Wednesday 29 January 2020

I would make a horrible dog owner....

My family recently welcomed a new puppy into the house and for the first week, his presence has been great, my Sister specially took time off to care for him for an entire week, so the rest of us only needed to entertain the puppy every once in a while when we felt like it and of course help out a little when it gets a little too much for one person to handle.

Before the puppy came, everyone was really excited, so was I, to have a puppy as a roommate sounded like an adorable idea, the puppy took about 3 weeks after the deposit was paid to be welcomed into our house, so the build up to his addition was massive.

On the day of his arrival, he was absolutely adorable, everything he did was cute, he smelled great because the shop gave him a shower prior, he didn't bark, he was relatively tamed and he would sit every time someone told him to.

As the days go by, the puppy got more and more comfortable with us and that was when things started to feel really really tiring. He would get a lot more rough, jumping at us every time he sees us and when he gets too excited, he will start biting really hard, the worst thing is he pees and shits everywhere, so my Sister being the main caretaker would have to isolate him into his potty area every 30 minutes to make sure he knows where to pee and shit, it is a long and arduous process which could take months, so right now, he is still pissing and shitting everywhere.

Sharing a room with him recently become a bit of a hindrance to me because my Sister wants him in bed by 10pm, I normally am still up at 10pm and only go to bed maybe at around Midnight. When puppy gets brought into my room at 10pm and is placed in his little confined nap area, he will start to whine, he will start to scratch the barricades to get out until I turn off the lights and go to sleep, so my sleeping schedule is now 10.30pm at the latest because the puppy wouldn't sleep until he sees me lying in bed with the lights off.

At the start, he would only whine, now he has moved on to barking and it is horrible because of how loud that little dog is, it is impossible for me to stay up while he is whining and barking away.

My sister's leave is officially over, so now she is out of the house 80% of the time and only back in the evening, this means whoever is at home in the Morning to Afternoon will be responsible for the dog.

I was home the whole day today, so my sister tasked me with caring for the puppy, which included playing with it, feeding it and making sure he gets his potty break every 30 minutes.  I really didn't have the patience to follow that schedule and the puppy wasn't his usual perky self today, he was sleeping pretty much the entire afternoon, barely ate his food and since I didn't want to lock him up the entire day in his little cage, I just let him roam around the house while I did my own thing, I didn't give him his potty break at his designated spot like I should because he wasn't peeing as much as he normally would when my sister was around, so I tried to observe his patterns as much as possible when I was not busy doing my own things.

When my sister came back, the first thing she noticed was the dog shit at the front door and naturally, she wasn't pleased, I didn't even notice the dog had taken a dump there, didn't know how long the dump had been there and I felt a little guilty about it, and then as my sister walked into the house, she realized there were pee stains on the floor as well, turns out the puppy had been urinating when I wasn't looking and my sister got even more annoyed and at this point, I just started to miss the times when the puppy wasn't around.

What I have taken away from this past 2 weeks of experience with the puppy is that I will never ever get a dog of my own now that I know how high maintenance they truly are. I am too lazy to keep up with the puppy training, I do not have the discipline to maintain a consistent schedule with the puppy, I would much prefer a stray cat as a companion, one that would come and go as and when they like, no training needed.

I still enjoy the puppy's presence in the house and I am just thankful that it wasn't me who got the dog because I almost planned to get a schnauzer a long time ago when I was a lot more immature and this is also a reason why I do not want to date anyone because I honestly do not have the attention span required to keep any sort of relationship going.

1 comment:

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