Saturday 27 July 2024

Indecisive Customers...

There is this project that I am currently working on which I have been working on ever since I join the company last year. 

My boss had sort of warned me beforehand that this couple will have a higher than usual expectations because they are downgrading from a 3 storey Bungalow to a 5 Room BTO Flat, they may have unrealistic expectations of what could be brought from their current home into their new and much smaller home, this includes existing furniture they might own, an over abundance of appliances like 3 separate fridges, and spatial ideas that exist in their current home that they would like to introduce into their new home, like an outdoor area for them to do heavy cooking.

The first meeting with them was uneventful because this was really early on and they were still many months away from getting their keys. Ideas weren't firm and they just didn't really seem to care all that much, the wife was just sharing ideas she saw from the internet, like doing a mirror TV in their toilet whilst the husband was just there, not really contributing much.

Months pass by with no updates from them, I reached out multiple times to try and schedule meetings so we could firm up on the ideas, but it wasn't until when they finally got a date from HDB for their key collection did they start to request for meetings to run through the renovation in detail. Initially it was just the 2 of them and the meetings were painful because they were of an older age and as a result were pretty forgetful, so whatever ideas that they had, which I had already told them was not possible due to space constraint, would get brought up again, and I always had to remind them that we had that discussion before and the answer to those unrealistic request of theirs was either they were not doable or I was very strongly against.

Thankfully, they eventually pulled their daughter in to assist and the discussion finally had some progress, we stopped revisiting old ideas and focused on actually planning the home according to their needs and requirements that were within reason. That being said, discussions were still not the most pleasant experience for me personally as their designer because even though we were finally on track with the daughter's involvement, the request that they had were still very extensive and we went through so many iterations before their key was officially collected, I had to update my drawings more than a dozen time before that, and after they got their keys, we went through even more rounds of changes.

Once in a while, the wife would throw in a new idea she had, sometimes the daughter would chime in and stop her, other times the daughter would agree and ask us if that was doable. And that would be fine, if not for the fact that the wife likes to keep doing last minute changes.

Keys collected, electrical wiring pulled, and then 2-3 weeks later, the wife would suddenly ask in the group chat....

"I would like to do motion sensor lights for the house."

...  that is like ordering a cup of bubble tea, and after the drink has been prepared and is being sealed, you suddenly tell the tea barista...

"Oh, please make sure to only give me 20% sugar"

... bitch, what the fuck.

For the motion sensor lights, she asked if we could connect it to 2 lights in that particular space, so the motion sensor can activate both lights together, we checked with the electrician, he said it was doable, so we proceeded with it.

One of her relative who works with lights had visited the site with her last week and shared with her that the space didn't need 2 lights, so when we told her that it had already been hooked up to the motion sensor and will switch on together based on her request, her response to that was...

"Why need to have 2 lights turned on together? It's so bright, what a waste of electricity, we don't need 2 lights to turn on together."

I then told the daughter who was also on site that I had originally only planned for 1 light in that space, but it was their relative who proposed to do 2 lights, now to suddenly tell me they need 1 light would have been the perfect time for me to sort of rub it in and tell them...


... but the wife, being the forgetful lady that she is, bypassed that information and focused on the fact that the space is too small to need 2 lights, that they don't need both to be hooked up to the motion sensor and that she wants to have one of the lighting point either removed or disconnected from the motion sensor. 

If she had followed my original plan from the start, we wouldn't be stuck in this pointless back and forth.

Now my colleague Yan has to arrange for the electrician to drop by the site again and do the amendments.

This was just one out of a many changes that was brought up yesterday during the site visit. 

Our Kitchen Cabinets are also 80% up, the rest of the home isn't done yet, and they were already able to spot issues that they have with the carpentry, literally things that we had ran through together, design decisions and request that they made, that we had gotten their confirmation to go ahead, was met with a lot of...

"Please change this, it's such a waste of precious space."

.... granted those requested were brought up very cordially, but it still doesn't change the fact that it is annoying. My mood was NOT good after the meeting and this is something I find myself experiencing after every meeting with them, just a feeling of being so mentally exhausted because it was never really about resolving an issue, it's about exploring that issue and then instead of coming to an agreement of how to proceed, they will question that issue even more and then request for more amendments to be made. 

To use the Bubble Tea as an analogy.

First Round

I want to order Milk Tea

But do I want to add Pearls or Not.

So I contemplate as I am queuing up to make my order.

Once I reach the counter, I see they have White Pearl, Grass Jelly, Pudding.

Second Round

I want to order Milk Tea

But do I want to add Pearls, White Pear, Grass Jelly or Pudding.

So I stand there and contemplate, and as I am contemplating.

Sugar level. 0% 25%, 50%, 70%, 100%

Third Round

I want to order Milk Tea

But do I want to add Pearls, White Pear, Grass Jelly or Pudding.

If I add Pears, it will have some syrup, so maybe I can just get 25% Sugar

If I add Pears, it's probably not as sweet, so maybe I can get 50% Sugar

etc. etc. etc

Ice Level....

Fourth Round

I want to order Milk Tea...


It's like that when I am discussing the design with them, one question leads to another, that leads to another, that leads to another. It is exhausting.

They also like to constantly go back and forth with ideas that they have.


When I meet them, I always make the mistake of thinking that we are meeting to confirm things, but what ends up happening at the end of the meeting is more questions being asked than answers being given.

To date, this is probably one of the most indecisive customers I have ever worked with, even though I am usually quite hands off after the project begins it's renovation phase, I can't really let go of this because of how involved I am required when they decide to make those changes.

Yan isn't able to keep up with the changes because she is usually never involved in those design meetings, the idea is as a Designer, I am suppose to finalize all those design details, and when the renovation starts, pass those Design Details to her for her to manage the project and relay those information to the various sub-cons, which is why by right, I am no longer really involved once the renovation officially kicks off, but this couple for this project is just holding on to me with a vice like grip, especially the wife, and not letting me go. 

Yan is under constant pressure because of how hard it is to keep track with all the other projects that is happening outside of this particular project, so I am also trying my best to keep her afloat with all the latest changes.

The next one month is going to be tough. I really just want this project to be done so I can have a mental break. I cannot imagine taking on a renovation of this level on my own as a Sales Designer because I will be extremely overwhelmed and probably just quit midway through.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Fuck Grab!

 GrabFood has finally refunded my missing order after 3 weeks! So I decided to celebrate the end of this whole situation, I will show my support and order through GrabFood again last night.

I was really craving for something sweet, so I ordered 2 boxes of Speculoos Blondie from this pastry shop Edith Patisserie. Their blondies are really addictive, nice and chewy, paired with the cinnamon flavor from the Speculoos, it's a dangerous combination.

The order came within 30 minutes or so, which was relatively fast, and this time the Grab Delivery guy who was in-charge of delivering my order did what he was suppose to do, send me a photo of the food he left on the chair.

I excitedly went out to collect my food and couldn't wait to dive in, I took the boxes out from the paper bag and noticed that the label on the boxes were wrong, they were Matcha Blondies, I thought I had made a mistake, so I went to check my receipt and it was stated as Speculoos. 

I do NOT like Matcha

I specifically ordered 2 Speculoos Blondie because they had a promotion going on and I really fucking love their Speculoos Blondie, so to NOT only be missing out on my Speculoos Blondie, but then also have 2 boxes of the Blondies in a flavor I really do not like, it was really upsetting.

Naturally, I submitted my complaint to Grab, thinking they could resolve this and just refund me my money, I send them the photographic proof...

Receipt states : Salted Speculoos Blondies
Box states : Matcha Blondies

It's a pretty self explanatory picture.  The item received does not match the order. 

Grab then responds back that they have difficulty viewing the attached image and that I should put a clearer image for them to see.

The fuck? I was feeling really pissed off at this point because for you to fuck up the very first order that I decided to make, after the last experience that I had, like what the fuck are you doing?

I retook the photos, opened the box to show that it is indeed Matcha Blondies (pictured above), and was quite condescending with the way I wrote the message...

....  and hit send. 

Got up this morning and as I was preparing my morning coffee, I opened the fridge and saw the 2 boxes of Matcha Blondie, that triggered me all over again and I decided to just follow up an email to Grab and tell them to just close my ticket, that I will just settle for the Matcha Blondies because the idea of having to deal with them again for this kind of refund issue just feels exhausting.

Told them even though they probably don't give a shit, I will be ordering from FoodPanda moving forward after this repeated experience of them taking longer than usual to deal with my issue.

Refunds for "missing order" or "wrong item delivered" are usually issued within an hour of submission, this was 12 hours later and there was no update.

As someone who used to work in retail, when a customer sends an angry email or text message like the one I did, I honestly do not give a flying rat's ass if they decide they no longer want to patronize us anymore because I am at the bottom of the command chain, I'm just there to earn my monthly wages and that's it, and I believe the ones who will see my email are also the ones at the bottom of the command chain, to them, my email response is just another annoyance they will have to deal with on a daily basis.

Anyways, it's already been more than a day and they have yet to issue me any sort of compensation, the issue in the app is still tagged as "We are working on it!" I am now more interested to know how they will respond to my last email and if they will actually issue me a refund or not.

The Matcha Blondies are actually not too bad, but it's not Speculoos so I am not loving it as much as I should be. To be fair to Grab, the whole mix up is honestly the fault of whoever was doing the packing on Edith Patisserie's side, either it was a mix up or they ran out of the Speculoos and decided to swap it with Matcha, if it was the latter I would actually be more pissed off because I really do not appreciate stores swapping out items without double checking with the customers if they are okay with it first.   

If this isn't the Universe way of telling me to stop supporting GrabFood anymore, I don't know what is. I have also decided to just cancel my Grab Unlimited Plan with them, stated my reason as "Others" and just wrote the reason being that their Service Recovery is shit.

I have also since deleted the app because fuck Grab in general, will be using Gojek for my cab hailing services now on, and FoodPanda/Deliveroo for food deliveries, although to be honest, I feel like it will only be a matter of time before I drop Foodpanda. Pretty sure one of the reason why I kept ordering from Grab previously was because FoodPanda messed up my orders.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Scammed by GrabFood

I don't think I will be using Grab Food anymore because recently, I am pretty sure I got scammed by one of the delivery guys and Grab has decided to take their own sweet time to deal with the issue.

It has been almost 3 weeks since and I still have not gotten a refund.

So just some background.

18th June

Work had just ended and I was waiting for my bus at the bus stop near my office, decided it would be a good time to just order my dinner via Grab, picked the "Saver Delivery" to save some money and figured by the time I reach home, the food will either be at my door step or at least be about to reach.

I selected my stuff from one of the Mix and Match option, confirmed the order and just didn't really bother to keep track of it until I was at the lift lobby of my condo, I opened the app and noticed that the delivery guy was 10 minutes away, I could track him on the app and he wasn't really anywhere near my block, but not even 10 seconds later, the order was suddenly marked as delivered.

I thought maybe the guy had delivered the item, but then forgot to update his side as completed, so he might have done that when he was already on the road. 

I headed up to my unit and realize that the food wasn't there, I gave the delivery guy the benefit of the doubt and thought, maybe he accidentally press the delivered button but is still on the way because this had happened before a few times with some of the deliveries, so I went to take a shower and after my shower,  checked my main door again to see if the food was there, it wasn't.

A bit confused as to what was going on, because it had already been 15 minutes since the order status was updated to "delivered", I decided to reach out to the delivery guy via the app if there was an error on the app, he replied and told me...

"No error, I already delivered."

... I then asked him if he had maybe delivered it to the wrong address because I didn't receive anything, but he insist he did,  and that he had left it on the black chair outside my main door, I took a photo of the chair and asked him if that was the one he left it on, thinking he might reply... 

"Sorry, I think I delivered to wrong place."

... but he simply replied with "Ya", and that was it. I was really annoyed at this point because it was already 8.30pm, I was hungry and my food wasn't here, so I asked him to provide me with photographic evidence that he left the food on my chair, because that is their standard practice, if you had been instructed to leave the food at the main door, you take a photo of the food at the main door as evidence and then send it to the chat, this fucker just left me on read because he didn't have any photos.

I immediately reported the issue to Grab, thinking I will be able to get a refund within the hour, because from my own experience, that's usually how quickly they are able to deal with "missing order" issues.

19th June - 1st Contact

No updates on my case after a whole day, so I reached out to a Grab Specialist via the app, thinking they could resolve my issue faster.

I shared the issue with the specialist Crystine, who apologized for the experience and told me she will escalate this issue to Support and update me via email once there is an update.

Zero Updates from Grab's side

24th June - 2nd Contact

I reached to a Grab Specialist again via the app to get an update on my case. 

This time I was connected to Kate, she checked my issue and told me they were still working on it, I was a bit upset because this was taking quite a while to resolve. It had almost been a full week by this point and there had been zero updates on their side.

Kate then informs me that she will escalate the issue and I will get an update within the next 24 hours.

I was optimistic, thinking they will settle my issue within the next 24 hours by confirming that the refund had been approved and that I can expect to get my money back.

I get an email minutes after the chat with an update from them that simply went...

"Our team is still working on it."

.. the level of incompetence was truly pissing me the fuck off.

26th June - 3rd Contact

Reached out again via the app and was connected to a Specialist called Xhing.

I was upset about the update that Kate had given me, so I attached the screenshot of my conversation with Kate, and highlighted the part where she told me she will give me an update, and then sharing with Xhing the update I actually got, which was essentially an non-update. 

I repeated the whole scenario with the Grab Delivery guy as well, even submitted screenshots of my conversation with that fucking thief, hoping this can help to escalate the case. Xhing apologizes for the experience and then informs me that the refund had actually been approved, but for me to give them some time to process it and also investigate the case further.

That was great, case solved, I could get my money back and I hope they would actually punish the Grab Delivery guy for fucking lying about delivery my food.

2nd July- 4th Contact

Still zero fucking updates from Grab.

I reached out again via the app, and this time, I was connected to Ana. I asked her about my refund, attached the conversation I had with Xhing. 

She told me she will investigate further. I expressed my gratitude and she suddenly ask me...

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

... I was a bit confused because shouldn't you be using investigating right this instant instead of asking me if there was anything else you could help me with?

You can help me by checking your system right there and then to let me know when the refund will be processed back to me, I would expect since the refund had already been approved, according to Xhing, there should be a date of when I can expect to get the money back.....right?

 Ana then apologized and told me she will investigate and actually get back to me via email. 

Spoiler alert. She didn't.

As useless as the other 3 Specialist, but not as bad as Xhing because I have a feeling he lied about my refund being approved just to end the chat.

6th June - Latest Contact

Reached out again to get an update on the situation. This time, I was connected to Jackie.

I just could not be bothered with the pleasantries this time, I didn't say Hi, I just got right to the point and asked for an update about the whole situation, and once again, Jackie just regurgitated the same shit that all the other specialist have spewed out...

"We are sorry for the experience, this is not the experience we want you to have.."

... I get that this is their SOP response, but to read that and know how invalid that statement is was very aggravating to me as a customer, like stop fucking lying, if Grab really cared, then why am I having to go through this 5 times in a row?

Jackie was equally useless, gave me the same reply as the other 4 specialist about how they will escalate the issue to be investigated  and then for me to expect an update via email, I ask how many escalations they need because it has been almost 3 weeks since the fuck up happened and I am still short of my $18.

I screenshot all the convos I had with the other specialist, mainly the part where they wrote..

"We will get back to you via email" 

... and just send it to Jackie, each one with an accompany caption that read "NO UPDATES!" 

I get that Jackie and all the other Specialist are just hired by Grab to deal with all this issues, so it really isn't their fault that I am not getting an update, it's just Grab's incompetency at handling this situation, but I was pissed, and I just needed to vent my frustration at someone. 

Jackie can't really do much, so all he does is apologize again for the experience and at this point, I was just really tired of the conversation, I knew if I continued the chat, the conversation will just end with him spewing the same shit his colleagues spewed out...

"We apologize for this experience, we will escalate this issue and get back to you via email."

...and then not actually provide any updates. So I just stopped chatting back.

About 4 minutes passes by with no activity in the chat until Jackie eventually asking if I was still there, I decided to just leave the end the chat. You waste my time, I will waste yours, as petty of an act as it is.

Anyways, I have stopped using Grab Food since this issue and have decided to return back to FoodPanda. 

It sucks because I have been using Grab pretty religiously for the past few years, but looking at the way they are handling this issue just made me lose any confidence I had in them. 

Your team messes up and I, as a paying customer, have to pay the price for it. All you need is 1 bad experience to stop supporting a brand, and this is that bad experience for me.

I am not expecting for them to reach out to me anytime soon with an update on the case and I am not expecting to get my money back anytime soon. 

The reason why I keep asking for an update is not because I really want that $18 back, it's just $18, I can always earn that back. The reason why I am asking for an update is because I want Grab to acknowledge that their delivery guy scammed me and they are doing something about it, but all they have done is make me feel invalidated as a customer and that is what is so upsetting about this whole situation.

That being said, I really do need to move on from this, even though it has left a really bad taste in my mouth.