Monday 17 September 2018

Ruined Gathering

My phone is buzzing with messages now and I always just feel this huge sense of relieve when the messages aren't coming from any of my clients.

It's late now, around 10 pm and I really do not want to be disturbed by any of them right now simply because it is extremely annoying to have to deal with work related problems when every other working adults are about to go to bed or are already in lalaland.

A few days ago, I actually met up with a few of my secondary school friends and while we were discussing about getting desserts from a nearby pastry shop after our dinner, my phone started buzzing with messages from my clients and right when I saw the barrage of images and messages, all that excitement and anticipation I had for the desserts just completely went away, it was so horrible because I was actually really really looking forward to trying the pastries but I just had zero appetite.

My friends bought a hazelnut tart as well as an Ice Cream to share and when they offered it to me, because my mind was so occupied with my clients, I simply found no joy in the food, it was good but my clients were ruining my appetite for food. That being said, the issues that were brought up by my clients were valid and they are partially oversights on my part, so I did deserve the disturbance, but it still sucks.

I was able to drop by my site at Sembawang today to take a look at the progress of the renovation and everything seemed to be going well, lights were being installed and everything seemed to be on track, the installer had no issues, so I decided to make my way straight back to the office after that site visit, seeing how I haven't actually been doing my duty for the past month and I was having this rare moment where I didn't actually have to drop by any other sites, it's probably a good time to start.

So I took a train that was headed for Toa Payoh and mid-journey, Eve decides to reply to a message I had send to the group chat earlier this morning. The reason why I send her that chat was because she didn't respond to the one I had send yesterday. The new text was essentially to reiterate the issues I had yesterday, to get her to actually reply because it was holding up the renovation works, and she finally did try to address the issue at hand. It didn't really make much sense to be honest, so I told her that I didn't understand what she was trying to tell me and thought she was just trying to cook up some bullshit excuse to cover up for the fuck up.

My client was also in the group chat but she was just reading and not responding or asking any questions, which was really irritating because I had told her from the start that if she were to engage her own contractor, I will play no part in coordinating the works of that contractor for her, but look at me now, coordinating the works for her because she managed to find an inept individual and I have to be the one who cleans up the mess.

So I had a bit of back and forth with Eve and I really wanted to just call my client and complaint to her about how unnecessary all this back and forth was and how we could have avoided all this had she just decided to use my contractor, what I said to my client when she first told me she wanted to get her own electrician was this....

"If you are going to be getting your own electrician, I won't coordinate their works for you, you will have to do that yourself, the most I will do is allocate a date for them to drop by and that is it, I will have nothing to do with them,"

... and she understood the terms and got her own electricians, I really wanted to throw this back at her, but I held back and continued my conversation with Eve, the conversation went nowhere and finally Eve just asked me...

"Will you be dropping by the site today? Adam will be there."

... a part of me really didn't want to go because I was already on my way to the office and I am not being paid to coordinate with her, so why the hell am I even having this conversation with Eve, but after remembering the screw up that Adam did, I really had no other choice, so I told her I will meet Adam on site, got off at Toa Payoh, bought a drink, and then hop on to the train and went back the direction I had come from to Choa Chu Kang. It was so stupid.

I reach my site about 40 minutes later and Adam was there, so after settling down, I went straight into the fuck up that happened. He did eventually sort of rectified the issue, but the whole cutting a hole in the wall bit was completely unnecessary, he cut a hold because he wanted to add extra support in the wall for the fixture, I told him that it wasn't really necessary because if my carpenter can mount a huge cabinet on the wall, the small electrical fixture my client wanted to install will definitely be light enough for the wall to support. I decided to stay at the site for a while longer to see what else was going to be done, did some scheduling work with my other contractors on the phone while I was there and then finally left after about an hour.

Adam did manage to damage a portion of on of the carpentry while I was there, so that is another issue I will have to deal with. I told my carpenter about it and the first thing he told me was...

"I will have to charge you for it."

 ... I understand that he has to charge me for it, but lately, my carpenter has also been quite disappointing. In the past, he was very helpful and would do a lot of additional things for me without charging me, but lately, the overall quality of his service has taken a bit of a dip. He is still good, but just not as helpful as he was last time.

Not too long ago, literally about 40 minutes ago, it's 12.30 am now as I am writing this portion of the post, my client send me a message that writes....

" I will talk to you tomorrow."

...what purpose does that serve? Telling me you will talk to me tomorrow.

It's midnight, I am about to sleep and you drop me a text that has no context whatsoever. Now I am going to be spending the night worrying about what conversation I will have to deal with tomorrow with my client.

If you want to talk to me tomorrow, then talk to me tomorrow, I mean what is the whole point of the text, am I suppose to treat it like a royal decree, that I shall be spoken to tomorrow?

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