Friday 25 January 2019

3rd D&D

Attended the company's annual D&D not too long ago and it wasn't too bad.

My boss has been hiring a lot of new designers recently, so there were quite a few faces there that I simply could not attach a name to and like every event with hundreds of attendees around, where I am expected to socialize and make small talk, I was feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable.

I had a few colleagues that I tried to stick with during the first hour or so of socializing, not that I really had to stick with anymore because I was essentially sitting in an armchair in the bar area and sipping on my bubble tea with a few of my colleagues who also aren't very interested in socializing  congregating around my general area.

After about an hour of me just going...

"Why is this taking so long? What time is it?"

... and looking at the time, the ballroom finally opened and everyone started trickling in.

Unlike last year, where 4 colleagues and myself got sidelined and assigned to a regular table while everyone else from my company got assigned to the VIP tables, everyone in the sales team this year was split all around the ballroom, and the only ones who got to enjoy the VIP table this year were the boss and the in-house team. So everyone in the Sales team ended up getting split into a few different groups and were assigned to a table with a few other sub-contractors.

The table I was assigned to this year was pretty close to the stage and luckily for me, I was sat with colleagues I was relatively comfortable talking to, but of course once the emcee started talking, any conversation I attempted to have got drown out by the speakers near the stage. I felt a little awkward because I was sat with a few sub-cons I haven't worked with before, and pair that with the loudspeakers that was constantly blaring the emcee's dialogue, I was just simply not interested to even attempt to start any small talk with them. We did have a few small exchanges once in a while when the emcee went to take a break, but we didn't manage to become close friends by the end of the dinner.

As the dinner went on, small games were introduced to make the dinner a bit more lively, innocent guest were pulled on stage to partake in a few mildly embarrassing games, I was also pulled on stage at one point to take part in this cringey group dance with a bunch of other guys from the audience and the only point of the dance is to invoke laughter from the audience.  Luckily I was standing at the back, so the ones in front of me acted as my embarrassment barrier.

Then came the part that I was most looking forward to, the lucky draw event where everyone in the company is bound to win something. There are 10 big prize and then the rest are like $100 red packets, the fact that the consolation prizes are $100 cash means that the big prizes are quite valuable items.

I was lucky enough to actually win one of the top 10 prizes, but before my name was drawn for the prize, the emcee did actually tell everyone what the prize was and the moment I heard what the prize she was drawing the winner's name for was, I pretty much lost interest in it straightaway...

"And the next prize is a digital door lock."

... it was like an instantaneous response from me because after that revelation, I just went back to my food and did not even bother looking at the screen where the winner's name would be revealed. If I won the item, I can't use it because I already have a digital door lock installed at my house, and even if I didn't, I will have to engage an installer to come install the lock for me and there is just too much hassle involved with that prize.

 But of course my name was called, it was like the Universe was trying to fuck with me because I was looking at my food so hard, thinking that if I focus all my attention on the food on my table instead of what was happening on stage, my name won't get drawn.

That being said, the digital door lock looks great, if I had my own place, I would have definitely been very happy to win that prize, it looks really sleek and so much nicer looking than the one my Mum installed.

So I went up on stage, took my prize, posed for a picture and went back to my seat. It is definitely exciting to win something, but that excitement really lasted only for a short while because when I finally got home and explored the contents, that's when I realize how much I DO NOT need the door lock.

I know I am looking a gift horse in the mouth and being an ungrateful little bitch about the Digital Door Lock, but I really would have preferred getting the consolation prize. I tried to sell the Digital Door Lock on Carousell, had to advertise it as an item that does not come with any installation and warranty, close to impossible to attract any potential buyers, but one did actually reach out to me.

I was selling it at $350, which is about $200 lower than the market rate, and this guy comes in with a $250 offer, I thought he was low balling a little too much, so I counter offered him $300 and ask him if he was still interested, he replies with a "Thanks" and then about a day later, ask me if $250 is okay, and that he can purchase the product from me today.

No matter how much I sold the item to him, I will still technically be making a profit because it is ultimately still a free gift I won, but I really didn't like how he was making no effort to change his price even after I made a counter offer of $300, so I told him I was willing to sell it to him at $280, but that will be the lowest I can sell to him, I didn't really want to ask him if he was alright with the price, so I just thank him for his interest, which was my way of indirectly telling him that this was no longer negotiable, either take it or leave it.

About 7 or 8 hours later, he drops me another message that went...

"$160. Last offer, what do you say?"

.... When I first saw his offer,  I got a little pissed off , I said no to $250 and he has the gall to offer an even lower amount, he is clearly fucking with me, but then another part of me also thinks that he might have mistyped and meant to offer $260, so I went...

"Sorry, $160 is too low"

... thinking his response would be to correct his typo and actually offer me $260 instead. I would have just accepted the $260 and sold him the door lock if he had told me it was a type ,I mean I really don't have any other buyers, but nope, he just went...


... which meant that he was trying to low ball me even more by offering $160, he is trying to fuck with me. Needless to say, the lock is still with me and I have lost my only potential buyer, but it feels even more satisfying knowing that if he truly wants to get the door lock, he is going to have to fork out more than $250 for it.


The joker reached out to me a few days ago asking me if $250 is okay. At this point, I honestly can't be fuck with him anymore, especially after how he tried to low ball to $160.

Am I suppose to be grateful by the fact that you have decided to raise your buying price back to $250 and sell the item to you?

Go Fuck Yourself !

At this point, I don't even trust him anymore, I have the feeling that when we actually meet to do the exchange, he might come up with some sort of excuse and tell me he only has $160 on hand or something and then attempts to get me to sell him at $160.

He has officially been blocked!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Enjoying reading your lively blogs. I am in ACEPLP right now
