Thursday 3 June 2021

Complaint! Complaint! Complaint!

 One of my current projects has a pain in the ass neighbor that really needs to be dealt with.

Earlier this morning, I got a call from one of my project's condo management office and on the line was an older gentleman who sounded really annoyed...

"This is my last warning, you have receive another complaint that your workers did not clean up the common corridor before they left the place last night, if this happens again, I won't be issuing you with anymore warning, if I get another complaint, I will be charging you $80 for clean up."

 ... his tone was very demanding, and usually when I get a call from a Condo Management, I will try my best to accede to their request, if you need me to get my guys to clean up the place, I will drop them a text or give them a call to remind them, GRANTED you tell me nicely and not command me to do it.

I was not happy with the tone he was using towards me, but I tried to reason with him and explained that my workers had forgotten to bring a mop yesterday, and as I was about to tell him that I will arrange for a mob to be brought down to the place for them to use once they are done for the day, he interrupts me and goes...

"I don't want to hear any excuses!"

... and that was when I snapped. If you can't talk to me nicely and do not want to be reasonable, then there is no point for me to be cordial to you as well, so I raised my voice and went...


... and as I was shouting at him through the phone, I was shaking because I was so angry, my tone after that was not very friendly, so I told him that my guys didn't bring a mop yesterday, but I will arrange for it be be brought to site so they can use it later. The management then told me to just make sure the place is clean before the workers leave, and I couldn't even be bothered to say goodbye and just went "YEAH LAH! YEAH LAH!" before hanging up. 

I headed over to site within 40 minutes, got an $11 mop from Cold Storage because that was the only place near my site that sells a mop, and when I entered the apartment, I immediately ask the workers there if they were able to clean the common corridor before they left yesterday, and the in-charge told me...

"We did, I use my shirt to clean the floor yesterday because we didn't have a mop."

... I don't know which fucker was the one who complaint, but hearing how my worker actually used his own shirt to clean the common corridor floor, and then realize that some fucker still had the audacity to say the floor wasn't cleaned before my workers left, it really pissed me off.  So I went to the management office to look for the guy who called me, not to confront him, but to express to him how unfair this whole thing was and how unreasonable whoever had complaint was being.

We are talking about the common corridor, it is an open area where people are walking through with their shoes on, and this is even more so for that particular unit because it is facing the main entrance of the condo, everyone who enters the condo from the main door will walk pass that common corridor to get into the condo, it is not meant to be a space for you to walk barefoot. I can understand the neighbors complaining if the floor was in the same state as the unit I am renovating, full of dust and debris everywhere...

Like this

....totally understandable if the neighbors complained that the floor was like the picture above, because it looks very messy with small bits of plaster and debris everywhere. 

But it is not, 













...this is the state the floor is in, my workers used a wet mop to clean the floor, but because their shoes is a little dusty, it leaves some white marks on the floor after the floor dies up, but that's it, I mean this is as clean as a common corridor can get, especially for a site that has renovations happening, but for some insane reason, one of the neighbor deems that as unacceptable and actually complaint to the management office about it multiple times.

You would think that because the tiles itself have a patchy design to it, the dirt would be less obvious, and less noticeable, but No~!, let's complaint about that few streaks of dirt across the floor like my workers had just taken a bucket of shit and then smeared it across the entire corridor!  

Exaggerate much? Like how the fuck does that warrant multiple complaints? 

I ran into the management officer who called me and ask him what time did the neighbor complaint, who the neighbor was, how dirty was the place when the neighbor actually complaint and this management officer just keeps repeating the same thing...

"You have to clean the place before you leave."

... like the fucking idiot that he is on the phone, it's like talking to a wall.  

He then ask me to talk to the security guard who had to deal with the situation earlier and the security guard was so much more receptive to what I was asking and saying, he informs me that the neighbor who actually complained is the one who is directly beside my apartment and that he is a Condo Council Member.  

So essentially a self-important individual who probably voted himself in because nobody else wants to do the job, which is essentially a voluntary position with no salary attached to it. 

The guard didn't have any good thing to say about the Condo Council Member because he also doesn't like him, called him a chao chee bye who likes to make things harder for the security and management. He then points out to me that all the security camera around the condo is sponsored by the neighbor and that the neighbor has access to all of them, which means he can see everything happening in the Condo at the comfort of his own apartment. 

This old fart is just out to find trouble, so he is nitpicking. 

If you are going to penalize me for making a "mess", what is the standard you are looking at? I can't be getting penalize because the cleanliness did not meet the neighbor's standard, what if the motherfucker is OCD? Will I have to get a team of professional cleaners down every evening to clean the area up to meet his standard to cleanliness? That will be a few hundred dollars spend everyday just to keep the neighbor happy, which is not money I am willing to spend and definitely not someone I am trying to keep happy.


I might have to get my client involved in this because there is clearly an abuse in power going on and if you are going abuse that power just because you are a council member, then I am going to get my client, a resident, who has more power than me, involved.


*I have actually shared this with my client and she hasn't replied back yet, so I am not sure what her stance on this whole shit show is.

I can't stress how much I regret taking on this stupid project, just so many fucking issues coming up, first was the last minute addition of things, then came the scheduling issue, now I have this fucking neighbor from hell to deal with that I really need my client to settle for me, but she is not responding to my messages. It's so frustrating.

The Management called again just now and told me the neighbor has once again complaint that the floor wasn't clean. His tone this time was much more calmer and less demanding than the tone he was using yesterday. 

My workers DID clean the floor before they left, they even send me pictures of the freshly mopped floor, I told the management that it is not bloody fair that you are giving me a "last warning" because my workers did EXACTLY what was required of them, they did clean the floor before they left. He then tells me to talk to the security who had to deal with the issue earlier.

Anyways, the security guard calls me up and then I explain to him that the floor was cleaned before my guys left, that it is not right for me to be given a last warning when my workers already did what was requested, he then tells me that it is not just the neighbor that is complaining, but the cleaners are complaining as well.

I am not trying to look down on the cleaners job at all, but....



I was honestly just blown away that the cleaners had the fucking audacity to complaint, and then the guard tells me that the cleaners feel like their pride has been hurt because of this. What fucking pride? I did not leave dog shit on the common corridor and demand for you to clean it up with your mouth. Your pride is hurt because you have to clean the floor? What logic is this? If you pride is hurt cleaning the floor, then go look for other jobs because going by that fucking logic, you probably don't have any pride left seeing how your job is to actually clean the floor of the condo everyday.

It's like a baker saying their pride is hurt because they have to measure the dry ingredients for breads and cakes.

It's like a barista saying their pride is hurt because they have to grind the coffee beans.

It's like a kindergarten teacher saying their pride is hurt because they have to talk to a group of children.

It makes zero sense.

The floor has a few white marks that can very easily be wiped away with a wet mop, it's not like there are small pieces of cement or debris strewn all over the floor, or like stuck on the floor that requires chipping off, all you have to do is take a wet mop the next day when you report back to work, and wipe across that area once and the marks will be gone. 

So what happens if a resident comes back from a hike and leaves mud all over the common corridor, you are going to run to the security and complaint and then request for them to ban the residents from hiking?  I mean that is the whole purpose of your role, to make sure the floor is clean WHEN the residents come back from a hike and dirty the corridor, that is the whole point of your job! 

Fucking Neighbor!

Fucking Cleaners! 

But Fuck that Neighbor More!

I wish he would get a call from the Government informing him that he might have gotten into contact with someone who has Covid, and then they have to quarantine his fucking ass in a hotel for 2 to 4 weeks, ideally if they can stick him in there for the next 3 months, that would be best.

Quarantine! Quarantine! Quarantine your sorry ass! 

It's like when my subcon isn't giving me any issues for this project, someone else has to appear and become the bane of my existence. Is this project cursed or some shit? Why the fuck is everything going wrong?

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