Monday 28 September 2015

Haze 2.0

The haze has been getting pretty bad this past few weeks, in fact, this is the first time I've actually gotten sick because of the haze. Was having a dry cough for 2 whole weeks, just continuously coughing non-stop.

The last time the haze was this bad was 2 years ago, right after I ORD from the army, it was bad but I never really got sick. I also remember that was when Indonesia officials started to chastise Singaporeans, calling us childish for complaining so much about the haze, that is wasn't their fault the wind decided to blow the smoke from their country over to our side.

You'd think they would have gotten a bit wiser but no, this time their Vice President decided to share his opinion on the matter of the haze, twice, and not about the haze issue but the negative reaction they've been getting because of it.

The first time in March when he essentially called us ungrateful for complaining about the haze, that we should be grateful for 11 months of clear skies and thank them for it.

Where in his head did he come up with that logic? What the fuck are you talking about?

It just amazes me that someone of his level of intelligence can actually become a Vice President of a country because not so recently, he came up with another statement, this time having this to say to Singapore...

"Singapore, please come if you want to help. Don't just talk," 

Right after Singapore offered it's help but was turned down by The Forestry and Environment Minister, whose reply was as such....

Not only unapologetic about the haze, but extremely ungrateful about the help that was offered but rejected by one of his ministers, that he apparently was not aware of. And the way he ask us to help is so infuriating, it's like the help we are offering them is some kind of huge favor they are allowing us to us do, it's as if he expects us to go up to his feet, kiss it and say...

"Oh great and wise vice president, we are eternally grateful for you allowing us this amazing opportunity to enter your haze infested country and help clear the haze for you so everyone in SEA affected by the haze can breath normally and not have to wear a face mask or cough every 20 seconds, even though the fault lies completely in your country and we are just the innocent bystanders who got affected by it because we have the unfortunate fate of being being so close to you guys."

That's like a a pest control company going up to a house that has been infested with rats and thanking the owners for allowing them the privilege of cleaning out the house for them for free.

Or walking up to your neighbors house and thanking the sick child, who's been spreading his life threatening disease around the neighborhood, for the last 5 good years your child was able to get growing up before patient zero decided to spread his life threatening disease around and infecting your kid, leaving him with only a month to live.

It doesn't make sense because you don't get to claim credit for something you are not responsible for, like the clear air we had the past 11 months, if anyone should be thanked for that clean air, it should be mother nature for deciding not to shoot down lightning bolts to strike the forest and cause it to catch fire, if we are following the VP's flawed logic that is.

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