Tuesday 1 March 2022

Job Offer

I have decided to accept the job offer 2 days ago, it wasn't a decision that I am very certain of because I was constantly going back and forth on the idea. I told the boss that I needed some time to think and to give me until the end of the month to decide and he did, so on the last day of February, I pretty much spend the entire day at work just weighing out my options.

It was not easy, for a few minutes, I would weigh out all of the positives of joining the new ID firm and when I am certain of my decision, all the positives of staying at my current job starts flooding in as well and I start to question everything all over again.

So just to weigh out the pros and both jobs.

-New ID Firm Pros

  • I get to do Interior Design again and be in a creative role once again. 
  • The company offers commission on top of basic, so there is the option of earning more than what I am currently earning every month.
  • The job scope is what I have been looking for in an Interior Design role, which is to just do the Design and not be required to Project Manage the site.
  • Will be able to improve on my Design language

-New ID Firm Cons

  • Quarterly Sales Target that needs to be hit, otherwise I will get terminated
  • Lower Basic so I could also potentially earn less than what I am earning now every month
  • Not so sure about the Bosses as I don't think we really click very well during the interview

-Current Company Pros

  • Stable Salary
  • Familiar Environment
  • Generally stress-free
  • Nice Boss

- Current Company Cons

  • Job scope isn't what I wanted to do
  • No discernable career progression

I know from a Career point of view, joining the ID Firm is the path to take, but from a stability point of view, staying with my current is the way to go, there is no right and wrong, it's simply a matter of what is important to me at this stage of my life and the honest truth is I just simply do not know. 

When I send the message to officially accept the offer that night, I felt relieve, not because I knew I had made the right decision, but because a decision was finally made. I requested for additional time for my notice period and the boss messages me back the next morning to ask if it meant I were to start in mid April instead of the start of April, and then ask me for my IC so he can prepare a contract agreement for me. 

I responded to his first message and told him that I would like to start in mid April if that was possible, and then send my IC over, this was yesterday morning, I haven't gotten any updates from him since.

So I went to work yesterday and my supervisor, being aware of my job offer, ask me if I had accepted the offer already, I told him I did and he tells me that our In-House Interior Stylist has also accepted a new job offer and will be submitting his 1 month notice the next day, which is today.

I knew the In-House Interior Stylist had plans to leave the company, maybe within the year, I just didn't realize it was going to be this soon.

This changes everything.

If the In-House Interior Stylist leaves, his position would remain open, that means I could potentially be asked to fill in his position and actually be doing the job I had originally applied for! My supervisor tells me that if I choose to stay, he will talk to the boss to ensure that I be given the In-House position.

At this point, I am also not sure if the ID Firm is even interested to hire me anymore because it has been more than 24 hours since my last contact with their boss, my last exchange was the request to have my notice period be extended to mid April, a request he didn't actually respond to.

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