Sunday 6 May 2018

Getting my panties in a bunch.

Didn't really have a proper lunch this afternoon, so I decided I would drive over to Burger King at the nearest Community Center to get a quick bite.

There is this new item on the menu that I wanted to try as well called a Malty Float, so I ordered it and realized it was just Iced Milo with Soft Serve, I was expecting some sort of rich chocolate drink with soft serve, so it was a little disappointing.

As I was on my way back, I reach a little zebra crossing area, and I could see 2 cyclist cycling closer towards the crossing and then stopped right in front, there was a bus right in front of me at that point, and it was blocking the crossing, so right after the bus drove off, I inched forward a little and stopped right before the crossing, in an attempt to allow the 2 cyclist to cross the road.

That second that I waited for them to cross felt like forever and then one of the cyclist looks at me, brows furrowed , flicks his wrist and mouths at me to go, as if me offering to let him cross the zebra crossing has somehow offended him.

Here's a tip, if you do not want to cross the zebra crossing, then don't stop right infront of the zebra crossing and confuse drivers who are actually using the fucking road.

This really isn't a huge deal actually, it just really pissed off because of the way he was signaling for me to go, I mean at least have some fucking common sense, you are the one who is waiting in front of a zebra crossing, drivers are automatically going to assume you want to cross, for fuck sake, even a kid is going to assume you are gonna want to cross it, so if you do not want to cross the zebra crossing, then, oh, I don't know, wait a few meters behind the fucking zebra crossing so you don't give drivers mixed signals and make them stop their cars for you!


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