Saturday 18 July 2015

5 Inch

Headed down to Phoon Huat today to get some baking supplies.

Bought myself two 5 inch cake pans and some cake boards. After gathering the items I needed, I decided to head to the food coloring aisle to take a look at some decorating items before paying for my items.

As I was browsing through the food colouring options, I heard this woman asking her friend which colour was which and the person wasn't really replying, so I didn't really take much notice, but as I backed away, I caught a glimpse of the woman and realize she looked really familiar, so I inched forward to take a look at the person she was talking to and lo and behold, it was my bakery colleague, the one I bitched and moaned about a few post back. We met up again after that horrible get together and it went alright, so our last encounter wasn't an unpleasant experience.

When I saw his face, I noticed he was looking straight ahead as if trying to avoid eye contact with me, and normally in this situation, if I were to see someone I wasn't necessarily close to, someone like him for example, I would be doing to same thing, avoiding eye contact and looking as anonymous as possible, but I knew it was too late to do that "pretend I never see you" act when my curiosity got the better of me and I inched forward to take a closer look at him, so I started waving my hand at his face to grab his attention.

He did not look or sound surprised when he saw me greeting him because he knew I was there all along but just didn't feel the need to say Hi and I don't blame him really because we are not close, his wife looks at me and after realizing I wasn't someone she knew personally, just returned to what she was doing and left her husband and me alone.

We didn't really talk much when his wife walked away, it was a short conversation, if it can even be considered a conversation...

Him : "What are you doing here? You live nearby?"

Me : "Nah, I drove here."

Him: " Oh. What are you getting? Going to make cake?"

Me: "Yeah, I made buttercream yesterday so I'm here to get some supplies for my cake."

Him: "Oh!"

And that was it, after that, I just went back to looking at the food coloring bottles and slowly inched away from him and when he walked to a different aisle, I went to straight to the counter to pay for my item so I could quickly leave the place and not have to run into him again at a different section of the shop.

Walked back to the car after paying for my items, threw the baking supplies in the back seat, locked the door and headed towards Clementi Mall to get some bubble tea and snacks for my Mum and Sister. As I was on my way back to the car after getting the food and drinks, I run into him and his wife again and I did the same shit, I waved at his face again, but luckily this time we were both walking in opposite direction, so it was a split second exchange, which more than enough for us to "catch up and talk" before things got awkward.

Got back home and did my baking and here is what I made....

5 Inch Nutella Chocolate Cake

It was alright taste wise, but I'm impressed by how not shitty it looks. I mean it looks decent. My frosting skills have definitely improved, although it did take me roughly 20 minutes to frost the cake, but at least it's not a wobbly mess of crumbs and shit.

Another thing I'm impressed with is this...

We Can't Stop Stop Stop *korean word* Party Time!

I was able to view the new SNSD  Party music video before it hit the 301+ view counts. It's really nothing to brag about but I just thought it was impressive that I managed to see a single digit view count on the official SNSD music video.

Achievement Unlocked!

I was camping on the SMTOWN Youtube Channel, constantly hitting the refresh button until they uploaded the video. So I actually managed to watch the video literally seconds after it was uploaded, I'm not crazy though, I'm not refreshing the video every day ,7 days a week until it hits 20 million views because I have more important stuff to do, like playing this new MMO called Skyforge.

It's been a while since I have found a decent MMO to play. I played TROVE and I lost interest in that game pretty quickly after Skyforge was released, so now I spend most of my time playing Skyforge and so far, it's been quite entertaining but I doubt that interest will last long if I'm playing it alone.

I have also recently received a letter from the Army congratulating me on being awarded the $100 SAF Family Recogniton Voucher, which is great and all, except there's no $100 voucher in the letter, no code for me to use, no log in credentials for me to log in so I can claim my prize, just a letter congratulating me and a pamphlet that doesn't offer any proper instructions on how to claim my voucher.

The pamphlet instructs me to enter their website, log in, claim my prize and check out. I can't log in because I have no log-in credentials. So either someone in SAF fucked up or this is some elaborate puzzle I have to solve.

Hmmm.... Fucked Up or Elaborate Puzzle?

I'm not batman, so I'm gonna go with fucked up. I also can't be bothered to call up, so fuck all.

Just received the SMS with my log-in credentials.

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