Thursday 28 May 2020

Red Dead Redemption 2

Just completed playing the final chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2 (not the epilogue) and I am actually feeling very sad right now.


Arthur Morgan

I knew the main character Arthur Morgan was eventually going to succumb to his tuberculosis and die in the end, but seeing the main character slowly getting worst physically as the story progressed was pretty gut wrenching, I got a lump in my throat when I was watching his "last ride", and then of course when he died, I mean the whole final portion of game was just so heartbreaking to play.

When he admits to a Nun that he is afraid of dying. Holy shit that is a tear jerker. 

There were actually still quite a few side missions for me to complete but I didn't have the heart to do them because of how haggard Arthur Morgan was starting to look.

I actually wanted to end the game as soon as possible so I could get the sad ending over and done with, but boy when they showed the "last ride", I was trying very hard to keep my composure and kept telling myself this was just a game, and then when he actually had his last breath at the end and they fast forward the game years later, I just felt empty that Arthur Morgan had passed on, I mean I have never actually felt so sad about a video game character dying before, this shit hits so hard.

I can now understand why this game was deemed a masterpiece because it actually made me feel for the character like no other game has.

I have actually watched this cutscene on Youtube when I was still pretty early in the game and spoiler-ed the ending for myself, but when I was playing the game and reached this portion, I was not mentally prepared for how sad it would be, I mean I am getting a lump in my throat just watching it again.

To think I almost gave up on this game early on and wanted to get a refund to get Monster Hunter World Iceborne to play with my friend, although if I actually did that, I probably wouldn't be feeling so sad right now.


I have now fully completed the game and it just doesn't feel as good to play the other character Arthur Morgan actually saved in the end, not that the character is bad, I mean he is the main character in the very first Red Dead Redemption, but he isn't Arthur Morgan.

Sigh, the ending of the game is affecting me a lot more than it should, I could not play the epilogue portion of the game without feeling sad. I was hoping the game would bring up mentions of the character to alleviate the sadness, but when the other characters actually end up talking about it, it just made me even more sad.

End of Spoilers.

Sad stuff aside, there are some funny moments in the game, like when the player chooses to assault a feminist on the street and she fights back.

This is after the main story ends, so that character is actually the gang member Arthur Morgan saved and why his voice isn't as deep as Arthur Morgan.

I just find the initial interaction between him and the random NPC hilarious when he called her a mouse.

Gameplay wise, honestly the controls do feel a little bit clunky, the way the character moves doesn't feel very sharp but the in-game world is really something else and of course the star of the show is the story and the main character Arthur Morgan.

This is one of those games that you don't play for the gameplay, this is one of those games you play for the experience.

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