Thursday 29 August 2024

New iPad Air cos I'm stupid.

This morning, my Zenyum electric toothbrush decided to stop working and the thought of having to shell out $80 to get a new one was really upsetting because it barely lasted a year.

Not really sure what caused it to go haywire, but it wouldn't charge and the charging indicator on the toothbrush is just permanently lighted up, but at maybe 20% brightness, which is weird. Now I'm wondering it if it will suddenly explode in the middle of the night. 

Shitty longevity aside, it is a decent electric toothbrush and I still have 2 brush head replacements that I have yet to use, they were going for $10 per replacement when I got them, so I am probably gonna just bite the bullet and order another toothbrush because my dumbass didn't go apply for the 1 year warranty for this damaged one when I first got it. Could have gotten a 1 to 1 replacement if I had done that. Stupid. 

Talking about stupid....

After work today when I got home, my Sister's dog greeted me at the door, so I did what I usually would do, bend down and started giving him rubs because cuteness aggression is real, I was still carrying my back bag at this point and I started feeling something cold spreading downwards on my lower back, my socks were also getting wet and that was when I realized my Owala water bottle that was in my bag was slowly flooding the interior of my bag.

I had no idea how the bottle cap came loose in my bag, but it did and all the water in that bottle just came pouring out into my bag, the bag which did a pretty decent job at retaining the liquid even though it isn't really marketed as a waterproof bag, but unfortunately for me, majority of the items in my bag aren't waterproof and that included my iPad Pro.

Initially, I thought everything was still fine, I thought for a $1000 device, there has to be some sort of water resistance, like an IP rating, so I checked the iPad and it had no issue, there was water coming out from the charging port and speakers but it could still turn on and everything seemed fine, I quickly took it out from the it's case, placed in on a flat plate and then proceeded to scatter some rice along the edges where the charging port and speaker crevices were in hopes that it could absorb any remaining moisture that I wasn't able to shake out.

I then proceeded to empty my bag, everything was wet, my fisherman's friend was just soaked through even though it was sealed in it's own sealable bag, my power bank was dripping with water, my 3-in-1 charging cables were all wet and I just went to hang whatever I could hang dry. Took a mop to clean up the floor and then went to take a shower.

When I was done with my shower, I headed out to the dining area where my iPad had been resting it it's blanket of rice, tapped the screen to see if it was still working, the screen lit up, and decided that since it was functioning with no issue, there isn't really any point leaving it in the blanket of rice any longer.

I shook the rice off, took the iPad out from the plate and the screen lit up no issue, I rotated it and the lock screen also rotated as it normally would, but then  I noticed that there was this patch across the screen which I had thought was part of the wallpaper....

....but as I rotated the iPad around, I noticed that the patch didn't rotate along with it. That lighter triangular patch on the bottom left of the screen isn't a "ray of sun light" that I had assumed it was, that is just straight up water damage.

My screen got fucked... I didn't get Apple Care with my iPad, so I am fucked as well.

I went online to check the estimate cost to have the iPad repaired if it , with Apple Care, it's about $60, without Apple Care, it's a whopping $800. 

What the actual fuck.

I was actually using my iPad to check the apple website for the repair cost and it was just kept flickering every once in a while to remind me that it's fucked.

I blamed the dog and then did the nest most logical thing.... myself a new 13" iPad Air. 

.... with the new Apple Pencil Pro because my Apple Pencil 2 is not compatible with the latest iPad Air. It's actually ridiculous how the previous generation is not compatible at all with the current iPad Air, but that is just Apple being Apple I guess.

Good thing is I managed to use my Sister's Education account to get a slight discount plus a free Apple Pencil, this time I also made sure to add in Apple Care and the total damage came up to around $1,200. 

The original price is actually $1,400, so I did manage to save $200. 

I was initially still contemplating between travelling overseas for another short solo trip this year or getting the new iPhone 16, but this new unnecessary iPad purchase has made that decision for me.


To be fair, I was having trouble looking for a SEA country to visit, my initial choice was either Ho Chin Minh or Hanoi in Vietnam, but then nothing really interest me there, so I considered somewhere in Bali, but again, it's not metropolitan enough like Taipei or Bangkok, so I eventually gave up on the idea.

With the iPhone 16, I'm just not very sure, I have seen the leaks and it seems the only thing they are adding is an additional camera action button on the phone, there really isn't going to be any significant upgrade that validates an upgrading from my current 14 Pro. It's as stupid as me getting the iPad Air, but with this purchase, at least I have a valid reason....

Anyways, to make this iPad purchase less painful, I have decided to just withdraw all my investment from my Endowus app. Been using that app for a few months now and I have only made like $20 with my $1200 investment, I am getting more from my UOB One Account interest rate per month so there really isn't any point to continue.

The next punch to the gut for my bank account will be my upcoming insurance investment, that annual $3000 deduction is always such a humbling experience for my savings. I know I will eventually get that money back one day, years down the road, but seeing my savings take that huge dip. I also have an upcoming dental visit, not sure what kind of financial damages that will incur as well.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Shits and Pukes.

The long weekend ended with a round of food poisoning, which extended my long weekend to an even longer one.

No idea what caused it, I did a Google search to check how long it can take for the effects of food poisoning to kick in, and apparently it can take up to as long as 10 days based on the first website I saw,  so my guess is that it could be from the Poke Bowl I had at Tanglin Mall on Wednesday, the salmon was really mushy and reminded me of the texture of the Prawn Nigiri I had during my Taipei trip which also gave me food poisoning.

The Poke Bowl I had at Tanglin was probably the worst Poke Bowl I ever had, mushy salmon aside, it was $15 a bowl and I think the server forgot to add the sauce that was supposed to be served with it, so it was also extra fucking dry. And downing that dry bowl with a sugar free fizzy drink did not make it any better. I hadn't realized that it was drier than normal because it had been a while since I had a Poke Bowl, it was only after I went to check out the ingredients on their website when I got home did I realize it was suppose to come with a "Signature Umami Sauce" that I did not see the server drizzle into the bowl as I was watching him prepare the bowl.

Service also wasn't good, and the fact that they are very likely the reason for my food poisoning. 0/10.

Back to the food poisoning experience.

The effects kicked in on Monday at around 1 am, my chest suddenly felt really bloated and the stomach did not feel too good, this led to multiple liquid diarrhea sessions that pretty much lasted the whole night, I could not fall asleep because of how uncomfortable that bloat in my chest felt, so even though I was laying on my bed, I wasn't actually sleeping, and when I am not on my bed trying to sleep, I was just busy taking a piss from my ass because that's what it literally feels like when I was shitting. I didn't know how liquid diarrhea could get can be until I had those sessions. 

Then the worst part came during the vomiting sessions at 6am. I knew the bloating will feel better once I actually vomited, but what I did not expect was for the vomiting to actually physically hurt. When I felt the first one come, a part of me felt glad that I could finally get some relief from the bloating, but as it made it's way up, the pain I felt in my chest was intense, it's the same type of pain I get in my chest when I am laughing way too hard, it's very uncomfortable. With the laughing, normally the pain will make me stop laughing, but with the vomiting, if it needs to come out, it's gonna come out....

... it came out another 4 more times within the span of 1 minute.

The bloating was better, but I felt like shit. For the rest of the day, I was just tired and had no appetite, so all I had yesterday was a bowl of soup and that was it, I didn't dare to eat anything else because I was so afraid it would trigger the vomiting.

This round of food poisoning felt worst than the one I had in Taipei, but I was able to get better so much faster than when I was in Taipei, so the medication I was given me here was definitely much more effective than the ones I had in there, I guess the vomiting also played a huge role in the relief that I was able to get.

Note to self : If the raw seafood has a slimy texture , it's probably a good idea to stop eating it.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Indecisive Fucks strikes again!

The indecisive customers that I blogged about previously are getting from bad to worst and I feel like I am already at my wits end dealing with them and all their last minute request and changes.

This morning, the daughter messaged in the group chat requesting to add LEDs for one of the wardrobe, the plans for LEDs in this wardrobe were originally discussed to be implemented during the early stages, but then the clients decided to take it out, we did not discuss about adding this back in for the next few months leading up to the renovation, not a single word about it, so during the electrical works, we did not prepare any LED points for this carpentry, during the carpentry fabrication phase, we did not ask the carpenter to cater any LED channel in the wardrobe carcass for it.

But out of all the times they could have requested to add the fucking LEDs, they have to request it when the carpentry had already been fabricated and about to be installed. 

Fucking shitheads

I am actually so fucking irritated at all their last minute request, if they had requested for us to add it in 2 weeks ago, it would have been fine, 1 week ago, we could have tried to make it work, but NOW, WHEN THE CARPENTRY HAS BEEN FABRICATED! Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME! 

This isn't the first time they pulled this shit, they have been pulling this shit multiple times after the renovation started and it's the constant flip flop between ideas, the last minute request to add shit that should have been requested long ago. Or requesting to add something at the inconvenience of EVERYONE, but themselves, and then suddenly deciding they no longer need it, AFTER the alteration had been made.

When I joined this company and decided to become an In-House Designer and not do any Project Management work was because I wanted to avoid getting stressed out over situations like this, but I have no choice but to take on a more active role because I know Yan, who is the Project Manager for this site, will get extremely overwhelmed dealing with all this on her own, my boss is sadly taking a backseat and not really chiming in much to assist, so I have to deal with all this ridiculous request from the customers.

This family is the most indecisive, last minute homeowners that I have ever worked with. They do not know the level of inconvenience all their last minute request is causing EVERYONE and they are just so shamelessly requesting for them every other day.