Thursday 17 January 2019

Zero Foresight.

I recently got my hands on a new project that is slated to start after the CNY break and it was suppose to be a relatively simple and straightforward project.

I told the homeowners that the renovation won't start until after the CNY break multiple times and even told them that the earliest they should anticipate moving in is probably between late March to early April, they were a little disappointed with the long wait but told me that they will just extend their lease at their current place a little in that case.

Normally when presented with such a scenario, the clients will extend their lease at their current place and if their lease extension fails, they will opt to move in to their relative's place for the time being until the actual renovation is done, but not this clients, because after failing to extend their lease, their next course of action is to move into the empty flat first.

"Hi Tim, we will have to move into our apartment before the renovation starts because we can't extend our lease."

 ...the apartment is empty, aside from the flooring and 2 functioning toilet bowls, the place is just not ready for moving in unless you don't mind living the life of a squatter for the next 3 months.

Naturally, I was quite taken aback and expressed my shock at their decision to move in to an empty space so early on, but then also told them that it should be possible for them to they stay in one of the extra bedrooms when the renovation starts, it's not ideal but seeing how their options are limited, it's the only feasible solution to their predicament.

Of course, this brought about more concerns such as having a functional toilet area with a wash basin and shower, doors for privacy, lights for illumination, a place for their fridge, for their washing machine, etc.

Essentially, everything that I would prefer to be done closer to the end of the renovation has to be brought forward in order to make the space livable and I prefer to do those things at the end is because it gives them less chances of actually getting damaged during the renovation process, and now the wife is asking me if the renovation can be shortened from the estimated 6 - 8 weeks like I had told her initially down to 4 weeks.

I find these kind of request to be bloody redundant. I told you I need a 6 to 8 weeks renovation period, that means I need at least 6 weeks to renovate the space, if it can be done in a shorter amount of time, than that is great, but I am not going to promise a timeline I am not even 50% confident of achieving.

She is essentially requesting for me to shorten the renovation period by half, it's like baking a cake and then deciding that since you don't have enough time, you will just bake it for half the time required by turning up the temperature of the oven, sure, bake the cake in a hotter oven for half the time, the exterior of the cake may look done,  but enjoy the under-baked, possibly even raw cake batter in the middle as you slice into that bad boy and lie to your guest that is is suppose to be lava cake when all they will get a few hours later is a trip to the toilet excreting chocolate lava out of their asshole.

I was feeling exhausted when I saw her request, so I told her it was just not possible, especially if the project is going to be starting right after the CNY break, there are many other projects that had to be postponed because of the CNY break, not just hers, that means once the break is over, all these bottle-necked projects are going to gush out like the hoover damn just broke,the contractors are all going to be hella busy during this period so rushing is not going to be an option for them.

After that, she just stop replying. I don't really know why her planning is so terrible, she knew from the start that the renovation will only happen after CNY, and she knows it will take at least 6 weeks to renovate the space, that means right from the start, she has been aware that the renovation will last all the way to April but she decides not to do anything about her lease that is coming to an end and then decides to just wing it when the time for her to move out of her current apartment comes.

Her "winging" it is now affecting my planning of her renovation schedule, what was suppose to be a simple and straightforward renovation has evolved into something else. I really really really hope she ends up finding another place to stay during the renovation and her lack of response right now is her actively reaching out to friends and families for a place to stay.

Please have some foresight.

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