Friday 23 September 2016

Dat Density!

So something that my little sister did earlier just really irked me.

It may sound like a small deal, and it really is quite trivial, but here's what happened.

I came home from work earlier today and was told by my Mum to go out with my sister to get dinner, so we decided to head to Westmall and just packet some food back.

When we reached Westmall, we headed to the Foodcourt to order our food. My Mum wanted a bowl of Mee Tai Mak soup and I wanted a bowl of dry one, so as I was about to make my order, I asked my sister what she wanted, and she just said she wanted the same thing, I asked her if she wanted dry or soup and she said soup.

We got our food, headed home and when I finally got home, I decided to take a bath first before having my dinner, so I left the 3 packet of Mee Tai Mak on the table and went to take my bath.

Once I was done with my bath, I came out and see my little sister digging into the bowl of Dry Mee Tai Mak, MY dry Mee Tai Mak, so naturally I went...

"Why are you eating the dry one? That's mine!"

I was a little surprised because that was clearly what I ordered for myself, but I wasn't angry, I was expecting her to apologize and tell me she made a mistake, and I would have just brushed it off and told her it's alright, if it was an honest mistake, I couldn't really get angry at her for it, but then she goes...

"Because this one got chilli, so I ate it."

What? WHAT? I was dumbfounded when she said that, like are you serious ? That's your fucking reason? So then I started to feel a little pissed off that she was trying to use that excuse to justify her actions and raised my voice at her, emphasizing that the dry Mee Tai Mak was mine, I ordered the dry one, she ordered the soup one, it wasn't a "let's order a bunch of different variants and then decide who gets what when we get home", No!, I ordered dry, you ordered soup, so eat your soup one and let me eat the dry one that I had ordered.

But she didn't seem to understand what I was saying and kept going...

"They added chilli in the dry one, the soup one got no chilli."

Like that is a completely valid reason, so I kept reiterating that the dry one is mine, the soup one is hers, I ordered the dry one, not the soup one, like do you get this simple fact I'm trying to get across to you.

And she is not even apologetic about it, she just went...

"Then just pour the soup out from the other one into mine, then yours can also be dry.

Just to show how stupid that is, here is a picture of a dry Mee Tai Mak.

Mee Tai Mak in Sauce

And now, here's a picture of a Soup Mee Tai Mak.

Mee Tai Mak in Soup

Why do I want to eat my Mee Tai Mak dry? because I want to eat it with the dark sauce.

Now what happens when I pour all the soup out from the Mee Tai Mak soup ? I get Dry Mee Tai Mak, I literally get a bowl of dry Mee Tai Mak with no soup, no sauce, a bland bowl of Mee Tai Mak, like extra fucking dry bowl of Mee Tai Mak. Bland shit only sick people or health nuts would eat.

So No! I'm not going to pour all the soup out of my Mee Tai Mak and pretend that that is the same as the Dry Mee Tai Mak I had ordered for myself.

She did not offer me this as a solution once, she actually told me twice like it's a legit solution, that just made me even more pissed off, I mean that level of sheer stupidity she was exhibiting was just unbelievable, I never knew, in all my 20 years as her brother, that she could be that dense.

This is the level of stupid I only see online on Youtube videos in the comment section.

I honestly can't use this meme enough to express my disbelief

After a while, I just gave up because I honestly just can't argue anymore, it was so exasperating, holy fucking shit, I just had to stop and cool down for a while, while she continued eating her Mee Tai Mak, probably lost a bit of appetite after being shouted at.

Just to be clear, I am not so petty to be pissed off because she ate my food, I am pissed off because instead of being apologetic, she acted like she was doing me a favor by eating the spicy one and just not understanding what I was telling her... like at all.

No, she didn't.

I tried to offer her a peace offering in cupcakes a few minutes after I raised my voice at her, I was still pissed, but decided to be the bigger person and not end things on such a bad note, even though she was clearly at fault, but she just wasn't having it, so now she isn't really speaking to me and I'm the bad guy.

I feel so indignant.

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