Monday 27 May 2019

Cancer High Horrible Flight on Qatar Airways

For my flight back from New York to Singapore, the trip is split into 2 flights, a 12 hours flight from NY to Doha, and then a 7 hours flight from Doha to Singapore.

The flight from Singapore to New York was great, everything went smoothly and I don't have anything to complaint about, but unfortunately, the trip back had quite a huge problem, or more specifically, the 12 hour flight from NY to Doha, the plane ride was such a horrible experience and I just wanted to blog about the whole ordeal while it is still fresh in my mind.

So for my flight I am on, I was seated on the left side of the plane at the outer seat, which is the seat next to the aisle, and then beside me at the window seat and the middle seat are 2 random passengers. According to the flight data online, the middle seat was suppose to be empty and I was honestly pretty happy with the arrangement, the Indian lady who was occupying the window seat seemed rather pleasant, she had placed her small handbag in the middle seat and once the plane took off, I was planning to utilize the floor of the middle seat, so she take the seat and I take the floor,  a fair share, with everything unofficially settled between us, I was expecting the journey to be relatively smooth

Unfortunately, about 2 minutes after I had sat down, some scrawny guy walks over to my sit and starts reaching out for his bag above my overhead compartment, he was digging through his items when he finally took the bag down and I noticed he had taken out some pills to ingest from a few prescription drug bottles.

He looked really skinny and unhealthy, so I just assumed he was taking pills for his illnesses or maybe to help him sleep, but anyways, after he took his pills, he starts inching his body towards me and points to the middle sit, and that was when I realize that he was trying to get into his seat, which was a huge bummer.

This was when things started to take a turn, before the drugs kicked in, he was relatively normal, he called the flight attendant over and requested for some snacks to munch on, claiming that he was a cancer patient and needed as much sugar as possible, to which the flight attendant was very understanding and went to grab him a snack, he then ask the Indian lady how long the flight would be and exclaims multiple times that he was really really tired, so he got comfortable, put on his hoody, wrapped the travel pillow around his legs, wore an eye mask, propped his knees up, wraps himself in his own blanket, reclines the chair all the way back and just completely knocks out almost instantly.

Like this, but completely wrapped up and just impossible to get through

It didn't take long for the sight of the wrapped up passenger blocking the seat to worry the Indian lady and upon realizing just how difficult it would be to get out if she needed to use the toilet during the 12 hour flight, the Indian lady calls for the flight attendant and requested to have a change of seat, the flight attendant looked around the plane and within a few minutes, got back to the Indian lady and told her her new seat number. 

The Indian Lady packs up all her belongings and politely ask Scrawny to let her through, multiple times, but he was not responding to her request at all, the flight attendant then came by to get him to make way, but he was just not responding as well, it was only when she physically nudge the guy did he finally go...

"Yeah yeah, I'm moving, I'm moving."

... in a very tired but clearly annoyed tone, the Indian lady was extremely uncomfortable at this point and all she wanted to do was get out, but Scrawny was taking forever to move, literally moving at the speed of a sloth.

No exaggeration, actually moving slower than this sloth

Simply attempting to remove his neck pillow took a full 30 seconds, and during the 30 seconds, he would stop for a good 5 seconds in between, with his finger around the pillow strings, like he was taking multi micro naps, his movement was so slow it was fucking nuts how out of it he was. The entire time, the Indian Lady was just stuck in this awkward half in half out position and me and the flight attendant are just standing at the aisle, waiting for Scrawny to make way, and when Scrawny finally makes sufficient space, the Indian Lady quickly darts out, thanking me as she made her way to her new seat, with this huge sense of relief in her tone.

I was honestly quite happy when the Indian Lady left, because that meant I would get an additional half a seat worth of space, and if Scrawny were to be knocked out for the entire ride, then that would be even better because that would mean he won't be getting up to go to the toilet through me.

Scrawny slowly moves to the window seat and starts wrapping himself in his blanket, and for the entire duration before take off, he was pretty much in the same sleeping position, he would adjust his body a little but never made any huge movements, so I carried on with my movie watching and the plane takes off.

Everything was fine UNTIL Scrawny started to act really really weird, he would get up, pull down the tray table in front of him, and then bang his head against the back of the seat in front of him, which of course made the passenger in front turn around in confusion, after which he would put the food tray up by literally slamming it against the seat, which had a larger impact than his head bang, and the entire time, he was just completely out of it, and he wouldn't only do it to his tray table, he did it to the Indian lady's tray table as well, the one who was lucky enough to get a new seat before all the crazy started happening.

He attempted to switch sleeping positions multiple times during the flight as well, and instead of splitting the empty seat with me 50/50, he actually spreads himself out on both seats, going so far as to encroach my arm rest space by LIFTING UP my armrest, and then laying down, completely nonchalant about the fact that he was actually taking up a portion of my seating area.

Initially, I thought since he has claimed that he is a cancer patient, I should be more understanding and just let him encroach into my space a little if that makes him more comfortable, but as the minutes ticked by, it just became more and more unbearable because he would constantly switch between sleeping in the fetal position, which affected my space, and the sitting position, which affected the passengers who were seated in front of him due to the fact that he would ALWAYS pull down the food tray, knock his head against the back of the seat in front of him, and then slam the tray back up again, ALWAYS, ALWAYS DOING THE SAME THING, I actually felt really bad for the people sitting in front of him. 

Every time I tried to reach out to him to get him to stop encroaching into my space, it doesn't register, it was like I was speaking to a wall, and every time the passengers who were seated in front of him turn back and talk to him, possibly to reason with him to stop doing what he was doing, he would also just be completely out of it and not register anything that was said to him.

That was when I realized that this guy wasn't acting like a cancer patient, this guy was just straight up STONED out of his fucking mind.

When meals were served, he kept asking for extra food,and then requesting for extra snacks to munch on during the flight, and he was so messy with the food, spilling the rice all over the floor, dumping chips on the ground, at one point, he actually tore open his pillow, took out the cotton inside and started rubbing it against his mouth, and then took the headphones provided by the airline and just broke the ear piece off for no fucking reason, which completely freaked me out because he was in a complete daze and I thought he was going to take the sharp part and shiv me 

The flight is 12 fucking hours long, while I was looking at the time slowly ticked by, it just become more and more apparent that this was not a behavior I can endure for 12 hours, the minutes started to drag on and eventually by the third or fourth hour, I just couldn't take it anymore, so I went to one of the flight attendant at the back of the flight and requested a change of seat, explaining to them the situation and also brought up the issues the passengers in front of me were having, with their seats behind kicked by Scrawny and at one point, having a blanket thrown at them.

Thankfully, the flight attendants were able to get me a new seat and I got to get out of the hell hole, unfortunately for the passengers in front of Scrawny, they actually endured 12 hours of his bullshit, which just completely amazed me, my Sis, who was sitting across the aisle from me did tell me that at one point, one of the front passenger did get up and shouted at the guy, but because he was fucking high, it did not register, I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been.

Anyways, the new seat I was assigned to wasn't great as well, better than sitting next to Scrawny, but by no means was it a good seat, in fact, it was actually below average, the guy who was seated in front of me had his chair reclined all the way during the entire trip, and because he was a pretty large guy, the seat was reclined even more from his weight, and the guy I was seated beside was also relatively large, so I didn't really have a lot of space to move about horizontally and his right shoulder would nudge me if I sat back completely.

Oh, and nearing the end of the flight, this random old dude suddenly came up to me and ells me...

"You are in my seat."

... which was really confusing because I have been seating here for the past few hours and suddenly you are telling me this is your seat? And then it didn't help because the guy next to me also says to me...

"This is his seat." *points to the old dude* "He is my father, you need to go back to your original seat."

.... which was just confusing as fuck, I mean there is a fucking reason why I switched seats, you don't just suddenly tell me to get back to my own seat after I have been seating beside you for the past 6 to 8 hours, like what the fuck?

And they aren't even asking me nicely, it was almost instructional, so I went on to clarify with the Dad and he proceeds to explain to me that his luggage is in the overhead compartment of where I am seated, and he wanted to be able to access it quickly after landing, not apologetic about the inconvenience he is causing me at all.  

I mean start your fucking request with that and I would have been more than happy to return your seat back to you. I get that it is your seat that you purchased, but you moved up and someone else is in your old seat now, so it is no longer your seat, it is mine now and you should be asking me for permission to give you your old seat back.

And here is the deal, there is a reason why I decided to change seat mid-flight, because something obviously went horribly wrong with my original seat, if you want me to switch seats with you, then tell me where your current seat is so I can move to your current seat and not back to my original seat I requested to move away from.

This Father and Son is really just dumb as fuck, it's no wonder they are related, sharing the same gene pool of stupidity.

First I had to deal with crazy, then I had to deal with stupid.

But anyway, as I was making my way over to my new seat, which is my third seat of the flight, I had to walk across my original seat and I saw Scrawny just sprawled across all 3 seats, I did see him walk past my new seat a few times to the back of the plane, probably requesting for more munchies and every time, it's just so fucking obvious that he is just straight up STONED. 

Overall,  horrible flight, but thankfully, the transfer flight after was so much better.

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