Wednesday 15 January 2020

Scum Ha Ha

So about that particular Commercial Project that I had blogged about previously, the one with the extremely unreasonable clients, FINALLY my company is taking action and has engaged a lawyer to draft out a defamation cease and desist letter to send to those two fuckers.

 After I had blogged about them, my company still attempted to try and talk some sense into the clients, met them up at the store to personally run through the "issues" they had that were caused by my colleagues because of "poor project management skills" and it ended with the two fuckers not only refusing to pay up the remaining contract sum that they owed the company, they actually had the audacity to demand for our side to pay them for the damages incurred to them financially because they had to delay the opening of their store that led to them making financial loses. 

My colleagues had their respective managers, one of them being my own, go down and talk to the clients and after hearing their demands, the only thing my manager had to say to them was to settle all this in court because there is just no point trying to talk common sense into those 2 greedy fucks anymore, it was clear that no matter what solutions my colleagues came up with, they weren't going to accept them, what they ultimately wanted in the end was to default the remaining payment they owe us, which is disgusting enough, and then also to just get us to actually pay them more!

The only word I can think of to describe those 2 fuckers, aside from fuckers, is just scum, 2 pure disgusting greedy scums.

If karma truly exist, here's hoping for their business to fail in 2020!

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