment, saying that the majority race should just shut up and listen instead of questioning the video, which then lead to the OP calling his stance tyrannical because if we, as the majority find certain issues with the discussion, why are we not able to voice those opinions out and have to take it at face value, this then leads to this himir person just going on the offense without really answering the questions the OP was asking. 

The generic response jokers like this hilmir will give when asked to present evidence to back up his or her claim is...

"It is not my job to educate you, look it up yourself."

... and then goes and call the OP "Satan" and "Human Thrash" , this idiot is really not helping the cause at all, if anything he or she is making people more divided. Anyone who is on the fence about this, upon seeing how needlessly aggressive this person is coming across, will immediately get off the fence and on to the other side.

The sad truth is there are so many idiots like this hilmir online, especially during this BLM Movement, going around Twitter and Youtube, bullying people into standing with them, because if they are not with them, they are against them and if they are against them, then they are racist. 

Unpopular Opinion, but I feel like the whole BLM movement has honestly become this twisted version of what it used to be because it is starting to come across as "Black Lives Matters More Than White Lives", now we have Google introducing tags that shows which business is black owned,  people are now calling for Orchestras to stop blind auditions because they realize that there are not a lot of black people that are in the Orchestra, the whole point of having blind auditions is so that the musicians won't be selected based on their gender and race but purely based on their skills and now people are calling for it to be abolished because they want more people of colour in the orchestra than people with actual talent who can play better because that is super fair, like what kind of backward thinking reason is this?

The whole point of ending racism is to promote equality, but everything that is being done so far is achieving the opposite effect, if the roles were reversed, people would be screaming racist at the top of their lungs. 

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