Saturday 16 September 2017

Public Transport Annoyance

I am relatively lucky that work starts a little later than the regular 9 to 5, so there isn't always a huge crowd when I board the trains or buses, but there are still passengers and most of the time, when the train reaches my station, all the seats will either be taken up by passengers from the last few stations, or they will get bombarded by impatient aunties who are waiting for the train at the same station as me.

Yesterday was no exception, available seating was scarce but standing space was aplenty, so I decided to just stand at the corner right next to the MRT doors like I normally would and just remain at that position until I reach my stop.  

My personal space was pretty much respected as more and more commuters started entering the train, and since I was standing at the side of the train door that won't open for the entirety of my journey, it felt like a pretty good spot, that was until this one old man boarded.

When I first saw him enter, I didn't really pay much attention to him, there was still plenty of standing space around and seeing how feeble he looked, I assumed someone who give up their seat for him, but then as I was using my phone, I could see from my peripheral vision that he was coming closer to closer to my corner, he grabs the pole right beside where I was standing and then just stands right in my corner, with his back facing me. 

 Like this, one hand holding a walking stick and another hand grabbing the metal pole right beside me. 

There was plenty of standing space with handles to grab, I have no idea why he decided to stand where he stood, but it was extremely uncomfortable because it was so bloody close and because his back was facing me, he wasn't really aware how close he was to me, or he really just doesn't give a fuck, but I didn't want to ask him to fuck off, so I just accepted the fact that I was going to be trapped by him until I reach my destination.

As the train started to move, someone finally stands up and offers her seat to the old man, she gets up and slowly makes her way over to him, to usher him to her seat and normally, the one being offered the seat will move forward and head towards the seat, but for some reason, this old man decides to move backwards, as if trying to give way to the girl, which made the amount of space I had available even tighter than it already was.

At this point, the whole thing just got extremely uncomfortable and I was getting really annoyed by this old fart who wasn't moving towards the seat that was offered to him, so I used my phone and kinda nudged at his backpack, to kind of indicate to him that someone was standing behind him and he should really stop moving backwards unless he wanted to get shanked by my Samsung phone, he stops moving backward but he doesn't make any attempt to move forward to get out of my personal space.

The girl that had offered her seat was standing beside me at this point and right in front of me, well not really right in front of me because what was right in front of me was the back of this old fart, was this empty seat that was offered to the old man, but where was the old man? Still standing right in front of me and at this point, he was just way too close for comfort, so I slowly tried to inch my way out awkwardly, pushing his bag away from me so I could make a big enough space to leave the small maximum security prison cell he had created for me with his body, and as I was awkwardly standing midway out of the prison of his body, he finally inches forward and heads towards the seat, my hands were on his bag at this point, so I slowly pushed him away from me and got him out of my personal space, a small part of me wished I could have just pushed him and shouted "Get the fuck outta here!', but I'm not an asshole, so I didn't do that.

But nothing much happened really, I was just really irritated by the old man so I was in a mood when I finally reached my destination and as I was taking the escalator, I had to be standing behind two foreigners who were hold a big bag of stuff, their friends were a few meters in front of them and some were already at the top of the escalator waiting for them at the side.

Now this is pretty much common sense, but once you have gotten off the escalator, you either continue moving forward or you move to the side if you are planning to wait for someone, what you don't do is stop right where you got off and block the fucking traffic.

This 2 dumb fucks, the moment they reach the top, instead of moving to the side, they just stop right in front of the fucking escalator, I actually had to take a step back when I reached the top because they were blocking the way, but I quickly inched forward and pushed their bags away with the tip of my phone, making sure to make a very loud "Tsk!" sound as I moved past them and was cursing at them under my breath, needless to say, I got even more irritated after that, luckily I only had a bad morning, the rest of the day went by relatively smoothly, met some clients and had a very late lunch, just mundane work stuff.

Speaking of mundane work stuff, I will be starting my third project tomorrow. At this point, I still haven't receive any of my commission yet because the first project is currently on a standstill and I didn't realize that I actually had to inform the finance department of the projects I have completed. 2 weeks I waited, thinking the company was processing and calculating my commission, turns out I actually had to tell them about it.

I'm estimating a meager $1,200 commission from that project, that will be my first pay cheque since January 2017, really kind of insane how I have not been receiving any sort of income for the past 9 months, gosh, it's this kind of realization that really makes me question the viability of this career path in the long run.

I have been considering looking for a career that would offer me a much more stable salary once my all my project has been completed, which will tentatively be after Chinese New Year, because it really isn't a realistic option for me in the long run.

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