Tuesday 1 February 2022

The very last Project

I am currently having some issues with my customer from my last remaining Interior Design Project. The project has been completed for a while now, my client and her husband moved into the space mid-renovation back in July and the space was officially fully livable by around the October period, unfortunately, due to my tiler's shoddy workmanship, there was an outstanding defect that I couldn't touch up until the beginning of January this year due to my tiler's manpower issue, so the client essentially waited for about 4 months for that particular issue to be resolved. 

The issue wasn't really an urgent matter because it didn't really affect my client and her husband too much, so she wasn't breathing down my neck the entire time while my tiler took his own sweet fucking time to set a date for me. That being said, I also didn't feel comfortable asking my client to settle the remaining payment while there was still a defect to be rectified, that's why I didn't handover the project officially.

My tiler, being the moron that he is, actually send a worker down at the end of last year to do the touch up works, but for some reason forgets to mention to his worker what exactly needed to be touched up, so his worker didn't bring the necessary equipment to the site and I ended up having to wait another 2 months before he was able to send another worker down again. 

My client was very patient throughout this whole fuck up. A worker was finally send down to rectify the issue earlier last month. I had to get my manager to settle the scheduling for me with the tiler because my tiler, upon learning that I no longer work at ID4, just didn't really care about prioritizing my project anymore, he's fucking horrible.

Anyways, once the issue was finally settled last month, I decided to give my client a few days before I reached out again to officially complete the handover, this meant getting her to pay the remaining payment and also sign a few documents. I mean she waited so many months for my tiler, the least I can do is extend the same level of courtesy she has given me. 

So I did and reached out to her about a week later. I told her to look out for an incoming SMS that will have the links to the e-documents I would need her to sign and also to settle the remaining payment.

Based on my past Whatsapp experience with her, she isn't the type that will reply immediately, but she will usually reply at the end of the day because I guess that is when she is actually free to look through non-work related messages.

Unfortunately for me, this time around, she didn't actually bother to reply within a day and I because I wanted to give her space like she did for me and not hound for the final payment, I just kept having faith that she will reply eventually, but then a week passes by and still no updates from her, 1 week is really fucking long so she has either missed out on the message or she is just not planning to reply, at first I assumed it was the former, so I send her a follow up text to check if she had received the SMS with the e-documents link, this time I gave her a day to reply to me, but then she never did and I realize it wasn't that she had missed out on the message, she clearly had no plans to reply, so I had no choice but to give her a call, a call that she never actually picked up.

At this point, I was started to get a bit worried because this was very out of character of her, for the past few months before the final round of touch up was done, she had been extremely patient and understanding, whenever there was any issue she had that was related to the renovations, she would always apologize for bothering me before sharing with me her issues because she knew I was no longer working as an ID, and I have always been happy to help because of how ridiculously thoughtful she was, she had even send me a text on New Year's thanking me for my help with her renovation and even invited me to her place for tea whenever I had the time, so it was honestly very odd that she would just ignore me all of a sudden after the last remaining touch up was done. 

Anyways, an hour after that failed call attempt, she finally replies me and informs me that she had missed out on my messages but will revert when she finds it.

Well, that was about a week ago and there has been zero updates from her since. I did send her a CNY Greeting 2 days back and I will be honest, it wasn't really me genuinely wishing her a Prosperous New Year, I was just testing to see of she would reply or not and whelp, she passed my test, and by pass my test I mean completely ignoring my messages, which made it pretty clear that her initial reason for not replying to me was because she "missed out my messages" was a fucking lie, you don't miss out my messages 3 times in a row because that was never an issue that you had prior to the New Year.

Maybe that is one of her New Year's Resolution. 

1. Missing Out on Text Messages.

And I guess her next one would be.

2. Default on Payment

I honestly don't know what happened between the last time I was actively messaging her and now. If she wanted me to waive the final amount, I would actually be willing to do that because of how much inconvenience my tiler has put her through, apparently his guys also clogged up her aircon pipe with cement and she had to get an aircon contractor to clear the chockage for her, a cost that she bore.

The delay happened because of my tiler's ineptitude, I honestly cannot believe I kept going back to him for all my past projects because 70% of the time, there will always be some sort of issue that arise from his shoddy workmanship.

Sigh, anyways, I am desperate to close this project soon, so if she doesn't respond within this month, I will probably just waive the $2500 and then beg her to sign the handover documents for me in March.

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