Monday 26 March 2012

Bad Baking Day.

At last I've watched the Hunger Games in theaters.

That's dedication. I've never watched a movie so early into it's release date before. Every time a scene pops out, I feel oddly superior to the audience who've never read the book before because I know things that they don't know about, like how they have a mole on the back of their neck.

I mean the books will always be superior to the movies. It's nice that there were some overzealous Caucasians in the audience member to prove my point, they are probably toned down version of what you'd get in their country. By my point, I mean knowing things that only readers of the book would know about in the movies because they didn't really explain some of them... like how the dogs at the final battle scenes were actually created using the dead tributes. Bet non-readers didn't know that, unless you read it on Wikipedia.

I'm feeling like those annoying people that you go watch movies with, who tells you things like...

"They die at the end, and then the bird comes and takes a poop on their head before flying off... and at the end they resurrect because... well I don't want to spoil anything for you so I'm just going to tell you this much."..... *whispers* "...because the shit was Phoenix shit."

Of course I wasn't spoiling the movie for my friend who went with me. I had a lot of self control.

It was a good movie, only because I was expecting a lot more since I've actually read the book first. To a normal person who hasn't it would probably be a lot better for them than for me. Jennifer Lawrence was a plus for me.

Gonna read Winter's Bone first before watching that movie because even though Jennifer Lawrence is acting in it, my attention span only last so long. If there's no action going on my mind just switches off and I will start surfing Youtube while the movie's playing in the background. Listening to "Gee" and trying to watch a sad movie is very confusing for the mind indeed.  I have to actually find the book first and that's gonna be hard.


Tried to do some baking today and I have to say today was not a good day to bake.

First was Macarons, making Macarons is like doing Pull Ups, it needs to be done constantly because if you don't, you're gonna forget how to do it and you're gonna have to repeat the whole process again.

My macarons today came out really well, with the shiny shells and perfect feet, the only problem was that I baked them on aluminium foil because I ran out of baking paper which really pissed me off. I only realize I had ran out of baking paper after measuring my almond and icing sugar mixture and combining them, I didn't bother to sift them because there's no point, the shells are probably gonna get stuck to the foil anyway, so I just made the batter and piped them and they actually came out really good, and even more surprising was that some of them managed to survive the extraction process from the aluminium foil.

So I transferred the shells onto a napkin after pairing them up for sandwiching later, because I didn't want to clean another plate afterwards and as I was transferring the shells into the fridge so I can go and look for a butter-cream recipe to make, the tip of the napkin that I was holding on to was wet, so it tore like millimeters away from my finger grip and the shells came crashing to the floor, all 20 of them.

Bloody hell.

Had to sweep them all up and throw them away afterwards. If I was working in Pierre Hermes, that would probably equate to about 1/2 of my salary gone. Probably like 1/10 of the deducted pay for the Macarons and 9/10 of it for showcasing sheer stupidity in attempting to transfer the shells to the fridge on a piece of wet napkin that will obviously tear. Well it wasn't wet like how throwing toilet paper into the toilet bowl and watching it absorb water before peeing into it and tearing it into bits with the pressure... just slightly damp but apparently too wet to support the Macaron shells.

A few moments later I decided to make some cookies, and I realize I didn't have any brown sugar, so I tried to make cupcakes, and realize I didn't have any milk, because I was really thin and my breast weren't big enough for milking. Went to the mini mart beneath my condo and got brown sugar because the cupcakes were my second option.

I made Cookies in the past and they always flatten, which is kinda ironic because that was what I wanted my Macarons to do, stay flat, during my Macaron Failing days but they always rose. So I thought, since I have mastered Macarons, Cookies should be pretty easy.


My butter was too soft and it caused the cookie batter that I used a ice cream scoop to measure out to deflate in the oven. I knew something was wrong when the cookie batter started sweating oil in the oven. It was terrible because afterwards it became lava cake, which tasted delicious but I couldn't enjoy because it was flat on the baking try and I couldn't transfer it to a cup without destroying the whole thing. It was a demoralizing day for baking.

Thursday 22 March 2012


I don't normally eat cheesecake but I enjoy eating this one from Allan Bakes.

Captain Obvious : "It's A Strawberry Cheesecake" 

It's actually really good, you don't really get the cheese taste but you get the cheesecake texture. I don't really know how normal cheesecake's suppose to taste like, I mean me telling you how a good cheesecake should taste like is like a blind guy telling you how to do shading.

But this cheesecake is really good. (Feel like I need to do a disclaimer because the expression was a very bad one) Plus I'm putting the picture up because it looks really professional so I'm really proud of it... with a little help from Instagram.

There's really nothing much to update lately.  I actually wanted to blog about a particular situation that's been getting on my nerve lately, but I guess I have lost touch in ranting about them.

But here's a short version.

I have this friend in camp that likes to take jabs at me, and in the past I will do the same. Like insults that don't really mean anything, and I'm really fine with that because sometimes it's fun... and sometimes I really want to kill him

What I don't find fun is when a third party that I'm not very close to decides that taking jabs at me would be a great way to "break the ice" with me.

Oh NO~! You DI'INT~!

Taking jabs at me and hoping that I will still be your friend is only applicable to people whom I am ACTUALLY friends with. Taking free jabs at me makes me feel like a cheap whore and I'm not a cheap whore... you have to pay me first before you can take jabs, and by pay I mean becoming my friend because I'm not THAT cheap. 

So that's what's been bugging me lately. And also to have a crappy gif to go with my amazing photograph of my cheesecake.

I don't blame the person who's doing it. I blame the person who started it. 

Okay. Seriously the person who's pissing me off is actually my friend the jabber himself. I only come to this realization after actually speaking the that person who was taking free jabs at me. I'm slow like that. I don't mind jabs, but attempting to start every single conversation with a jab is just fucking annoying.

Everytime he initiates a conversation...

"Oi Oi Oi.... Sleep sleep sleep. Other than sleep what else you know how to do."

It doesn't sound annoying but it gets annoying, especially when you are trying to have a proper conversation and that shit starts to happen.

What pisses me off is the fact that because he's constantly doing it, other people seem to think that it's okay for them to do it as well. That's why the other person started taking jabs at me as well. And the reason why the other person is taking jabs at me is because whenever I'm alone with him, it's mainly just awkward silence, so he was probably using that as an ice breaker... only problem is that the only thing he's breaking is my tolerance level towards my friend.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Freaking Old.

I'm 22.

My Mum bought me awfully chocolate Banana Cake. My friends bought me Bakerzin Chocolate Cake. I guess chocolate cakes are the default choices for my birthday cakes.  

Tuesday 13 March 2012

22 Years Old

I have been waiting for a new SNSD video to come out from The Boys album, but they are churning out videos from their Japanese Album instead.  Well 2NE1 is good too so I shall put the video up, plus I've been pressing repeat a lot of times on the video it's only right for me to share the music so it gets stuck into everyone's head.

It's sad when the music you start listening to are all in another language because when it really gets stuck in your head, and after a long time when you have stopped listening to it and the tunes suddenly gets into your head again, you can't even google the lyrics to find out what song it is.

Well a few days ago I had a small birthday get together with some Polytechnic friends to celebrate a friend's birthday and mine as well. I had completely forgotten about the dress code so I went in what I was most comfortable in. Just barely enough so I won't get caught by the police for indecent exposure

Had lunch at a little restaurant called Bistro Du Vin.

Look, it's me arms. 

Ordered the 3 course meal, which I always enjoy. 

Serrano Ham with Melon.

Norwegian Baked Salmon with Prawns.

Creme Brulee

The Serrano Ham with Melon was awesome because I love me some Serrano Ham and Melon. I don't know how to eat it so I just wrapped the ham around the melon and ate it, which I'm not sure whether is the correct method or not but I shall assume it is. 

The Salmon I think was good? I think because I can't judge a salmon dish without being biased. There was a time in my life when Salmon was on the dining table almost everyday for lunch and dinner, I thought I was going to have a collagen overdose. I actually wanted the lamb shank but I didn't want to pay an extra $6 because I'm cheap like that, and the other options were Chicken, which is like a staple food in the Army for some reason, when I see chicken, be it fried, steam or seared in my army ration box, it's always left alone, the poor chicken died without serving the purpose humans gave it, and steak which like the salmon, I have been eating a lot recently.

The reason I ordered the salmon over the steak was because the steak overdose is more recent than the salmon overdose. I know I sound like some rich brat who's complaining about having too much good food but people have to realize I'm grilling my own steak so it's not as good as one might expect a steak to be, many times it's cooked unevenly.

Grill marks always make the steak look so much better than it looks.

The Creme Brulee was awesome. I like the Creme Brulee very much. 

Making Creme Brulee would help me sin less because every time I make Macarons, I will throw the egg yolk away because no one wants to eat fried egg yolk.  I have all the ingredients needed for making Creme Brulee except the key tool, which is a blow torch to caramalise the sugar and burn down the house at the same time. I have vanilla beans my Mum bought from Dubai, I have cream, I can always make Meringue so I always have egg yolks available, I even have vanilla sugar but no blow torch. 

After lunch was the cake cutting ceremony, chocolate cake from Bakerzin. I hate Bakerzin Chocolate Cakes because they have a lot of cream and very little sponge which I really hate in cakes nowadays. And their cakes are like the faces of girls nowadays, a lot of make up, shit load of cocoa powder, which is fucking bitter, I ended up not eating a lot of it, which I shouldn't have because it's half my birthday cake. The best birthday cake one can get is still from Angie The Choice. Their cake is awesome, fluffy and moist with soft and delicious whipped cream.

Modern looking cake are like the current generation of singers, they only look good. After that was a visit to an art gallery. I know it sounds really pretentious but we didn't plan to go there specifically to see art pieces, we didn't have anything else to do.

"Oh yeah, when we have nothing else to do, we go art galleries and enrich ourselves with art works."