Monday 23 March 2020

Entitled Cheapskate

Not too long ago, I was on this website called Qanvast looking for design inspiration when I came across this a rather negative review left on an interior design company's profile.

So many times, when a client leaves a negative review, the company will have to be the one who has to pander to the client, even if the clients are the one in the wrong. It can be really frustrating because I have colleagues who have gotten unfairly reviewed by clients before and all my marketing department can do is write the generic...

"We apologize that you feel this way and value your feedback."

... response, which is just infuriating.

That is why when I saw how that company responded to that particular client, it just felt so immensely gratifying. The client's review was written very passive aggressively and the company actually responded in a similar fashion, displayed a fair bit of sarcasm in their response and then essentially called the client out for being a cheapskate.

Gotta have respect for the company for actually standing up for their employee, if a customer is being difficult during the renovation and then have the audacity to actually write a negative review after the renovation is complete and blame their bad experience on the designer, then they deserve to be called out for it.


The review has since been taken down. I actually know the homeowner who left the nasty review because he is actually my friend's friend, so I went to check his instagram and realize that the company actually send him a cease and desist letter.  

He left a few permanent insta-stories on his instagram, trying to call the company out for their lack of professionalism with screenshots of his conversation with them, and then saying the matter isn't over. 

If the company was truly in the wrong, they wouldn't have responded the way they did.

If the company isn't confident about winning a potential lawsuit against a customer, they wouldn't be sending a cease and desist letter.

The matter is so fucking over, it is only a matter of whether he wants it to be over the easy way or the hard way.

more update:

I came across the review posted by the homeowner on his own Facebook after the ID Firm took legal action and had him take his review down.

... I came across his Facebook after I was looking through Qanvast's facebook page and notice there was one angry reaction on their post...

... I honestly wasn't very surprised when that the "reaction" was from him because he must be feeling extremely bitter about getting threatened with legal action from the design firm, so I saw his Facebook profile and almost everything was private aside from that post.

From what I remembered about the reply by the company to his extremely passive aggressive review.

1. The person who was paying for the renovation works was not actually him but his partner, who actually had no complaints about the entire renovation.

2. The design firm gave him a lot of discount because he was a "cheapskate", the company actually used this word to describe him at one point in the review, which was insanely awesome. This also shows that the company probably didn't wasn't that interested to take on his project because he isn't their demographic customers, which are customers who are willing to fork out money for design. I think he must have been extremely persistent to work with them and pressured them into removing the design fee as well.

3.  The company even said something about him "stealing their designs", I assume he wanted to take the design proposal the designer had prepared for his project and pass it to a contractor to do, but because the designer wasn't going to give her proposal, he couldn't do that. This is exactly why I do not give my proposal to non paying clients, I believe the designer from that design firm must have prepared a pretty extensive proposal as well seeing how they are a boutique firm that charges a design fee.

4. He got his own tiles and did not go through the company's supplier and the tiles he actually bought were cheap tiles from China to save money, so the tiles actually had cracks after they were laid on the walls and he pointed it out as poor workmanship. You buy cheap stuff, then don't expect good quality, simple as that.

The company also called the client out by his full name in their respond because this client called the designer out by her full name a few times in the review, it was so satisfying and honestly such a pity that the review was taken down.

Also just to bring up one of his point...

This is the plastic edging he was talking about and YES, this is standard practice! I am also extremely skeptical about his claims that the tiles he had gotten were "pricey Italian tiles", this dude is a cheapskate, no way he actually paid for real Italian tiles, but anyway, the designer wasn't lying, this is the standard, if he wanted 45 degree edging, it does cost more because the tilers will have to file down the side of the tiles to do that profile, and the designer herself probably didn't bother bringing that up as an option because the customer is a cheapskate, so what is the point of bringing up a premium option he was either probably going to request be done for free or be given a heavily discounted price.

Him calling out the designer for not "sharing the industry's best practice" is a fucking joke, dude, you are a fucking low baller, the fact that the company even bothered working on your project is a fucking miracle, sharing the industry's best practice should only be saved for customers who are willing to pay for the industry's best practice because sharing those with you is like playing the harp to a cow, a waste of saliva.

The fact that the boss didn't bother to reply to his messages and whatnot shows how much of a nightmare this low baller customer must have been. I have seen the way the company replies to negative reviews on their Qanvast page and they are very professional if they are in the wrong, so the fact that the response to his review was actually extremely sarcastic and as passive aggressive really goes to show the type of customer this low baller really is, truly an Entitled Cheap Skate.

This is the "Design Centric, Budget Friendly" customer type that I absolutely abhor getting. 

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