Thursday 11 August 2016

Chun Cui He

I was able to get my hands on a few bottle of this Taiwanese drinks a few days ago when Pokemon Go was just released.

This product is known to have a relatively short shelf life but being the greedy little bugger that I was, I decided to go ahead and get 4 bottles, 2 Latte and 2 Milk Tea.

After searching high and low for this bottled drinks for what seemed like forever, actually finding them in the fridge of an inconspicuous 7-11 in the heartlands is like a sign from a higher power to just go crazy with the purchase.

6 was the maximum a single customer allowed to get by 7-11, so as to give others a chance to try the drinks, but whether or not that rule is actually implemented is a mystery to me.  Searching #chuncuihe on Instagram still yields multiple post of people buying this drinks in bulk, shamelessly showing off their greed like it was something to be proud of. I didn't want to become one of those people, so I only bought 4, enough to make the visit to 7-11 worth it, but not enough to actually become a typical kiasu Singaporean.

During the first few days of its' released, I would come across people on Facebook proudly showing off their stash of the drinks, they would post it on the 7-11 Facebook page, or the Supplier's Facebook page, showing off their purchases, and all I could think about when I see those post are what a bunch of selfish assholes. I mean getting 20 bottles to drink for yourself? Really? That's almost 5% of the entire stock gone, how do they even get 20 bottles from the fridge to the counter, make 4 trips back and forth and receive silent judgement from everyone else? I know I would be seriously judging the person if I actually saw them in action.

Anyways, I actually managed to get mine when the cashier was restocking the drinks, so it was just pure luck that I decided to drop by that particular 7-11 when I did. When the cashier saw my gleeful expression as I made my way towards the fridge, she knew what I wanted, she smiled back at me and flashed her huge...

Here's the verdict on the drinks.

I had the Latte first because it was supposedly the better flavor, I read about it online and it was allegedly better than the Milk Tea variant. I mean Chun Cui He is the name of the Latte drink, it's their signature drink, it had to be the first flavor I tried.... and it was such a huge disappointment.

It wasn't as if the coffee was sub-par, I have had sub par bottles of coffee drink before and I could always finish those if I wanted to, this coffee on the other hand was almost bordering on undrinkable. The best way I could describe the taste is like drinking liquid mud grounded with a hint of coffee and milk, it was bitter, it had a burnt aftertaste which oddly reminds me of homemade popcorn. It took me 2 days to finish a single bottle and I still have another unopened one in the fridge.

The Milk Tea was not as horrible as the Latte despite it not being the Signature drink, it tasted like Lipton Tea with Milk, that's essentially what it taste like, so I was able to enjoy it but I will not go out of my way to actually look for them again, it was alright, but I can get much better milk tea at Koi and Gong Cha, plus they were priced at $2.80 per bottle, that's pretty expensive... that's almost the same amount I was cheated off at Awfully Chocolate when I was suppose to get a discount for being a DBS Cardholder but the cashier forgot about it and charged me the regular price for a piece of Super Stacked Chocolate Cake.

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