Tuesday 29 March 2016


It seems as though my posts lately always centers around experiences with twats, be it in the form of a F&b sales assistant or a disgruntled ambulance driver.

Today's post won't be any different.

There was no dinner at home today, so my sister and I decided to head over to the nearby mall to get our dinner. There were a few options to choose from but I wanted to have noodles for dinner, so we did and went to a noodle shop called EAT. The outlet we visited today had quite a few PRC workers, so conversations we had were all in mandarin.

I headed up to the counter when we reached the shop and the conversation between the guy at the counter and I went like this (translated to English)...

Counter Guy : What can I get for you?

Me : Ummmm...

*I look over to my sister who was still busy deciding on what she wanted and upon realizing I was waiting for her, she urges me to order first*

Me : Can I have a Fishball Bee Hoon & Fishball Kuay Teow. Takeaway!

*counter guy proceeds to enter my order into the machine and then goes*

Counter Guy: Eating here or takeaway?

Me : Takeaway. -never hurts to repeat myself I guess-

*Counter guy repeats what I just said, "Takeaway",  and looks up from the machine, waiting for my sister to make her order.*

Sister : I will have Laksa.

*Counter guy keys in order, ask the type of noodle she wants and then tells the cooks our orders*

Counter Guy : Would you like anything else? Drinks?

*we shake our head*

Counter Guy : Fried fritters?

*we shake our head again, paid up and headed to the side to wait for our orders to be prepared*

At this point, my sister notices the cooks were preparing 3 dishes that were similar to our order, but instead of being prepared in a takeaway container, they were served in a bowl and left on the counter, worried that the 3 bowls of noodles might be ours, she asks me if I had told the guy I wanted to takeaway and not dine-in. I told her I did and assumed the 3 bowls probably belonged to another group of customer.

About a minute later, one of the cook looks at the untouched bowls of noodles on the counter and goes...

Cook : Come and collect your noodles!

....just shouting it across the whole shop, I still thought that the order belonged to someone else, so I didn't respond, my sister was a bit worried and asked me again if I was sure I told the guy I wanted to takeaway, I responded I was sure. The counter guy then notices my sister and I standing at the corner and looks at us for a while before looking at the bowls of noodles, and then back at us again...

Counter Guy : You guys wanted to takeaway?

Sister and I : Yes. We ordered takeaway

Counter Guy : So you want to takeaway?

Sister : Yes! *firm tone*

And then the fucker decided to just stare at us, literally glaring at the both of us for probably 2 seconds in just pure annoyance mixed with a bit of disbelief. When he finally snapped back to reality, he demands an additional 60 cents from us for the takeaway fee and proceeds to grab each bowl of noodle to dump them into the takeaway container, making sure to glare at us again after he was done with each bowl.

I just looked at him, a bit taken aback that he was giving so much attitude. I mean it's not my fault the dude's so fucking incompetent at taking orders, he even repeated the word "takeaway" when I told him I wanted to "takeaway".

Me: “打包!”

Him: “打包。”


I chose not to argue, and just half smiled at him because I really didn't want to argue in mandarin with a PRC, because that's just asking for trouble. My Chinese is pretty horrible as it is, and if I wanted to argue in English, I would rather insult him in front of his face without him understanding a word of what I said rather than have him scream...

"Fruck you! Fruck you!

...at me. This is a very trivial case of bad customer service and I'm sure there are many worst ones out there, but that glare he gave us when he realize HE fucked up made me want to take the bowl of Laksa and throw it at his face.

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