Sunday 18 June 2017

I think she's a little crazy....

Something weird just happened and I am writing this entry at work because everyone from my group decided to leave early either for work reasons or because they are just straight up unreliable.

About 20 minutes ago, someone came in asking if she could exclaiming she wanted to use our toilet, I noticed she was trudging in with her shoes on, so I politely ask her to remove her shoes before she came any further because everyone is suppose to remove their footwear at the entrance.

Normally when someone comes in with their shoes on, and then gets told that they have to take their shoes off, they will always apologize immediately, walk back to the entrance with haste and remove their shoes before entering again because once they realize they might have dirtied the floor with their shoes, they will feel bad, and immediately apologizing is pretty much a natural response, but the toilet user who came trudging in with her shoe really gave almost zero fucks, the only fuck she gave was when she took off her shoes, but instead of placing her shoes at the Shoe area like everyone does, she just left it on the floor where she was standing, which is in an area where shoes aren't allowed, and heads towards the toilet, asking me what this company was, what was my profession, and upon learning that she had just walked into an Interior Design firm, proclaims that she used to be an Interior Designer back in her country of Taiwan before walking into the bathroom.

I mean good for you, whatever. So she uses the toilet and I went back to my table to continue with what I was doing, thinking that when she comes out, she will grab her shoes and leave without saying anything, she was really uncouth when she came in, so I was not expecting any..

"Thanks for letting me use your bathroom."

... when she came out.

A few minutes later, I hear the toilet bowl flushing, the toilet doors opening, which was soon followed by a yelp, curious, I turned my head and see the Uncouth Lady walking out and telling me.....

"Your toilet door is so small, this would not have passed the building regulation in Taipei."

This isn't Taiwan, so once again....

She walks up to my table and request for a piece of paper, so I pass her an extra floorplan I had lying around thinking she was going to sit down and write something, but she grabs my file that has all my client's information inside and starts to use that as a clipboard, which is completely redundant because the file isn't sturdy enough to function as a clipboard, and more importantly, rude, because that file is filled with my client's information, there are important documentation inside, you don't just grab a file with unknown content inside and start using it as a writing board.

But she does and she walks towards the toilet door and start scribbling random words on the paper I had provided for her, and then she asks for my measuring tape and at this point, I was just really confused, so as I passed her my measuring tape, I asked her...

"Where are you from?"

... thinking she was maybe some supplier that had been send by the boss to inspect the toilet door.

"I'm from Taiwan."

I was asking for a company name, not your place of birth.

She takes the measuring tape, starts measuring the door and from the way she was fumbling with the measuring tape, I could tell that she really wasn't an Interior Designer, I really have no fucking idea what she was doing, but she was so full of shit the entire time, telling me things like...

"Do you have a 3 meter measuring tape? Do you have a 1 meter measuring tape? You should have those measuring tapes in your possession as well. You know the 1 meter measuring tape? The paper one? we Interior Designers need to own those type, so when we measure, we can tear off the measurements."

Never heard of that in the 4 Interior Design firms I have joined.
Never heard of that from my 3 Years I spend studying for an Interior Design Diploma.

The Smell of Bullshit that is emanating from this lady is intense.

Once she was done sharing her insightful advice with me, she decides to sit on the floor and carried on with her version of measuring, which didn't last long because as soon as that measuring attempt was over, she gets into a prone position and starts scribbling Chinese words on the paper and tells me....

"My name is Circle, I am from Taiwan."

.... she kept writing gibberish in this atrocious handwriting of hers, walks up to my table and plops herself on the empty seat next to me before continuing with her writing. When the paper was covered with random Chinese words with no space left for anymore scribbling, she requested for more paper, to which I responded with...

"I'm all out of paper."

... because I just wanted her gone, she doesn't really care and just grabs one of the floorplans I had on my table and tells me...

"I haven't seen floor plans in such a long time"

.... and starts scribbling her name on it all over again and whatever she was saying out loud, random phrases like "Taiwen of Taipei" and random Chinese words that made zero sense, when she realize that I might need the floorplan, she looks at me and says...

"Later if you need this, you can just erase all my writings."

... if you think I might need it later, then stop writing random gibberish on it !?! Not only did she not stop, she even proceeded to write her email down, her name again for the fifth time, her Instagram account again and when I looked at it, she tells me...

'Those numbers are actually my phone number, it's so much easier to remember my email that way if I just used my phone number, this here is my full name, this is my Instagram account name, this is my email and here is my phone number, just add the country code before you enter my number so the call can get through." 

I really didn't know what to do at that point, what am I suppose to do with all that information, why are you even sharing all that information with someone you met less than 10 minutes ago, she doesn't even ask for my name card or anything about me, just kept yapping about really random topics, like her friend being in Malaysia while she was in Singapore and something about taking the Public Transport in Taipei, her train of thought was extremely random which made me a little worried because at that point, I just realized that she might actually be a little bit crazy.

I really wanted her to leave, I didn't want to force her out because I was actually afraid that she might lose her shit, so I entertained her for a while and she continues to give me even more advice she had spun using the shit she harvested from the bulls like...

"Every Interior Designer should have 3 pencils, a red, a green and a blue. The Red one is usually 2B and the Green one is HB."

... like all the advice she had shared with me, that was automatically filtered as Complete and Utter Bullshit.

She gets up from her seat a few minutes later and starts walking around the Showroom again, asking me to take pictures of the Showroom to send to her email...

"Take a picture of the toilet and send to me, the flooring here as well, and that flooring, and the feature wall, as well as this platform area."

 ...I didn't respond to her request because I had zero intention of sending her an email. It's really quite ridiculous how she was expecting me to just help her take photos and send them to her via email like I am obligated to do it. I told her if she wanted the photos, she should just take them herself, even though photography isn't allowed, I just wanted her to leave and I thought the quickest way was to let her take the pictures she wanted, to appease her to leave, but then she tells me that her phone did not have any battery left.

Not even a minute later, her phone suddenly has power again and she tells me that she wants to do a video walk through so her boss back in Taiwan can see what we did with our Showroom, she hands me the phone and then asks me to record the video for her and my aim at this point was to just have her leave the Showroom as soon as possible, so I took her phone and walked briskly through a portion of the Showroom as I begrudgingly took the video for her...

"Can you slow down? You are walking too fast."

... I didn't care, when I was done, I handed the phone to her and she doesn't even let out a word of thanks, instead, she goes...

"Did you make sure to record until the toilet door?"

She wasn't really pleased with the video I had shot for her, so she gets up and starts snapping photos of the place, she started at the toilet, moved on to the flooring and kept talking to herself, constantly referring to herself as "Boss"...

"Boss, if the office is designed like this, I can just call this place my home."

.... and she kept laughing every time she made a comment, like she was telling the most hilarious joke in the world.

When she was finally done with the pictures, she returns back to my desk, takes out the Map of Singapore, lays it on the table and then asks me where she was, asking me where the nearest MRT Station was and after telling her that she needed to take a bus to reach the nearest station, she goes...

"Need a bus to reach? Didn't you tell me it was within walking distance?"

... No, I didn't...

"So will the MRT Station be before or after the McDonalds?"

... What dafaq are you talking about?

I kept reiterating to her that she had to take a bus to reach the nearest MRT, but it just won't register and finally, FINALLY, she tells me...

" I will just walk there."

... and leaves the Showroom.

It was so fucking weird and before she left, she was telling me things like...

"One day when I am back in Taiwan, I will get all the basic things an Interior Designer should need and send them to you."

.... so I guess I have pencils and paper measuring tapes to look forward to in the future.

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