Friday 5 August 2022

Entitled and Stupid.

I have no idea why, but lately, I have been getting more and more unpleasant experience at work. Today, I had a new issue to deal with and it came in the form of one of my PRC customer.

PRC Customers in general just don't have a lot of EQ, this particular customer of mine isn't a nasty individual, but there is just something about her that makes me feel like I am talking to a wall sometimes, it's like she is hearing what I am saying, but never really listening. which I would also attribute to the fact that my Mandarin is horrible and it's probably a struggle for her to listen.

So on the day she got a Dining Table from me, I told her that if she needed to change her delivery date, she has to tell me at least a week in advance and she just went "Will do, will do" in Mandarin, and then 4 days ago, when she came back to the store to window shop, I reminded her once again that her delivery was going to happen this coming Saturday and she just went "Yup, okay" in Mandarin. 

Speaking of her last visit, she had actually messaged me asking me if I was going to be around that day, I told her I will be in the store until 7pm, she comes to the store at 6.30pm , 30 minutes before I was scheduled to knock off from work, and then after she arrives, she was just completely unaware of how inconvenient her timing was for me because after briefly walking her around the Showroom, she plops down on one of our armchair and tells me her friends are coming, that she wants to get their opinion about this particular sofa she was interested to get, and then just waits there for a good 20 minutes. By the time her friends came, it was already time for me to knock off from work, but because of how oblivious she is, she just didn't care and expected me to follow her around, which I did and I ended up OT-ing for an hour. She also didn't end up getting anything, she did reserve a Sofa though, which she didn't end up getting as well, so it ended up becoming a waste of everybody's time, and when she left the store that day, she didn't even say goodbye, none of her friends did, even though we had been talking for an hour, an hour past my working hours no less, they just walked out of the store busy talking to each other even though I was walking them out. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even know my name. 

Her coming to see me at 6.30pm even after I tell her I will end work at 7pm just shows how insensitive she is, if a local customer came at 6.30pm and I told them I will end work at 7pm, more often than not, they will feel very bad and make sure to leave before 7pm so I can knock off on time, but Ms PRC being the PRC that she is didn't give a shit and her friends aren't any better, just 3 women talking really loudly in Mandarin about the comfort level of each sofa.

Anyways, her delivery for her dining table is scheduled for tomorrow, so I decided to send her a reminder this morning because I figured she probably doesn't remember, even though I had already told her about it during her last visit, to me, she just comes across as someone who is very blur, like if she was my colleague, (she actually look like one of my ex-colleague from ID4, so my initial impression of her wasn't great already) she wouldn't be someone I would find reliable, someone who is very stupid, but it's the kind of stupid that her family and friends find endearing.

She doesn't respond to my message until many hours later at around 4.30pm, and it just read...

"Sorry, my condo doesn't allow weekend deliveries, let's just get the table delivered on Monday instead!"

...  I had already told her that if she wanted to amend the delivery dates, she had to tell me at least a week in advance, now she is just telling me to move the delilvery date to Monday so nonchalantly, so I told her I can only schedule her delivery 2 weeks from now, to which she messages me back...

"That's not possible, I am moving into my new house on Monday, how am I suppose to have my meals without a dining table? Think of a way and have the table delivered by Monday! Thanks."

... and suddenly, that stupidity just wasn't all that endearing anymore. This whole thing could have been avoided if she had double checked with her condo about the weekend delivery restriction, she had a whole fucking month to do it, but only informs me about it the day before the scheduled delivery, and she didn't even think to bring this up on her own, she only brought it up after I reminded her about the delivery. That's the level of obliviousness I am dealing with here.

The entitlement she was displaying is also un-fucking-believable, there is no room for negotiation at all, she created the problem on her own, doesn't take responsibility for it and then expects me to resolve it for her. 

Luckily for this stupid woman, the existing deliveries on Monday are fairly straightforward, so my delivery guys are able to plot her delivery in, I have shared the good news with her but she didn't even bother to acknowledge the text.

I do hope she doesn't actually text me anymore and that the delivery on Monday will go smoothly. Just please have everything go smoothly so I can have one less shit to deal with. 

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