Friday 5 February 2021

No more leads, reservist soon.

No new job offers/interviews and no new projects in sight, this job hunt process that I have decided to put myself through is really not a great start to the year.

The potential leads that I had gotten over the past few weeks have started to lose their potential after meeting them for the second round, I exceeded the budget for one of them, or to be more accurate, their own requirements exceeded what I thought was a generous budget but really wasn't and the other, I no longer feel like we click anymore, they are still nice, but it felt a little awkward during the second meeting. So those 2 leads are gone for now, until they reach out to me again in the future, maybe?

A few days back, I got a customer who called in and I was lucky enough to be the one who picked up call and be assigned to them. When I met the client and his wife, they were very nice and I thought we clicked quite well, the consultation went relatively smoothly and I decided I wanted to meet them a second time, so I told them I will prepare a 3D drawing, a space planning proposal as well as their quotation within a week so we can meet before the CNY break starts.

I decided to put a bit of effort, so I drew out their floorplan in AutoCAD, also because the plan they shared with me was skewered for some reason, but having the drawing in CAD made the 3D Sketch Up drawing process so much faster, my colleague even asked me if the client was worth all that effort because he knew I don't really use AutoCAD and redrawing the floorplan can be quite time consuming, I brushed him off and told him I was also taking it as a way to refresh my AutoCAD skills. 

It felt like such an accomplishment when the CAD drawing was done, but barely 2 days later, the client reaches out via text and informs me that they have already engaged another designer.

All that effort, gone to waste, but I do appreciate the fact that he had the decency to at least inform quite early on because I had only worked on his CAD and the base 3D model at that point, nonetheless, still was a little disappointed receiving that text.

It also makes me wonder how good of a deal they must have gotten from the other ID that would make them immediately go sign the contract before they have even given me sufficient time needed to prepare their proposal or any chance at all. 

So that lead is gone now as well, I have literally no more leads at this point, great time to quit and join another company, but I don't have any company that I have applied for reaching out for any sort of interview, the only good thing I can see from this is that my reservist next month will be a stress free experience because of the lack of any ongoing projects, but I will definitely be stressing out about not having any projects and not having any new job opportunities. 

First reservist that I went for after starting this job, I was running my very first project.

Second reservist that I went for after starting this job, I had to deal with Sly Fox after he flipped and became a huge pain in the ass.

Third reservist that I went for after starting this job, I had to deal with the Antoinettes and that was probably my most stressful reservist I have ever experienced, which sucked because the reservist itself was such a relaxing experience. I was literally almost always in an Air-Con room with friends, either chatting or playing games together, and it had to be ruined by the issues that kept coming up from the Antoinette's project. I could not leave my phone behind because I was constantly expecting messages from them to come in.

I spoke to one of my reservist friend today and we happen to bring up the topic about my job because we happen to be in a similar industry, I shared with him how I do not have any project at the moment, then about how stressful it was during the last reservist because of the Antoinette issue and he actually told me he could see it on my face then. When I think about how I felt back then, I really do not want to relive that amount of stress I was in, I literally couldn't relax in the day time because that is when the clients are awake and could drop me a text at any moment, and even at night when I am about to sleep, I will think about having to wake up the next morning and potentially be bombarded by an influx of text messages.

No projects now = stress free reservist, stress free at least from a project management point of view. Would be similar to when I have to go for reservist while I was still working for my Dad, literally just have to worry about ways to entertain myself during my guard duty and nothing else. 

The job hunt will resume after CNY and the hunt for a new project will commence only after my reservist because I do not want to go through the same shit I went through last year, and hopefully a new job will come before I get a new project.

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