Tuesday 15 December 2015

Remedial Training Again

Had my second RT session on Sunday and this time, I knew what color band I wanted, even went a bit early so it wouldn't go "out of stock", it didn't go out of stock and I was too early. turns out reporting "at least 15 minutes early" for an ICT in the order isn't so much an order, just a suggestion.

When I reached the camp, the earlier session had just finished and the last few guys from that session were just making their way out, most looking relatively dry but some looked like they would stink if enough time were given for their sweat to dry, an assumption I reached when I saw that their t-shirt collars were a shade darker than the rest of their clothes.

I wasn't the frist to reach the camp, there were a few other guys just sitting around, but luckily for me, the moment I reached was the moment the counter opened up for registration, so I just joined the queue, had my temperature taken and registered myself, this time knowing what color tag I wanted.

Got my red tag, placed my bag in the lockers, made sure to remember the locker number and set my passcode. I actually took the same locker as I did the last time I went for my RT, my bag probably felt right at home, snuggled up in that same locker it was stuck in 5 days prior.

Waited at the waiting area for about 5 to 10 minutes and my colour tag was called. I was actually quite shock when I realized there were only 5 of us who took the red colour tag, I thought it would be a popular choice but apparently, people were more interested in training up their static stations than in their running. So the five of us followed the instructor into the 2.4km station and we waited as more started coming in, I think by the time we hit around 10 people, the instructor was more than ready to begin and we started doing our warm-ups.

When we completed our warm-up, people were still coming in, so much for me coming early to get a red tag, and I'm sure those guys who came in after the warm up didn't "report at least 15 minutes earlier", they probably reported 15 minutes later.

We did a total of 4 rounds of 400 m in the first part of the exercise, which was surprisingly not too physically demanding for me, the usual blacking out did not happen, it always happens when I start running after taking a very long hiatus from running, and I wasn't catching my breath dramatically when I completed the first 1.6 km, it was exhausting for sure, but I was still able to maintain my expression and not look like I'm hyperventilating.

And then we were asked to run another 3 rounds, or so I thought. I started off at a comfortable pace for the second part of the run, making sure to maintain my speed during the first round so I would have enough energy for the second round and then just burst for the final round. As I was completing my first round, I realize those who were running in front of me exiting off the running track after the first run,which was extremely confusing. Turns out we only had to do 1 round, take a 5 minute break, and then do the 2nd round, followed by another 5 minute break before we do the final round.

I started at the back of the group for the 2nd round and was told by the instructor to...

"Use your long legs to run."

So I double-checked with him if we only had to run a single round, and when he gave me a nod, I sprint the remaining distance. It was very satisfying to overtake almost everyone, but at that same time, I felt like an asshole who's trying to show off , which was horrible, and I really had nothing to show off for because by the time we had to do the final round, I was all out of energy and was back to my normal running speed, the instructor from earlier told me to give it my all and I gave it my all.... during my second round. It's so stupid, I should have sprinted at the last round instead of showing off at the wrong timing, what an idiot.

When we were done with the running portion, there was an upper body strength training, it was very similar to my first RT experience, without the medicine ball and kettlebell weights, but with the added exhaustion from the combined 2.4km run. Push Ups and Crunches were done in an attempt by the training instructor to give us a well rounded body exercise, which was very different from the last instructor who just wanted everything to be done quickly and efficiently.

Compared to the run, the upper body strength training was relatively simple and after 10 minutes of repeated push ups and crunches, we did our cool down and went our desperate ways. I made sure to take a quick shower before leaving because I was drenched in sweat, it's been a while since I've gotten so sweaty so it was a nice feeling.

When I left the camp and was walking towards the bus stop, I actually saw my bus arriving at the stop and normally, if I am walking towards the bus and facing the bus driver, I would make a run for it, if the driver isn't an asshole, he would wait for me, but I was so exhausted from the running I just didn't feel like running after it, even though it was probably just 20 to 30 meters in front of me.

It's ridiculous how lazy I was at that time because the next bus would only arrive in 18 minutes. I did not wait 18 whole minutes for the next bus and took another one instead, only to realize it turns the wrong way 3 stops later. What would have been a quick 15 to 20 minutes ride home had I just decided to make a run for the first bus ended up taking me close to an hour.

As of right now, my legs are still sore, in a good way, my stomach is sore, in a good way as well, except when I have to sneeze, that's when it hurts, and I am going to take that soreness as a valid reason to let my muscles recuperate and take my next RT session next Sunday instead of booking one of the weekdays slot.

I'm just actually enjoying my remedial training oddly enough because it gives me a valid reason to actually go and exercise, not that I would be okay with squeezing in 20 sessions within the next 3 months before my window closes, but it feels good to not be living life like a complete couch potato.

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