Sunday 26 March 2017

All because of the wife....

The client I got from the company event last weekend actually got back to me on Thursday, asking me if I had any design proposal I could share with him.

After emailing him my quotation, I was not expecting him to actually get back to me, seeing how the final figure has exceeded his budget and mainly because I just didn't want to have to deal with his RBF wife handle his project, I was hoping he could sense my insincerity.

Since I wasn't actually planning on handling his project right from the start, I did not bother doing a design proposal for him, I only did an obligatory quote for him, send it his way and hope I was done with him and his wife. I was a little bit taken aback and a little annoyed when he actually ask me if I had any design proposal I could share with him, like I was going to just send him some design ideas I have his way for free, so he can use those ideas and find a cheaper Interior Designer company, I told him that wasn't possible because he hasn't confirmed with me yet.

I told him I could help him look for some reference images online and maybe have him drop by the showroom so we can have a second consultation session to run through the reference images together with him and his disinterested wife, and to that he asked me if the weekend was alright with me and so I asked what time would be best for him....

Between asking him that question and him actually replying back to me, I quickly tried do some sort of design proposal for him, I only had about 3 days to come up with something, so I went to pinterest to find images to no avail, I tried Google Image and those were garbage, so I decided to just fuck it and do up a quick 3D via Sketch-Up for him of his entire 5 room flat, which took me a good 4 hours to complete.

The reason why it was so difficult for me to source reference images for him was because he had already source for reference images himself online, even showed them to me during our consultation. I was attempting to look for pictures that were similar to those he had presented to me, trying to remember the style he was going for based on that minute worth of viewing I had 4 days ago.  I can't find shit because I can't remember the exact style he was going for.

About 2 hours after I managed to complete his 3D for him, he finally replies back and goes...

"I will get back to you again..."

... it's already Sunday evening as I am writing this and he still hasn't gotten back to me yet.

He wasted mine

It's not alright to contact me and ask me to prepare a design proposal for you, only to tell me hours later...

"I will get back to you again."

.... and not actually get back to me.

The fact that he actually told me he wanted to meet me 2 to 3 days later actually made me prioritize doing up his Design Proposal for him, that was why I got to work right after he told me about it.

So you don't get to tell me or insinuate to me hours later that you are suddenly not interested anymore and think that that is alright. I hope he feels horrible for wasting my time, although I highly doubt so, also, I'm sure his wife doesn't give a single fuck and is just laying on her sofa yawning at everything she sets her sights on and then accusing me of things her husband has requested...

"Why am I pregnant? For what reason did I get pregnant? For aesthetics?"

Gawd I really do not like his wife.

This isn't even a really bad customer. The day I actually meet a horrible entitled piece of shit, that is going to make for great blogging material, probably not so great for me in real life though.

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